Category: Local Dive Report
By: Teagan Anderson
6th November 2024-Barney
Before the wind picks up a bit tomorrow, SoWild managed to get a trip out to South Solitary for a double dive with a boat full of keen divers! Upon arrival, the water looked quite blue and there was minimal surface current, allowing divers to get in again at the top end of the island. Dive…
By: Teagan Anderson
5th November 2024- Lots of Sharks!
Today's forecast was looking promising for a double dive. SoWild headed out with minimal wind and enjoyed blowing some bubbles at South Solitary! With predominately a Southern wind blowing through, we were able to tie up on the North Side of the Island and saw lots of Shark Action! Dive one saw some of our more…
By: Teagan Anderson
2nd November 2024- Swimming pool or ocean?
We had the big boat packed and laoded today, ready to venture out towards Souht Solitary for a sweet double dive! The light presented itself with dreamy conditons, up to 30 metres vis and minimal current or surface chop! Shark Gutters was the ideal option for the first dive, where a cruisey drift from Shark Gutters…
By: Teagan Anderson
28th october 2024- First Hammerheads of the Season
With a massive lull in the weather forecast, low winds and small swell called our boat, "So Wild", out to South Solitary Island. We were presented with lovely conditions! The little wind and swell accompanied with minimal to no current made all dive sites very appealing to us! We jumped in the water at Shark Gutters…
By: Mike Davey
27th October 2024- Surprising good Sunday
Today was forecast to be quite windy, but we stuck with the dive and conditions turned out quite nice, with little wind. Swell was up, and coming from the south, so the Northern end was the best spot to dive. Visibility was very good considering the swell, and the water was a nice 20.9. First dive…
By: Teagan Anderson
24th October 2024-Barney Says hello to NVCC Schoolkids
SoWild made the most of todays flat seas before the Southerly rolled in and made for a bit of mess! We shot out nice and early towards South Solitary Island to enjoy two beautiful dives this morning! Everyone enjoyed a bit of whale watching on our way out, as the season has now come to a…
By: Teagan Anderson
23rd October 2024- Hump Day Dive
So Wild took advantage of the beautiful weather we had this morning and ventured out for a double dive at South Solitary Island! Surface conditions were a it choppy but the water was blue, clear, and beautiful! With a nice mix of students and certified divers, everyone decided to jump in at the Gantry for the…
By: Tara Davey
12th October 2024 – South and Split Saturday
With rougher surface conditions today we took out a boat of our more experienced divers to get out in the water and see some calm below the surface! For our first dive at South Solitary, our divers dropped in to Manta Arch. There was plenty to see with around 10 Grey Nurse Sharks in the arch.…
By: Teagan Anderson
8th October 2024- Beautiful Visibility today
Before the winds picked up, SoWild had an early and quick morning packing up and shooting out to South Solitary for amazing doube dives! We arrived to some fantastic visibilitiy- so good you could see the bottom of the mooring from the surface at Manta Arch! Dive one saw divers dropping in at Manta Arch. Lots…