Win big by entering jetty dive’s mega-may photo competition

Win big by entering jetty dive’s mega-may photo competition

To celebrate the launch of our brand new website, Jetty Dive is hosting a photo competition throughout May 2022 with big prize offerings for avid divers. Interested? Keep reading. With the mastery of local Coffs Harbour small business Coast Studios, we have been working very hard on the brand new look After bringing in our…

What you need to know about the new Suunto d5 2022 update

What you need to know about the new Suunto d5 2022 update

What you need to know about the new Suunto d5 2022 update - Table of Contents: Introduction Why should I pick a Suunto d5 computer? What is in the suunto d5 update? How do I update my Suunto d5 dive computer? 1. Sync your dives with the Suunto App! 2. Download SuuntoLink 3. Plug in your…

Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – White-Eyed Moray

Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – White-Eyed Moray

Welcome to Tara’s Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara’s favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park.Today’s fave fish is the White-Eyed Moray - Gymnothorax thyrsoideus.It's a very special Tara's Fish Friday today because is my birthday! These guys are one of my big time, top of the list, absolute-favorite-faves, and the video…

Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Three Spot Damsel

Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Three Spot Damsel

Welcome to Tara’s Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara’s favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Today’s fave fish is the Three Spot Damsel - Dascyllus trimaculatus Everywhere in the Solitary Islands Marine Park! They like to stick around hard corals, and anenomes. These guys seem a little startled by me! Can…

Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Stars-and-stripes Puffer

Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Stars-and-stripes Puffer

Welcome to Tara’s Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara’s favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Today’s fave fish is the Stars-and-Stripes Puffer/Stars and Stripes Toadfish - Arothron hispidus The Juvenile of this puffer are so cute! We tend to see them quite often throughout the Solitary Islands Marine Park. They eat…

Jetty Dive is Advanced Ecotourism Certified!

Jetty Dive is Advanced Ecotourism Certified!

Jetty Dive is Advanced Ecotourism Certified! - Table of Contents: IntroductionA year on...What is Ecotourism Australia's Certification program?What are the levels of Eco Tourism Certifications?Nature TourismEcotourismAdvanced Ecotourism What does Advanced Ecotourism Certification mean to Jetty Dive?What does this mean for our customers?What is the process to get Eco Certified? Introduction Woohoo, Jetty Dive is Advanced Ecotourism Certified!…

Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Zebra Lionfish

Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Zebra Lionfish

Welcome to Tara’s Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara’s favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park.Today’s fave fish is the Zebra Lionfish – Dendrochirus ZebraThe gorgeous Lionfish! The Zebra Lionfish is relatively common in the Solitary Islands Marine Park, but not as common as the Common Lionfish. We determined that this was…

Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Orange Basslett

Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Orange Basslett

Welcome to Tara’s Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara’s favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park.Today’s fave fish is the Orange Basslett (or fairy basslett) – Pseudanthias squamipinnisThese fish definitely catch the eye! The ones pictured are female, and the male are a darker purple colour.  They're aundant at the islands, can…

Tara’s Fave Fish Friday –  Girdled Scalyfin (Girdled Parma)

Tara’s Fave Fish Friday – Girdled Scalyfin (Girdled Parma)

Welcome to Tara’s Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara’s favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park.Today’s fave fish is the Girdled Scalyfin, which we know more commonly as Girdled Parma – Parma unifasciataThese fish are actually not a favorite of mine at all, but "Tara's most annoying fish friday" doesn't quite have…

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Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations