PADI Specialty Dive Courses

Take your diving to a new level, With YOUR training Adventure! Explore the Solitary Islands and learn more skills.We offer a range of PADI Specialty Dive courses, which we love to share with you, so you can take your diving further!

Click for full details of each PADI Specialty programme.
From Night dives to Nitrox courses, from Deep diving to DSAT Gas Blending, we can open new worlds of excitement, experience and adventure with you.

Master Scuba Diver – Take the Challenge!

The PADI Master Scuba Diver rating is awarded when you have 60 logged dives and complete 5 PADI Specialty Courses and the PADI Rescue Diver Course, YES, you’ve reached the highest non professional level in the PADI System of diver education. It means that you’ve acquired significant training and experience in a variety of dive environments. Click PADI Master Scuba Diver to find out more.

PADI Deep Diver Course  including 4 dives

The PADI Deep Diver course takes you to a 40m Depth rating, wow! – “The advanced course introduces Deeper Diving, now get serious experience”.
The course includes 4 Dives at the Solitary Islands with depths up to 40 metres. Learn SMB deployment and Redundant Air skills. Click PADI Deep Diver Course to find out more.

PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox) Course

Use Nitrox when Wreck diving, Underwater Photography, or a vacation in some tropical paradise. The Enriched Air Diver course helps you get more out of diving by giving you more No Deco time underwater!  This can mean you can still dive to a reasonable depth on even dive 3 in a day! Click PADI Enriched Air Diver to find out more

PADI Digital Underwater Photography Course including 2 dives

Digital Cameras have taken the world by storm! Anyone can take photos, but maybe not so good underwater? Learn how to take good underwater photos faster than you imagined!  This course we help fine tune the skills from basic buoyancy to positioning to get the best out of your dive with a camera. Click PADI Digital Underwater Photography Course to find out more.

PADI Shark Diver and Shark Awareness Course including 2 dives

An adrenalin filled experience! Learn some correct techniques of Shark Diving, as well as aspects about their behavior and habitat. Exciting and Educational! Click PADI Shark Diver and Shark Awareness Course to find out more

PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Course  including 2 dives

Improving buoyancy skills will make diving easier and more enjoyable! When you are more comfortable and in control you can use less air, giving you more bottom time. Have better position for Photos and Video. Click PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Course to find out more!

PADI Underwater Naturalist Course  including 2 dives

Find out the different major aquatic life groupings and how they interact – see the aquatic world differently! The Solitary Islands Marine Park has all of the groups and an amazing mix of Tropical and Sub-Tropical Marine Life. Click PADI Underwater Naturalist Course to find out more.

PADI Night Diver Course including 3 dives

The sun sets, as you gear up. Although you’ve seen this reef many times before, this time you drop into a whole new world and watch it come to life under the glow of your dive light. Click PADI Night Diver Course to find out more.

PADI Underwater Videographer Course including 4 dives

Why do some people have great Go Pro Videos? Learn the fundamentals of good videography from equipment setup to shot types and sequencing. Go Pro’s make it much more accessible to produce great U/W Video’s if you get it right. Click PADI Underwater Videographer Course to find out more.

PADI Wreck Diver Course

Without Wrecks locally we offer the PADI Wreck Diver specialty on our trips away. Learn the skills, knowledge and procedures to answer that call! Click PADI Wreck Diver Course to find out more.

Project Aware Fish ID Course including 2 Dives

Will you take the Project Aware Fish Identification Challenge?

Equipment Specialist Course

Familiarize yourself with the operation and maintenance of your dive equipment

First Aid course HLTAID003 

Divers Alert Network (DAN) or PADI RTO workplace accredited HLTAID003 Apply First Aid is the easiest way to do Workplace First Aid Course in Coffs Harbour. Study at home and practical and assessments in our Training centre

PADI Oxygen Provider Course

Learn how to administer Oxygen first aid therapy and gain a statement of Attainment for O2 Therapy

PADI Scientific Diver Course 

Work in Marine Sciences? This is YOUR Occupation Diver Rating

PADI Sidemount Diver Course

When one tank is just not enough! Dive Sidemount and go beyond air limits of a single tank. Learn the extra skills to become independent of your buddy with two systems.

PADI Self – Reliant Diver Course

For those who want to independently dive, and explore alone, the Self-Reliant Diver Course is the way to go.

DSAT Gas Blender

When you’ve got your EANx (Nitrox) rating, learn how to blend your own gas

PADI Snorkel Instructor Course

Work in Marine Education? – this is YOUR Occupational Snorkel Instructor Rating…

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations