Welcome to Tara’s Fave Fish Friday! Where we explore one of Tara’s favorite fish from the Solitary Islands Marine Park.
Today’s fave fish is the Three Spot Damsel – Dascyllus trimaculatus
Everywhere in the Solitary Islands Marine Park! They like to stick around hard corals, and anenomes. These guys seem a little startled by me! Can grow to 14cm. Guess why they’re called three-spot damsels? We also sometimes call them domino damsels.
Check out a video of these fish on our instagram and facebook!
Dascyllus trimaculatus – SURG.org.au
Photo by Tara, 3/12/2021.

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations