Sadly, this is becoming true, Truk Lagoon will probably always be the best wreck diving in the world, but as the years pass by, so does the wrecks become unstable and sections collapse.
But for now, we are taking the opportunity to see these magnificent World War II wrecks whilst they are still intact. Our group trip is on again to Truk Lagoon in May next year. Mike and Deb are leading this trip, which is the 7th trip to Truk for Mike, and 6th for Deb.
With so many trips there, they are both keen to go back and see the wrecks again. The variation in the rusty metal is very unique. Some are covered with coral, you would swear you are on a coral reef, whilst there are others you are amazed at the history lesson about WWII with tanks and planes and field guns still sitting on the decks of the deep wrecks.
We have already worked out the dive schedule with Blue Lagoon Dive Shop, starting with the Fujikawa Maru, that has a Zero in the front cargo hold and the huge bow gun that cannot be recognised with the coral growth. One of our last dives at the tropical paradise will be the San Francisco Maru, with Tanks and Cannons on the deck.
Mike’s most favourite Wreck is the “Hoki Maru”. It has a Bulldozer perched on 3 beams in the centre of a cargo hold. When we first saw this wreck, the Bulldozer was on level one, and as you swam under it to level two below, the side platforms of this level revealed trucks, tractors and even a road roller, and still intact! Even the windows in the trucks were still there, however, over the years, the bulldozer has dropped down to level two and the glass in the trucks were broken. We are hoping next year we will still have the bulldozer on that level.
So if you think that you will dive Truk Lagoon one day, perhaps think about our trip next year before the wrecks collapse any more. Mike recalls the engine room of the Fujikawa was a great site to see, now the roof has collapsed with age and there is no engine room access anymore.
Oh, and by the way, the water temp is 30c, like diving in a warm pool, no current and visibility varies between 15 and 40 mtrs. Blue Lagoon resort is very comfortable, and the trip is excellent value.
Check out our webpage:

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations