Papua New Guinea -Tufi Resort trip report

Papua New Guinea -Tufi Resort trip report: July 2nd to 10th, 2010

With amazing clear water, and promise of unusual fishlife with every dive,

all the crew on the Tufi trip were excited to get there! After a hectic time getting thru airports, we were happy to arrive at Tufi late in the day and unpack. The resort looked lovely, with it’s view from high up on the site of the Sea filled Fjord.
The rooms were well appointed, and had a touch of luxury with the way it was presented. The main bar and dining area was very well laid out and comfortable too, and the staff friendly and helpful.

The outer reef dives were excellent!

Outer reef shark Outstanding fishlife on the outer reef dives with Hammerheads on only two dives. One dive we also had a very territorial large Queensland Groper check us out too! At one stage we couldn’t see the reef, there were too many fish in the way!

Rare critters like the Rhinopias were there, as well as unusual nudibranchs and critters you can’t find elsewhere. Poor sea conditions stopped us from getting out to more of the outer reef, which was a bit unfortunate for us. The Fjords offered some nice easy diving with lots of corals and critters. It lacked the big fish action, so didn’t have the flair of the outer reefs.

Tufi Resort Dive Shop, down at the sea level, is located in the same area as a WW11 PT boat station, so underwater near the wharf was remenants of a Barge and PT boat from the war years, 50 mtrs off the shore and 45 mtrs down! Around the wharf we found lots of little critters in their shore based “muck dive”. We spent 75 mins on one dive looking around.

Looking back at the trip, we had some pretty amazing diving, mared slightly by the weather and ability to dive the outer reefs. But all in all, everyone had a good time and great dives. Tufi Dive Resort is a lovely place to stay, great service and facilities, considering the remote location to services, by air or water only!

Underwater Pictures by Deb and Mike, and in no real order!

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papua new guinea tufi
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papua new guinea tufi
papua new guinea tufi
papua new guinea tufi
papua new guinea tufi
papua new guinea tufi
papua new guinea tufi
papua new guinea tufi
papua new guinea tufi
Anenomefish in Tufi, Papua New Guinea
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Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations