By: Tara Davey
Dive Reports – November 2021
Take a look at our dive reports from November 2021! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in November 2021. Dive Reports November 2021 - Table of Contents: 2nd November 2021 4th November 2021 5th November 2021 6th November 2021 7th November 2021 10th…
By: Tara Davey
Jetty Dive is Advanced Ecotourism Certified!
Jetty Dive is Advanced Ecotourism Certified! - Table of Contents: IntroductionA year on...What is Ecotourism Australia's Certification program?What are the levels of Eco Tourism Certifications?Nature TourismEcotourismAdvanced Ecotourism What does Advanced Ecotourism Certification mean to Jetty Dive?What does this mean for our customers?What is the process to get Eco Certified? Introduction Woohoo, Jetty Dive is Advanced Ecotourism Certified!…
By: Tara Davey
Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Zebra Lionfish
Welcome to Tara’s Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara’s favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park.Today’s fave fish is the Zebra Lionfish – Dendrochirus ZebraThe gorgeous Lionfish! The Zebra Lionfish is relatively common in the Solitary Islands Marine Park, but not as common as the Common Lionfish. We determined that this was…
By: Tara Davey
Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Orange Basslett
Welcome to Tara’s Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara’s favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park.Today’s fave fish is the Orange Basslett (or fairy basslett) – Pseudanthias squamipinnisThese fish definitely catch the eye! The ones pictured are female, and the male are a darker purple colour. They're aundant at the islands, can…
By: Tara Davey
Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Girdled Scalyfin (Girdled Parma)
Welcome to Tara’s Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara’s favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park.Today’s fave fish is the Girdled Scalyfin, which we know more commonly as Girdled Parma – Parma unifasciataThese fish are actually not a favorite of mine at all, but "Tara's most annoying fish friday" doesn't quite have…
By: Tara Davey
Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Old Wifes
Welcome to Tara’s Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara’s favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park.Today’s fave fish is the Old Wife – Enoplosus ArmatusThese fish are really close to my heart! We see them on most dives at the Solitary Islands cruising about, almost always in a pair, and sometimes but…
By: Tara Davey
Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Barrier Reef Anenome Fish
Welcome to Tara's Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara's favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park.Today's fave fish is the Barrier Reef Anenome Fish - Amphiprion akindynos These little guys are a regular at the Solitary Islands Marine Park! We are very lucky to have a lovely mix of tropical and subtropical fish…
By: Tara Davey
Dive Reports – October 2021
Take a look at our dive reports from October 2021! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in October 2021. Dive Reports October 2021 - Table of Contents: 2nd October 20213rd October 20214th October 20215th October 20217th Octboer 20219th October 2021 10th October 202116th…
By: Tara Davey
Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Gunther’s Butterflyfish
Welcome to Tara's Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara's favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Today's fave fish is the Gunther's Butterflyfish - Chaetodon Guentheri. These cuties are often found in the Solitary Islands Marine Park. They're a tropical but cold-water species, which makes the Dive Sites we see them at…