Take a look at our dive reports from December 2022! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in December 2022.

Dive Reports December 2022 – Table of Contents:


With the wind and swell finally subsiding 2Wild loaded up with Divers and powered out to South Solitary for some long overdue diving, and the water did not disappoint! As the boat drew nearer to the island the water just got bluer and bluer!

First up our divers rolled into 23° water and 30m visibility at the Gantry, with fishlife everywhere! many Nudibranchs were seen, along with a tiny Painted Anglerfish, Cuttlefish, Golden Egg Cowries, Green Turtles, and a Giant Stingray.

After the Surface interval our divers descended near Cleaner Station, aptly named today because the water was even cleaner at the top end with 40m+ visibility! Our divers then proceeded on a drift dive along Boulder Wall to the Gantry. Along the way Spotted Eagle Rays, Black Cod, and a Thornyback Cowfish were seen.

Congratulations to Letina on finishing her Open Water Diver Course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 30m-40m

Dive Report by Nathan

Nudibranch (N Fripp December 2022)
Nudibranch (N Fripp December 2022)

Little Boxfish (N Fripp December 2022)
Little Boxfish (N Fripp December 2022)

10th December 2022 – Two Island Duo!

Despite the rain we enjoyed two great dives at the Solitaries this morning. Dive one was spent enjoying the sites from Cleaner Station to South Boulder. Amongst the clear blue water, our divers spotted Grey Nurse Sharks, Nudibranchs, Boxfish, Juvenile Emperor Angelfish, plus Green and Hawksbill Turtles.Making our way to Grouper Island for dive two, we were able to get up close with a Queensland Grouper, Spotted Eagle Ray, Clown Triggerfish, Banded Coral Shrimp, Hawksbill Turtles, Cuttlefish and a Mystery Blenny.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 25m

Dive Report by Nathan

11th December 2022 – Split Solitary Splendour

Split Solitary was the Island of choice for today’s dives! Slipping in at Turtle Cove on dive one, our dives swam with a variety of marine life including painted crays, wobbegong sharks, bullrays and schooling sweep!
Keen to do it all again, Mike’s Mooring was the choice for dive two. Lots of schooling fish were spotted congregating within the amphitheater along with many cool nudi’s and a pair of friendly moray eels.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 10m

Dive Report by Andrew

Green and Wh‪ite Eye Moray Eels
Green and Wh‪ite Eye Moray Eels (M Murakami May 2022)

Grey Nurse Shark in Back Gutter (N Fripp December 2022)
Grey Nurse Shark in Back Gutter (N Fripp December 2022)

14TH dECEMBER 2022 – great Vis, great ShARKS, GREAT DIVING!

After a few quiet days this week 2Wild loaded up and cruised on almost glassy water out to South Solitary Island for some long overdue diving!

First up our certified divers dropped in at Manta Arch for a swim to Cleaner Station, whilst our students dropped in at Cleaner Station. 12 large Grey Nurse Sharks were chilling in the arch, with a further 25+ in the Back Gutter, several Nudibranch species were observed, along with Black Cod, Blue Tangs, Dwarf Lionfish and some friendly Batfish.

Dive two saw our divers roll in at Cleaner Station for a drifty-swim to South Boulder. Along the way two more Grey Nurse were seen in the deeper water, more Nudibranchs, various juvenile Boxfish, Green and Hawksbill Turtles.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-22°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Nathan

15th December 2022 – Yellow Mouth Moray at South Solitary Island

We were once again welcomed to South Solitary Island with beautiful clear blue water!
Both dives today were up the northern end of the island due to the southerly wind but we managed to cover a lot of ground and see almost all the things!

Dive one saw our divers drop in at Cleaner Station. Whilst exploring the gutters our divers saw several Nudibranchs, Grey Nurse Sharks, an Orangutan Crab, Batfish and a Yellow Mouth Moray (todays photo courtesy of our instructor Nathan).

For dive two our divers again rolled in at Cleaner Station, this time exploring the water along Boulder Wall, during the dive our divers saw Grey Nurse Sharks, Black Cod, Spotted Eagle Ray, Mimic Filefish, Arrow Gobies and a big male Green Turtle.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-22°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Nathan

Yellow Mouth Moray Shark Gutters (N Fripp December 2022)
Yellow Mouth Moray Shark Gutters (N Fripp December 2022)

Frippo Sunfish (N Fripp December 2022 )
Frippo Sunfish (N Fripp December 2022 )

22nd December 2022 – Sunny day brings out a sunfish at south solitary island!!

After an all too long weather related diving sebatical, Megawild loaded up to the roof with divers and steamed out to South Solitary for some solid diving!

First up our divers rolled in at Buchanan’s Wall; Nudibranchs, juvenile Yellow Boxfish, Mimic Filefish, Wobbegongs, Green Moray, Blue Lipped Anemonefish and an Octopus were amongst the highlights of the dive.

For our second dive our divers dropped in at Cleaner Station for a drift dive to the Gantry, along the way Black Cod, Hawksbill Turtles, Arrow Gobies, Egg Cowries and a surprise Sunfish spotted by our instructor Nathan!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Nathan

23rd december 2022 – Manta and hammerheads at south solitary!

Despite the dark and foreboading weather 2Wild loaded up with divers and headed out to South Solitary for some unexpectedly amazing diving!

First up our divers rolled into crystal clear water at Manta Arch, a Dozen Nurse were seen in the arch, along with a tiny pair of Ornate Ghost Pipefish, a school of Hammerheads were spotted in the distance, 20+ Grey Nurse were seen in the Back Gutter, upon returing to the arch a pair of male Banded Coral Shrimp were seen (and filmed) having a wee disagreement!

For the second dive our divers rolled in at Cleaner Station for a drift to the Gantry. along the way Nudibranchs, a very large Octopus, Black Cod, a Spotted Eagle Ray and a Manta Ray Cruised past one extremely lucky group! (today’s photo, courtesy of our instructor Nathan).

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-22°C
  • Visibility: 25m-30m

Dive Report by Nathan

Oceanic Manta Ray South Boulder - (N Fripp December 2022)
Oceanic Manta Ray South Boulder – (N Fripp December 2022)

Scuba Santa Lindsay 24th January 2022
Scuba Santa Lindsay 24th January 2022

24th December 2022 – Christmas Eve Diving with Turtles and an Oceanic Santa

The morning before Christmas had some amazing conditions at South Solitary Island.
We had both Mega Wild and 2Wild out full of Scuba divers and Snorkellers, between both boats we explored just about all the sites.
There was lots to see including Grey Nurse Sharks, Ghost Pipefish, Eagle Rays, Nudibranchs, Turtles, Eastern Frogfish, Painted Anglerfish, Yellow Boxfish, Juvenile Emperor Angelfish, Octopus and a VERY rare Oceanic Santa!
Lindsay, one of our instructors gets very festive this time of year and went diving in a full santa onsie

Congratulations to Josh, James and Mitchell who finished their Advanced Open Water today
Congratulations to Dazzee for finishing his PADI Open Water Course.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 25m

Dive Report by Nathan

26th December 2022 – Boxing Day Diving at South Solitary

Glassy surface conditions and warm water made for perfect diving conditions at South Solitary Island this morning. With both our boats loaded with excited divers, dive one was spent exploring Shark Gutters and Manta Arch. Grey nurse sharks, eagle rays, turtles, lionfish and boxfish made up just some of the highlights.
Making advantage of the slight current, dive two was spent drifting along the Boulder Wall. Masses of schooling goatfish, trevally, pomfrets and tarwhine were spotted along with more eagle rays and turtles.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Andy

Eagle Ray (N Fripp December 2022)
Eagle Ray (N Fripp December 2022)

Ornate Ghostpipefish - Frippo - 27Dec22
Ornate Ghostpipefish – Frippo – 27Dec22

27th december 2022 – Two Boat Tuesday

With peak diving season in full swing both boats loaded up to capacity and headed out to South Solitary for some serious diving!

First up 2Wild tied up on Manta Arch, where a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks were seen in the arch. Here we also saw Ornate Ghostpipefish, juvenile Yellow Boxfish, Nudibranchs and Abbotts Morays.

Meanwhile Megawild chose to head to Shark Gutters first, where Nudibranchs, Black Cod, as well as juvenile Yellow and Smooth Boxfish were the flavour of the morning.

After the surface interval 2Wild dropped it’s divers off at Cleaner Station for a drift dive to the Gantry. Along the way here Nudibranchs, Painted Crays, Flagtail Blanquillos, and three Queensland Grouper were seen.

Concurrently Megawild’s divers rolled in at Shark Gutters for a drift to South Boulder. During the dive a Juvenile Emperor Angelfish, Mimic Filefish, Arrow Gobies were observed. We also spotted some turtles, and Orangutan Crab!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C-23°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Andy

28th December 2022- 3 Boat Wednesday

Two dive boats in the morning and then a great trip out for a full boat of snorkelling in the afternoon made today a very busy but rewarding day for divers and snorkellers.

Turtles everywhere on all dives with the snorkellers seeing the most in the afternoon. Dives in the morning were at Buchanan’s Wall and The Gantry to avoid a sloppy surface at the Northern end of the Island. Dive 2 had the divers drift from the top end to the Gantry to complete two dives in warm clear water with some great sightings of Black Cod, schools of Tarwhine and small Kingfish cruising through.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 24°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Mike

Black Cod at South Solitary
Black Cod at South Solitary (September 2020)

Leopard Shark and diver at North Sol - (H Tessarolo Jan 2022)
Leopard Shark and diver at North Sol – (H Tessarolo Jan 2022)

29th December 2022 – Leopard Shark at South Solitary Island

With all this great weather we are flat out doing Scuba, Snorkel and Eco Trips.

Mega Wild and 2Wild were full of scuba divers and snorkelers. Buchanan’s Wall and The Gantry were the perfect first choice for dive one as it was very calm, 18-20m visibility and a balmy 23C
The divers at Buchanan’s Wall were very lucky to get a visit from a beautiful Leopard Shark, which Nathan got a video of.
Dive two was a drift from the northern end around to The Gantry, there was Bullrays, Stingrays, and Sweep. We also spotted Nudibranchs, Turtles, and an Octopus. Near South Boulder we saw a Leopard Blenny, and there were also very grumpy Blue Lipped Anemones.

We finished the day with an ECO trip out around the coast!!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 18m-25m

Dive Report by Nathan

30th December 2022 – More-ay to see at South Solitary

Despite the dreary weather Megawild loaded up with some very keen divers and powered out to South Solitary for today’s diving.

First up our Divers rolled in at Buchanan’s Wall. During the dive juvenile Yellow Boxfish, Nudibranchs, Marbled Rays, Hawksbill and Green Turtles were seen.

For the second dive our divers split up with some dropping in at Buchanan’s Wall for a swim to the Gantry, while the others dropped in at the Gantry. During the Dive Popcorn Shrimp, Banded Coral Shrimp, Abbotts Morays, ALL the Damsels and a Honeycomb Moray (today’s Photo Courtesy of our instructor Nathan).

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 20m+

Dive Report by Nathan

Honeycomb Moray Eel - Gantry - N Fripp 30-12-22
Honeycomb Moray Eel – Gantry – N Fripp 30-12-22

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations