Take a look at our dive reports from December 2019! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in December 2019.

Dive Reports December 2019 – Table of Contents:

1st December 2019 – Advanced Divers get Full Experience with Grey Nurse Sharks

The conditions today were much better which made a smoother trip out to South Solitary Island.
Dive one had the Advanced Open Water students and certified divers in at Manta Arch to complete their Deep adventure dive down to 28-30m while the others jumped in at Cleaner Station to explore one of our best dive sites.
Dive two was a one way swim from Cleaner Station down to South Boulder, while the Advanced Open Water students completed their Navigation dive the certified divers got amongst the vast marine life on the northern end of South Solitary Island, there was lots of Grey Nurse Sharks, Nudibranchs, Blackcod, Octopus, Slipper Lobsters, Fake Stonfish, Butterly Fish and much more!!!
There was reports of a Hammer Head sighting but ….No photo No sighting!!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 10m-12m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Grey Nurse Sharks LD
Grey Nurse Sharks (L Devery 2018)


2nd December 2019 – Diving two Solitary Islands today

A pleasant trip out to South Solitary Island changed with a wind change to rough conditions after doing our first dive. Dive 1 ended up at Buchanan’s Wall with cleaner conditions compared to the northern end. As it turned out, we had only 6 to 8 metres vis, but still had some nice diving. A nice Pipefish was spotted on the deep dive and a few Wobbegongs in the shallower One Wobbe got a bit friendly and briefly latched onto a divers wetsuit before releasing and swimming away 🙂
Dive 2 ended up at Split Solitary island and worked out to be a better site with 10-15 mtrs vis. Lots of Bullseyes and Surgeonfish milling around whilst our Advanced diver found their objects on the search and recovery dive.
Congratulations to Sam, Megan and Fauziah in completing their PADI Advanced Course.
A NIGHT DIVE is planned for this Wednesday night with a few spots left if you are keen!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 6m-15m

Dive Report by Mike

3rd December 2019 – More December Dives!

Today, 3rd December 2019, we took out 2 Wild with a boat of divers to the Solitary Islands, and experienced lovely conditions towards the top end of South Solitary Island.
Our first dive this morning was at Shark Gutters. As the conditions were not super clear, we saw plenty of marine life – they tend to come out and play when the visibility is lower! Among the Grey Nurse’s we saw wobbegongs, some bull rays, damsel fish of various types, lionfish, and a Spanish dancer.
We took our regular surface interval before descending back underwater. Dive number two was Shark Gutters to South Boulder, a drift dive.
Along the Boulder Wall, we saw more Grey Nurse Sharks. There were some goatfish on this dive, along with Green Sea Turtles, Wobbegongs, and some more bullrays.
Thank you to Steven Jukes for the Lionfish picture!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report by Tara

Lionfish sitting in coral
Lionfish (S Jukes 3rd Dec 2019)

Grey Nurse Shark and Diver at South Solitary Island
Grey Nurse Shark and Diver Phoebe at South Solitary Island (D Slater 5th Dec 2019)

5th December 2019 – Vis on the improve!

Calm seas made for a great trip to South Solitary Island this morning. Arriving at the island we were pleased to see that the visibility had improved overnight. Plenty to see at Shark Gutters on dive one including 12 or more grey nurse sharks, turtles, black cod, lionfish and lots of nudibranches. Dive two was spent enjoying the life on the boulder wall. Huge schools of tarwhine, trevally, goatfish and bullseyes made for an action packed dive!
Thanks to Dylan for the picture of a Grey Nurse with Phoebe today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Deb

7th December 2019 – Grey Nurse Galore!

Navigating through this mornings thick smoke, we made our way to South Solitary for two action packed dives. While there was a lot to see on dive one, the grey nurse sharks stole the show with at least twenty sharks spotted aggregating in the gutter behind Manta Arch. Sheltering from the fresh southerly breeze dive two was spent enjoying Shark Gutters and the Boulder Wall. Turtles, bull rays, nudibranches, box fish and more grey nurse made up the highlights on this dive.
Congratulations to Karl on completing his PADI Open Water Course today!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Tara

Grey nurse shark in top left corner of image with diver below
Paul with Grey Nurse

Grey Nurse at Cleaner Station
Grey Nurse at Cleaner Station

8th December 2019 – Discover Scuba Divers mix with Grey Nurse Sharks

The skies were clearing, and the water looked inviting out at South Solitary Island.
Both dives today were up the northern end at Shark Gutters and Boulder Wall and the visibility had cleared up a lot, the abundance of life today was crazy with Grey Nurse Sharks, Bullrays, Orangutan Crabs, Schools of Sweep and Bullseyes.
On the second dive we had more Grey Nurse Sharks, Spanish Dancers, Blue lipped Anemone fish and some huge Black Cod.
Congratulations to Narelle, Rod, Tanya and Katie who all completed the Discover Scuba Diving experience today and had a blast!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-21°C
  • Visibility: 15m-18m

Dive Report by Tara

11th December 2019 – Wobbegong Wednesday!

Today, 11th December 2019, we headed out with a full boat to South Solitary Islands for our dive trip.

Dive one was at Shark Gutters, which once again lived entirely up to its name. There was heaps of Grey Nurse Sharks, Wobbegongs, and even an Octopus. Some Blue Tangs, some Red Rock Cod Fish (Scorpion Fish), some Great Barrier Reef Anenome Fish, and a bunch of Nudibranchs.

For our second dive, we dived from Shark Gutters to South Boulder. There were a heap of fish on this dive – more Red Rock Cod Fish (Scorpion Fish), a Moon Wrasse, Black Cod, King fish, Blue Groupers, and some red morwongs lazing about. We saw a sleepy Green Sea Turtle underneath a rock, heaps more Wobbegongs, and plenty more sharks – at least 6 Grey Nurse Sharks in one spot towards the end. There was even more Nudibranchs on this dive, with some in our dive photo for the day – Can you spot them? Picture was taken by Deb!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 10m-12m

Dive Report by Tara

two yellow nudibranches on rocky surface with blue water behind
Two yellow Nudibranches (D Davey December 2019)


12th December 2019 – Certified Master Scuba Diver

2Wild full of keen divers we zipped out to South Solitary Island to blow some bubbles.
Dive one had the Deep and Advanced divers get in at Manta Arch while the Open Water Divers got in at Cleaner Station, they had plenty of Grey Nurse Sharks, Octopus, Moray Eels, and Nudibranchs everywhere.
Once the soup, tea and coffee was consumed Dive two was decided to go down Boulder wall and back to Shark Gutters. There was still a few Grey Nurse Sharks around, Bullrays, Turtles, Wobbegongs, Slipper Lobsters and much more.
Huge Congratulations to Jarad Pleasence who has been diving with us for the past month slowly building dives and PADI Specialties, Jarad completed 5 specialty dives to then apply to become a PADI Master Scuba Diver, the highest Recreational PADI Diver!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°c
  • Visibility: 10m-12m

Dive Report by Tara

15th December 2019 – Clear Skies at South Solitary Island

Two boats full of divers headed out to South Solitary today, 2 Wild had the certified divers on board, Wildfin was full of students.
All the dives were at the top end of the island, Turtles, Bullrays, Lion fish, Hermit Crabs, Grey Nurse Sharks, were all seen on dive one.
After morning tea all divers dropped in on Cleaner Station And Shark Gutters with another exciting dive, one group of divers were lucky enough to spot a small school of Hammerhead Sharks in our secret spot.
The students got in amongst the Grey Nurse Sharks, schools of Tarwhine, Blue Fusiliers, and a couple of small Turtles were sighted.
Todays pic is file footage.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Mike

School of spread out Hammer Head Sharks at South Solitary Island 23 December 2014 by Jetty Dive
Hammer Head Sharks (D Davey 2014)

Old wives swimming in a small school
Old Wives

16th December 2019 – Monday at South Solitary

Today on the 16th December 2019, we took out 2Wild to South Solitary Island. Both dives were conducted at the top end of the island, hiding from the forecasted southerly wind.
Dive one was at Cleaner Station. All of our divers dropped down into an abundance of marine life, including our beloved Grey Nurse Sharks, Slipper lobsters, Moray eels, Black cod, and a Bull ray was spotted swimming past our student divers!
We took our surface interval, and all our divers were keen to get back in at Cleaner Station for dive 2. Yet again an amazing dive, with even more Grey Nurses, turtles, schools of tarwhine and bullseyes. We also saw some Old Wifes, which are today’s dive report image!
Congratulations to our students who were certified as PADI Open Water Divers! Congratulations to Kaylee, Peter, Aiden, Kathryn, and James.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Mike

18th December 2019- The Diving is getting very Summery!

The two dives today were at the northern end of South Solitary Island, and felt like summer was finally here. A lovely 22c and was alive with fish. Heaps of Wobbegongs were about, a few Grey Nurse Sharks were cruising around, again a bunch of Old Wives and some big Black Cod. Along with clouds of Bullseyes, they saw a Spanish Dancer and played with a curious Octopus.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Mike

Spanish Dancer by Jetty Dive
Spanish Dancer by Jetty Dive

Grey Nurse at Shark Gutters
Grey Nurse at Shark Gutters

20th December 2019 – Friday at Shark Gutters!

Today, on the 20th December 2019 we headed out on 2wild for a double dive!
Both of our dives were at different parts of shark gutters. Our divers saw plenty of Grey Nurse Sharks and wobbegongs – one big wobbeygong was even blocking the entry of our “swim through”! There were storms of schooling tarwhine, a bull ray, and an octopus. We saw a black cod, an octopus, and a spanish dancer along with trumpet fish and anemone fish. Some of our divers also spotted a turtle! It was a beautiful at South Solitary, with plenty of fish life all around.
Congratulations to David, Sean, and Carl for completing their PADI Open Water Diver Course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 10m

Dive Report by Tara

21st December 2019 – Summertime diving at the Solitaries!

Calm sea conditions and clear water made for some excellent diving at South Solitary Island today. Slipping in at Buchanan’s Wall for dive one, our divers were inundated with life. Turtles, black cod, lionfish and some cheeky clown fish were just some of the highlights on this dive. Dive number two was spent searching for grey nurse sharks which we found in the back gutter of Manta Arch. A lone hammerhead was spotted here too! More turtles, schooling tarwhine, lots of wobbegongs and egg cowries were also seen on this dive!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m (25m at Gantry)

Dive Report by Mike

Grey Nurse Sharks Grey Nurse Sharks - Manta Arch Dive Site, Solitary Islands by Jetty Dive
Grey Nurse Sharks – Manta Arch Dive Site, Solitary Islands by Jetty Dive

Mantis Shrimp on rocks at South Solitary Island 25 July 2015 by Jetty Dive
Mantis Shrimp at South Solitary Island 25 July 2015 by Jetty Dive

23rd December 2019 – Double Boats to South Solitary island


Wildfin and 2Wild loaded up and steamed out to South Solitary Island this morning!! The northern end of the island was the pick as the southerly wind was still blowing through.
Lots to see underwater on both dives today including Black Cod, Bullrays, Eagle Rays, Grey Nurse Sharks, Moray Eels, Popcorn Shrimp, Turtles and a very sneaky Mantis Shrimp near the third gutter.
Photo was not taken from today.
Visibility 12-15m
Temp 21C

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 12m-15m

Dive Report by Mike

24th December 2019 – Blowing Bubbles on Xmas eve

Christmas Eve diving bought a lot of fun and excitement during our dives this morning at South Solitary Island.
Dive one was at Buchanan’s Wall and dive two was up the northern end and a drift to The Gantry.
While some of our staff members were in the festive mood and rocked the Santa hats under water everyone else was exploring and having a blast.
Grey Nurse Sharks, Wobbegongs, Slipper Lobsters, Nudibranchs, Lionfish, Blue Groupers, swimming Bullrays, Scorpion Leaf Fish and a cute little Abbotts Moray found by Mark.
Congratulations to Julia, Nieve, Steve, Matthew and Tom who all become PADI Open Water Divers today and to Tilly who finished her PADI Advanced Open Water Course.
Temp 21c
Vis 15-20m

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature:
  • Visibility:

Dive Report by Lindsay

Moray Eel (M Shepherd 24th Dec 2019)
Moray Eel (M Shepherd 24th Dec 2019)

Diver Nicole and Blue Lipped Anenome fish
Diver Nicole and Blue Lipped Anenome fish

26th December 2019 – 25m Visibility for Boxing Day Divers

The visibility at South Solitary Island is getting better by the day with a solid 25-30m this morning.
Dive one was at Buchanan’s Wall, we had a beautiful Leaf Scorpion Fish perched on some blue sponge high on the wall and a large Green Sea Turtle come check out the divers.
Morning tea was served for the surface interval and the Drift from the top end to The Gantry was decided for dive two, with an easy and relaxing glide down boulder wall in the current everyone spoke highly of the dive!! We had Black Cod, Mantis Shrimp, Kingfish, Octopus, Moray Eels, Blue Lipped Anemone’s, Bullray’s and more turtles near Five Metre Rock.
Congratulations to Nicole who finished her PADI Open Water Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°c-22°C
  • Visibility: 25m-30m

Dive Report by Mike

27th December 2019 – Friday Ray Day

Today, on the 27th December 2019, was a beautiful day at South Solitary. Today’s first dive was at Buchanan’s wall, with both boats mooring up. We saw a beautiful Leaf Scorpion Fish, slipper crayfish, Black Cod, and multiple octopus, among beautiful fish life.
After a pleasant surface interval and morning tea, both boats went to the top end of the island, dropping in at Cleaner Station for a drift dive to The Gantry.
In this dive we spotted some lovely Grey Nurse Sharks, Lionfish, schooling Tarwhine, Blue Fusiliers. It was ray day today! We saw Bull Rays, Spotted Rays, and Eagle Rays! In addition to this, there were turtles a plenty. All our divers had a great day!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Tara

Eagle Rays surrounded by fish in blue water at South Solitary Island, Coffs Harbour
Eagle Ray (L Devery 25th Jan 2015)

Seahorse with sandy bottom below
Seahorse – Shark Gutters (S Hill 28th Dec 2019)

28th December 2019- Seahorse found at South Solitary Island

While the surface conditions were on the improve and the sun was beaming down the visibility had dropped from previous days but this didn’t stop our divers!!!
Dive one had Wildfin at Buchanan’s Wall and 2Wild had their divers in up the northern end, we had a Scorpion Leaf Fish at Buchanan’s wall and a huge number of Grey Nurse Sharks around Shark Gutters mooring, Nathan and his divers found the highlight of the day/year with a Seahorse found in 27m of water off Sharks Gutters mooring!!!
Dive two was a drift and lots to see including Bull Rays, Mantis Shrimp, Painted Crayfish, Turtles, Snapper and a beautiful Blue Angelfish.
Photo taken today but Steve Hill from Tamworth

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-21°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report by Lindsay

29th December 2019 – Grey Nurse Sharks are back

Visibility was still down at South Solitary Island today but our divers still managed to find lots of cool marine life on their dives.
Buchanan’s Wall was chosen for dive one and a drift from the top end down Boulder Wall to The Gantry for Dive two, we had Scorpion Leaf Fish, Turtles, Wobbegongs and Nudibranchs at Buchanan’s while the northern end had 6-8 Grey Nurse Sharks at the bottom of the mooring ready to great our divers!! The current was strong and made the drift seem like you were flying we had 3-5 Turtles near The Gap, Blue Tangs, Blue Lipped Anemone Fish, Octopus and more Nudibranchs at Five Metre Rock.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-21°C
  • Visibility: 5m-8m

Dive Report by Mike

Grey Nurse Shark at South Solitary Island 31 December 2014 by Jetty Dive
Grey Nurse Shark (M Davey 2014)

Grey Nurse Shark-shark gutters
Grey Nurse Shark – shark gutters

30th December 2019 – Improved Conditions at Split Solitary

2Wild ventured out to South Solitary Island while Wildfin went to Split Solitary Island, Buchanan’s Wall had the two Leaf Fish again, Turtles, Nudibranch’s and a large Octopus.
The word from Wildfin that the visibility was better closer in was to hard to turn down. Split Solitary had 8-12m Visibility plenty of schooling fish, lots of Wobbegongs having naps in the Plate Coral and 2 juvenile Grey Nurse Sharks on the South Western side of the island.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 8m-12m

Dive Report by Mike

31st December 2019 – Last Dives of 2019

With conditions freshening both Wildfin and 2Wild headed out to Split Solitary for the very last dives of 2019. For the first dive 2Wild’s divers rolled into Turtle Cove and Wildfin’s at Mikes Mooring where our divers saw several juvenile grey nurse, along with a large loggerhead (not Barney), dwarf Lionfish, Nudibranchs, Cuttlefish and a Blind shark.
With a changeover of moorings after the surface interval our divers dropped in again, lots of Nudibranchs, schools of Bullseye Fish, Slipper Lobsters, Pufferfish and some Banded Coral Shrimp.
Congratulations to Tahlia, Harris, Jessica and Isaiha who all finished their PADI Open Water course today.
We hope everyone who has dived with us has a great New Year and Thank you for choosing with us!!
To all the Staff who have helped us throughout the year we greatly appreciate it, we could not operate without you all!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 5m-8m

Dive Report by Mike

Cuttle Fish Split Solitary
Cuttle Fish Split Solitary (L Devery 2019)

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations