Take a look at our dive reports from March 2024! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in March 2024.

Dive Reports – Table of Contents:

1st March 2024 – First Dive of March

After a brief sabatical Mega Wild packed on some very keen divers and headed out to South Solitary for today’s diving!

For the first dive we dropped our divers in at Buchanan’s Wall, where our divers saw Nudibranchs (most notable being a giant Goniobranchus Sp.) Cuttlefish, Spotted Wobbegongs, juvenile Yellow Boxfish, Banded Coral Shrimp and Blue-lipped Wide Banded Anemonefish.

On the second dive, our divers descended on Shark Gutters for a drift to the Gantry. During the dive our divers encountered Gloomy Octopus, Bull Rays, Longlegged Spiney Lobsters, Nudibranchs (honorable mention going to Chromodoris kuiteri), Green Turtles and a massive Spotted Eagleray.

Congratulations to Fjord and Erica on completing their PADI Open Water Diver course.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22-25°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report By Nathan

Frippo - Slug - Persian Carpet Flatworm -Pseudobiceros bedfordi - 5m Rock at South Solitary (N Fripp March 2024)
Frippo – Slug – Persian Carpet Flatworm -Pseudobiceros bedfordi – 5m Rock at South Solitary (N Fripp March 2024)

Shrimp - Marbled shrimp - Saron marmoratus - Boulder Wall at South Solitary (N Fripp March 2024)
Shrimp – Marbled shrimp – Saron marmoratus – Boulder Wall at South Solitary (N Fripp March 2024)

2nd March 2024 – Sharks at the Arch

Jetty Dive had a big Saturday today, with both SoWild and MegaWild shooting out to South Solitary Island this morning for a double dive!

First up, SoWild dropped their divers in at Manta Arch for a swim through The Gap, where we were greeted with waaay-cooler water than we’ve become accustomed to! But with cooler water comes some new critters and more of others; 25+ Grey nurse Sharks were seen in and around the arch, along with Nudibranchs (most notably a 3mm Phyllodesmium Sp.), Orangutan Crabs, Ken’s Cuttlefish, Spotted Eagle Rays, Egg Cowries, Hawksbill and Green Turtles.

After a bit of chit chat on the surface interval, we had some keen divers who got in for their second dive. SoWild and its divers moored at the Gantry for a swim to Buchanans Wall and MegaWild dropped in at Shark Gutters for a drift down to the Gantry! Marine life encountered included Eastern Fiddler Rays, Bull Rays, Nudibranchs (top pick being a Pleurolidia juliae), Gloomy Octopus, Blue Tangs, Abbotts Moray Eels, Green Moray Eels and a pair of Marbled Shrimp (today’s photo from our instructor Nathan).

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 17°C-22°C
  • Visibility: 5m-12m

Dive Report By Nathan

3rd March 2024 – Low Vis Big Fun

Jetty Dive finsihed the weekend off with a bang, having two different boats heading out to sea! SoWild steamed up to North Solitary with a group of divers visiting from Sydney and MegaWild shot out to South Solitary.

MegaWild dropped certified and advanced students in at Manta Arch for a swim to Cleaner Station, where they met the rest of our Open Water Students. We had lower than ideal visibility today, but we still saw lots! Half a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks were seen in and around the Arch, a Queensland Grouper, nudibranchs, White Eyed Moray and loads of schooling fish!

After warming up for an hour or so on the surface interval, everyone dropped in at Shark Gutters for the second dive. Notable marine life seen on this dive was a Green Sea Turtle, Bull Rays, Wobbegongs, Lionfish, Longlegged Spiny Lobster and another lonsome Grey Nurse swam by our Open Water Students.

Congratulations to all of our students who completed their course with us Today: Charlie and Zsofia who are now PADI Open Water Divers and Darcy, Jack, Logan, Stephen, Mignon, and Willem who are now PADI Advanced Open Water Divers.

Meanwhile up at North Solitary, all divers dropped in at Anenome Bay for the first dive and at Elbow Cave for our second. Our divers got to see Leopard Sharks, which was an extremely pleasant surprise! Lots of Damselfish were seen in Anenome Bay including Domino, Talbot’s, Dick’s, Sergeant majors, Wide Band Anemonefish, Pink Anemonefish, Barrier Reef Anemonefish; along with nudibranchs (of note was a Chromodoris elisabethina in Elbow Cave), Banded Coral Shrimp (most were carrying eggs), Hawksbill Turtles, Red Fire Gobies, Blue Tangs, Sailfin Tangs, Moorish Idols, Longlegged Spiney Lobsters, Clown Triggerfish and a mystery Crab covered in barnacles (photo courtesy of our instructor Nathan).

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: South- 20°C-22°C, North 22°C
  • Visibility: South- 5m-10m, North- 4m-12m

Dive Report By Teagan

UNK Crab - SUBORD Pleocyemata - Elbow Cave (N Fripp March 2024)
UNK Crab – SUBORD Pleocyemata – Elbow Cave (N Fripp March 2024)

Leopard Blenny North Solitary island
Leopard Blenny North Solitary island (L Devery January 2021)

6th March 2024 – The Big and the Small at South Sol

It’s seems the visibility has improved but only marginally,.

Both dives today had lots to see from the big Grey Nurse Sharks and monster wobbegongs to the numerous different nudibranchs, Leopard Benny’s and a very touchy Octopus

Congratulations to Julia and Clint who finished their PADI Open Water Course

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-22°C
  • Visibility: 3m-8m

Dive Report By Lindsay

13th March 2023 – Green Water and Green Turtles!

After a long break out of the water SoWild loaded up and steamed out to South Solitary for today’s diving. During the ride out we kept a keen lookout for the ever elusive “blue line” but unfortunately we got all the way out to the island and the blue line never came!

For our first dive we dropped on Buchanan’s Wall, where despite the gloomy conditions there was plenty to see including Nudibranchs (of note were a pair of Pteraeolidia semperi that appeared to be trying to eat each other), Flatworms, juvenile Sparsely-spotted Stingarees, Thorny Back Cowfish, a juvenile Longspined Porcupinefish, and many Depressed Spider Crabs (today’s photo courtesy of our instructor Nathan).

For our Second dive we again dropped in at Buchanan’s Wall mooring, but headed over towards Cable Trail. Highlights included A Giant Stingray with a school of massive pilotfish, Nudibranchs (of note was a Coryphellina Sp.), a Mosaic Moray with a very loose tooth, Lionfish, an itty bitty Cuttlefish and a Dunkers Pipehorse.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-21°C
  • Visibility: 2m-6m

Dive Report By Nathan

Depressed Spider Crab - Xenocarcinus depressus - Buchanans Wall at South Solitary Island (N Fripp March 2024)
Depressed Spider Crab – Xenocarcinus depressus – Buchanans Wall at South Solitary Island (N Fripp March 2024)

Yellow Boxfish (T Anderson March 2024)
Yellow Boxfish (T Anderson March 2024)

17th March 2024- Finally Good Vis

After a few days of poor visbility combined with big wind and swell, MegaWild took the opportunity to get out for a double dive at South Solitary Island with conditions easing! We were finally greeted with good vis!!

With a current running on the top end, Mega dropped everyone in at Buchanans Wall for the first dive. One of our groups had a massive White Spotted Eagle Ray crusie past them as they were headed dowen the wall. A few big Green Sea Turtles were sighted, of course loads of colourful Nudibranchs, and Wide Banded Anenome Fish were some of the highlights.

After a somewhat bumpy surface interval, we jumped back in the water for a swim from Buchanans to the Gantry! There were heaps of Blue Tangs eveywhere on this dive! Some kingfish were circling the divers on their ascent and descent, some Octopus, a yellow box fish, Coral Banded Shrimp, and more Turtles were seen around the Gantry.

Congratulations David, Jonny, and Bailey on completing your PADI Open water Scuba Diver Course! Another big Congrats to Sophia, Matt, and Clemence on completing your PADI Rescue Diver Course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 24°C
  • Visibility: 10m-18m

Dive Report By Teagan

18th March 2024- Blowing Bubbles at Buchanans

“SoWild” packed up at headed out to South Solitary Island this morning for a double dive! The skies were raining but we were able to hide…. far below the surface!

Our first and second dive were both at Buchanan’s Wall, due to the residual swell that is still hanging around. Both dives were extremely pleasant with a toasty water temperature and nice blue water! Our first dive highlight was the Green Turtle that swam around our divers for the first half of the dive! A massive Slipper Cray was sighted, along with an Abbott Moray Eel, Spanish dancers, and Coral Banded Shrimp. Our students also spotted a skitish Whaler Shark lurking in the backround as they swam down the wall.

After warming up on our surface interval and staying dry from the rain, back to Buchanans we went! Some highlights for this dive were Black Cod, Wobbegongs, Blue Spotted Eastern Stingrays, Sweetlips, Big Eye Soldier Fish, and an Orangutan Crab!

Congratulations to Rylan and Jude for completing your PADI Open Water Diver certification!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 25°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report By Teagan

Abbotts Moray Eel (N Fripp Feb 2022)
Abbotts Moray Eel (N Fripp Feb 2022)

Leopard Shark gliding through clear blue water with rocky bottom and Remora, South Solitary Island
Leopard Shark and Remora (L Devery 2015)

23rd March 2024 – Leopard Sharks have returned

Finally the weather had calmed down enough for us to get out to South Solitary Island. We had both boats out today with the Southern Cross Uni scuba divers and snorkellers on So Wild and the students and certified divers on Mega Wild.

Dive one was at Buchanans Wall and The Gantry and Dive two was a Drift from Shark Gutters around to The Gantry, both dives had lots to see including schools of Basslets, Blue Tangs and Bullseyes. There was numerous amounts of turtles over both dives but mostly at The Gantry.
The divers who done the drift were lucky enough to see 2 Leopard Sharks crusing along Boulder Wall and some big pelagics out in the current.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 24C-25°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report By Teagan

24th March 2024- Leopards and Eagle Rays!

We headed out to South Solitary Island this morning for a double dive on Mega Wild. Conditions stayed the same overnight and we were presented with 20 metres of vis and 25 degrees in the water!

Dive one, all of our certified divers dropped in at Shark Gutters for a drift to the Gantry, where our students were completing their course dives. We had a lot to see underwater! Divers saw half a dozen Leopard Sharks, being very inquisitive with everyone. White Eyed Morays, Abott Morays, and Green Morays were seen hiding in the rockwalls. Cuttlefish and Octopus were also seen.

Certified divers had another drift from Cleaner Station down to The gantry, again to meet our students. A dozen White Spotted Eagle Rays were seen on this dive!!! How special is that! More rays were seen, like our resident giant BullRays who cruise down Boulder Wall as well as Blue Spotted RibbonTail Rays. More Leopard Sharks were seen, Turtles, Little Baby Woobegongs, and a QLD Groper.

Congratulations Lydia, Ryan, and Joseph on completing your PADI Open Water Diver Course! A big congrats to Blake for completing your PADI Scuba Diver Course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 25°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report By Teagan

Leopard Shark
Leopard Shark

Leopard Shark (C Wood March 2024)
Leopard Shark (C Wood March 2024)

25th March 2024- Strong Current Brings Big Animals!

We had another ripper morning at South Solitary for a double dive! With a good mix of students and certified divers, we all had lots of luck seeing some really nice marine animals underwater. There was a very strong current running up the island, and although this made both of our dives a bit of a swim, we got the chance to see lots!

Our certified divers dropped in at Manta Arch for our first dive, swimming throuhg The Gap to meet our students at the Gantry. Our second dive was a (strong) drift from Cleaner Station to The Gantry. We had about 30 metres plus of blue water visbility and a warm 25° in the water. Our main source of attraction today were the numerous Leopard Sharks that cruised by, all very friendly with our divers. We also got to see lots of White Spotted Eagle Rays that were using the current in their favour! A few Grey Nurse Sharks were seen in the back gutter as well. Other notable marine life seen were Nudibranchs, Ocotpus, Blue Tangs, Black Boxfish, Yellow Box Fish, all sorts of Moray Eels, and heaps of friendly Green Turtles! Barney also made her appearance

Congratualtions James and Kaitlyn on completing your PADI Open Water Diver Course today!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 25°C
  • Visibility: 30+m

Dive Report By Teagan

26th March 2024- Epic Conditions at South Sol

SoWild shot out to South Solitary Island this morning for a double dive. The sea conditions presented with low wind and swell, making for a nice and quick trip out!

First up, we had a group drop in at the gantry to complete the last dives of their Open Water Course, while all of our advanced certified divers dropped in at Cleaner Station for a drift to the Gantry. The certified divers said their drift was so good, we all dropped in for another drift for the second dive!

Leopard Sharks and White Spotted Eagle Rays were the highlight of the dives again today. We saw about a dozen Eagle Rays and half a dozen Leopard Sharks. Other notable marine life were Marbled Bull Rays, loads of schooling Bullseyes, Coral Banded Shrimp, Yellow Box Fish, Nudibranchs, some extremely curious Green Turtles and Loggerhead Turtles, Abbotts Eels, cuttlefish and octopus.

Congratulations Dylan and Glen for completing your PADI Open Water Diver Course!!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 25°C
  • Visibility: 35m

Dive Report By Teagan

Loggerhead Turtle (T Anderson March 2024)
Loggerhead Turtle (T Anderson March 2024)

Eagle Ray Slider at South Sol (Mar 2024)
Eagle Ray Slider at South Sol (Mar 2024)

29th March 2024 – Beautiful conditions for fantastic diving!

The day started of a little rocky with some small showers bringing up some wind, but no one told the sea that with some of the best dive conditions underwater one could ask for! 25 METRE VISIBILITY!!!

First up we all dropped in up at Shark Gutters to explore the pristine conditions through the Gutters, as well as exploring the top end of South Solitary Island. Exiting the water was like entering another world, with all the small storms having passed making way for beautiful conditions during our surface interval. This then allowed us to undertake a fantastic drift dive for our second dive from Shark Gutters to the Gantry.

Yet again Leopard Sharks and White Spotted Eagle Rays were the highlight of the day, with us seeing a dozen Leopard sharks on the first dive and half a dozen Eagle rays on the second. But with these types of conditions the array of wildlife was unbelievable ranging from Marbled Bull Rays, Abbotts Moray Eels, Cuttlefish, Octopus, Nudibranchs and so much more. But the second dive was truly Turtle city with an uncountable amount of Green and Loggerhead Turtles surrounding The Gantry.

Congratulations Bonnie and Coby for completing your PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course!!!

We’ve uploaded some cool footage of the Eagle Rays and Leopard Sharks cruising on today’s dive, check it out on Instagram here, or facebook here!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 25°C
  • Visibility: 25m

Dive Report By Ryan

30th March 2024 – Eagle Rays, Bull Rays and Leopard Sharks

We were greeted with amazing conditions today at South Solitary Island.
Dive one was at Buchanan’s Wall and we could clearly see the bottom from the surface!!
There was schools of Pomfreds, 4-5 Puffer fish and a lazy turtle chilling in the foam on the surface.

Dive two we made the most of the current and drifted from Shark Gutters down to The Gantry which never disappoints.
There was a huge Eagle ray at the bottom of the mooring along with 2 Leopard Sharks, heading down the wall there was schools of Bullseyes, Tarwhine and some big Sweetlips.
Just past South Boulder there was a huge Bullray gliding in the current followed 3-4 Eagle Rays and 5-6 Turtles near The Gantry

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 25°C
  • Visibility: 30m+

Dive Report By Lindsay

Eagle Ray at The Gap, South Solitary Island (L Devery March 2024)
Eagle Ray at The Gap, South Solitary Island (L Devery March 2024)

Leopard shark at North Solitary (T Anderson March 2024)
Leopard shark at North Solitary (T Anderson March 2024)

31st March 2024- Busy Easter Sunday At Jetty Dive!

Happy Easter Sunday from the Staff at Jetty Dive! We had two boats heading out this morning, while SoWild raced up to North Solitary, MegaWild shot out to South Solitary with a full boat!

North Solitary had beautiful conditions today! Our first dive was at Anenome Bay and our second dive was at Fish Soup. Half a dozen Leopard Sharks were seen from the second we started our descent on both dives. Another notable highlight was the White Spotted Eagle Rays that hung around our dive crew for a majority of the dive! Coral Banded Shrimp, Cuttlefish, Yellow Box Fish, loads of Anenome Fish, and a golden Egg Cowry was also seen!

MegaWild had a great day at South Solitary. First up, everyone dropped in at Buchanans Wall for their first dive. After a sunny surface interval, everyone descended at Shark Gutters for a cruise around the gutters. Three Leopard Sharks were seen along with six Eagle Rays! Lots of Green Turtles were also seen, along with Octopus, White Eyed Moray and Abbotts Eels, colourful Nudibranchs, Blue Tangs, Schooling Pomfrets, Slipper Crays, and box fish were seen as well.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 25°C
  • Visibility: 30m-35m

Dive Report By Teagan

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations