Take a look at our dive reports form December 2014! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in December 2014.

Table of Contents:

22nd December 2014 – Cobalt Blue Water at South Solitary Island!

South Solitary Island lived up to it’s reputation today boasting crystal clear 25 degree water! The northern end of the island was buzzing with life! Schools of Tarwhine and Goatfish engulfed our divers as they watched the Grey Nurse and Black Cod hovering in the current. Spots available on tomorrows boat, who wants to come diving??

Conditions Report

Beautiful on top!

  • Temp 24-25C
  • Vis 25m

23rd December 2014 – Hammerhead action!!!

Hammerheads were the highlight today at Manta Arch. Up till then, We were astounded by the 20 Grey Nurse sharks surrounding us at the Arch gutter!
The Hammerheads were mid-water above the arch when we first spotted them, but were seen another 3 times during the dive.
Visibility was great as so was the 25c water temp. Dive 2 had it’s highlights too, but couldn’t match the Shark action.

Conditions Report
  • Very flat and calm
  • Temperature: 25°C
  • Visibility: 25-30m

Dive Report by Lindsay

School of spread out Hammer Head Sharks at South Solitary Island 23 December 2014 by Jetty Dive

24th December 2014 – Hammer Heads and Turtle Rescue!!!

Santa switched on all the special effects today for an amazing Christmas Eve dive at South Solitary Island!!
Hammer Head Sharks were seen again today at Manta Arch and South Boulder on the second dive. There were also around 10 Grey Nurse Sharks up the top end!!
Nudibranchs, Bullrays, Moorish Idols, Sweep, Eagle Rays, some very healthy Snapper in The Gap and loads of Turtles were just some of the life seen today.
This Green Sea Turtle that Lindsay (in his santa suit) found had a bag really tight around his/her neck!! Lindsay bought it up to the boat where Andrew joined in on the rescue, very lucky as it was close to cutting into its neck..Job well done such a good feeling.
Amazing day and Merry Christmas too everyone!!!!

Conditions Report

  • A little choppy on the surface
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 20-25m

Dive Report by Lindsay

3 Spotted Sweetlips at South Solitary Island, one in centre of the frame with two behind. In a rocky area with a sandy bottom.
Spotted Sweetlips

26 December 2014 – Boxing Day Diving!

Soooooo much to see at South Solitary Island today. The top end was pumping with life! Lots of Grey Nurse Sharks, Black Cod, Sweetlip, Big Kingfish and masses of schooling Tarwhine! The northerly current provided the perfect conditions for a drift dive from Shark Gutters to the Gantry!

Conditions Report:
  • Slight chop on top today.
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: Varied dramatically from 5m -15m

Dive Report by Lindsay

29th December 2014 – Summer Diving

What a day of diving! The northern end of South Solitary Island was exploding with life! The Cleaner Station cave was packed full of Grey Nurse Sharks while the Boulder Wall was alive with Schooling fish!

Conditions Report:
  • Nice on top today!
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Grey Nurse Shark 2 South Solitary Island 29 December 2014 by Jetty Dive
Grey Nurse Shark (L Devery 2014)

A Grey Nurse Shark with several feeder fish on top, with the boat and sunlight visible in the top of the water
Grey Nurse Shark below Wild Fin

30th December 2014 – Crystal Waters for End of Year Diving!!!!

Yet another spectacular day out at South Solitary Island!!
With the clear, warm water that is back we have had sightings of HAMMER HEADS on both the morning and afternoon trips!! Our divers also seen about 8 Grey Nurse Sharks up the top end, Turtles, Huge Wobbygongs, Bullrays, Black Cod, Snapper and much much more.
This is our second day with double trips and it has been amazing!!
Get Amongst it to start 2015 off with a BANG!!!!

Conditions Report
  • Beautiful
  • Temp 23C
  • Vis 20m

Dive Report by Lindsay

31st December 2014 – New Years Eve Diving at South Solitary Island!

No better way to spend the last day of 2014 than under the water at South Solitary Island! The top end was buzzing with life! Our Divers swam with a dozen or so Grey Nurse Sharks, Black Cod, Lionfish, Schooling Tarwhine, Scooter the Shovel Nose Ray and a huge Spanish Dancer who was giving a ride to a tiny shrimp!

  • SW Breeze making it a little lumpy on top today!
  • Temp 22C
  • Vis 15-20m

Dive Report by Andy

Grey Nurse Shark at South Solitary Island 31 December 2014 by Jetty Dive
Grey Nurse Shark

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations