Take a look at our whale swimming reports from 2019! We’ve detailed our encounters in the Solitary Islands Marine Park in Coffs Harbour in 2019.

Whale Swimming Reports 2019 – Table of Contents:

Humpback whale tail out of the water with snorkellers in the water
Humpback Whale Tail with snorkellers


With acute lack of divers and a report of poor conditions at South Solitary Island, a change of plans was made for the Whale Swim to take place during the morning.
A nice day on the water gave the swimmers a comfortable ride out, and out we went, to get some cleaner water in comparison to close in.
It didn’t take long and we found some whales, or should we say, they found us. After following alongside (100 mtrs off) for a short period, two juvenile Humpback Whales cruised up near the boat, even as we steered away they followed. after moving further away, the swimmers entered the water and did not wait long before the whales swam around them.
It then took over 60 minutes before we could get out of the water. The inquisitive two just came back again and again, checking them out. Visibility was not great, however, when you have a huge whale 3 mtrs from you,you don’t need it that great! All the swimmers were amazed with their antics and over the moon with the experience.

Whale Swimming Report by Mike

15th September 2019 – Swimmers get Mugged by Whales

We had a great Whale Swim trip this morning with a pod of 4-6 Humpbacks Whales coming right up to our swimmers and checking them out.
These whales loved showing off their bellys and tails while under the swimmers and once everyone got on board for morning tea they gave everyone some epic surface action with 10-15 Breaches!!
Once they had calmed down and the breaching was well and truly stopped we tried again with another successful under water encounter!!
Awesome day 🙂

Whale Swimming Report by Lindsay

Humpback Whale Swim - Whales underwater (K Mercer Aug 2018)
Humpback Whale Swim – Whales underwater (K Mercer Aug 2018)

Whale Swim 24 September 2019
Whale Swim 24 September 2019

24th September 2019 – Whale Swimmers up close & personal

We had a slow start to our Whale Swim today, the 24th of September 2019, but after some patience and searching for the mugging whales we hit the jackpot!!!
The Whales we found definitely wanted to stick with us and our boat, as they started following the boat!
Once our lucky whale swimmers were in the water they showed off their beautiful white bellys to everyone. They also did a few spy hops – this is where our whale pops it’s head out of the water to take a look at what’s happening on surface level.
As we attempted to return to the harbour and finish our trip, the same two humpback whales appeared in front of the boat. They wanted to play again so we gave in, and agreed with them.
It was an amazing morning! We hope that everyone who was on board enjoyed the trip. We sure did!
It was magical to get an amazing trip done just before we end our whale swimming season for the year. But don’t worry, we’ll still be out whale watching until the end of October!

Whale Swimming Report by Lindsay

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations