Take a look at our dive reports from May 2023! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in May 2023.

Dive Reports – Table of Contents:

2nd May 2023 – 2Wild2Fun

With Surface conditions the smoothest seen this week 2Wild loaded up and powered out to South Solitary Island for todays diving.

First up our divers descended on Buchanan’s Wall during the dive Nudibranchs, Porcelain Crabs, Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, Dwarf Lionfish, Green Turtles and Banded Coral Shrimp were seen.

After our surface interval our divers rolled in at the Gantry highlights of the dive included Fire Gobies, Arrow Gobies, Octopus, Juvenile Zebra Lionfish, Popcorn Shrimp, Peppermint Shrimp, Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Black Boxfish and a pair of Cuttlefish (today’s photo from our instructor Nathan).

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 8m-10m

Dive Report by Nathan


Leopard Shark at North Sol (N Fripp February 2023)
Leopard Shark at North Sol (N Fripp February 2023)

5th May 2023 – Leopard Friday!

With ideal surface conditions Megawild loaded up with divers and powered out to South Solitasry for today’s dives!

First up our divers descended on Cleaner Station, several Grey Nurse were seen, along with Eagle Rays, Dwarf Lionfish, Nudibranchs, White-Eyed Morays and a Spotted Guitarfish.

For the second dive our divers dropped on Cleaner Station for a swim along Boulder Wall to South Boulder, during the dive Green Turtles, Painted Crayfish, Octopus, Juvenile Zebra Lionfish and even a pair of Leopard Sharks were encountered!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 8m-10m

Dive Report by Nathan

7th May 2023 – Shrimp Sunday!

With the calm before the storm on us 2Wild loaded up and powered out to South Solitary for the last dive for a few days!

First up our divers split, with the certified divers dropping in at Manta Arch for a swim to Cleaner Station, while our students dropped in at Cleaner Station, while Manta Arch itself was dead quiet, over a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks were seen in the Gutter, along with Octopus, Wobbegongs, Old Wives, Blue Grouper and a Sea Spider.

After the surface interval our divers dropped in at Shark Gutters for a drift dive down Boulder Wall to the Gantry. along the way our divers encountered Grey Nurse Sharks, a Spotted Eagle Ray, juvenile Yellow Boxfish, Painted Crays, Nudibranchs and a Spanish Dancer with a hitchhiking Emperor Shrimp! (todays Photo courtesy of our instructor Nathan)

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report by Nathan

Emperor Shrimp - Periclimines imperitor - Shark Gutters at South Solitary Island (N Fripp 
May 2023)
Emperor Shrimp – Periclimines imperitor – Shark Gutters at South Solitary Island (N Fripp May 2023)

Nudibranch - Tambja victoriae - Cleaner Cave at South Solitary Island (N Fripp May 2023)
Nudibranch – Tambja victoriae – Cleaner Cave at South Solitary Island (N Fripp May 2023)

13th May 2023 – Sweet southerlies

After a wee break from the water 2Wild loaded up with some keen divers and powered out to South Solitary Island for some overdue diving!

First up our divers dropped in at Buchanan’s Wall, highlights of the dive included Green Turtles, Scorpion Leaf Fish, Dwarf Lionfish, Hingebeak Shrimp, Wobbegongs, Peacock Mantis Shrimp and a Spotted Eagle Ray.

Dive two saw our divers descend on Shark Gutters where Grey Nurse Sharks, Spanish Dancer, Semicircle Angelfish, Octopus, juvenile Yellow Boxfish, Nudibranchs (including the Tambja victoriae, Photographed today by our instructor Nathan) and a Lone Sandbar Shark!

Congratulations to Kendl on completing her PADI Open Water Diver course and Shriyan on completing his PADI SCUBA Diver course.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Nathan

14th May 2023- a Whaley good mothers day

2Wild finished the weekend off with a bang and headed out for a double dive at South Solitary. With a warm welcome into the season, we were greeted by a Mumma and calf Humpback Whale celebrating Mothers Day!

After evaluating surface conditions, the SW winds permitted a group of divers to descend at Manta Arch and another to cruise around the top end at Cleaners Station. Half a dozen Grey Nurse sharks were seen at the bottom of the arch, while a couple more were hanging out at the bottom of Cleaners moorning. Other marine life seen were a pair of Giant Queensland Grouper who had evicted the Grey Nurse from under Manta Arch itself, Octopus, and a Wavy-lined Bubble Shell.

After warming up on our surface interval, divers descended at Cleaners Station and cruised around the top end before ascending at Shark Gutters. On this dive, a Green Sea Turtle was seen, along with more Grey Nurse sharks, a Yellow Boxfish, schooling Bullseyes, a Spanish Dancer, White-Eyed Mooray Eels and Dwarf Lionfish.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Teagan

Frippo - Semicircle Angelfish - Cleaner Station - 14052023
Semicircle Angelfish – Cleaner Station – 14052023

Nudibranch -Ceratosoma tenue - Southwest Solitary - (N Fripp May 23)
Nudibranch -Ceratosoma tenue – Southwest Solitary – (N Fripp May 23)

20th May 2023 – Black Cod Rescue!

With last week’s rough weather finally letting up 2Wild loaded up with some keen divers and headed out to South Solitary Island… unfortunately surface conditions were somewhat less than ideal on arrival, so the decision was made to skip over to Southwest Solitary for today’s diving!

First up ourdivers dropped in at Coral Corner, Highlights of the dive included Nudibranchs, Egg Cowries, Dwarf Lionfish, Zebra Lionfish, Magpie Sweetlip, Coral Beauties, Blue Grouper, Pencilled Surgeonfish and Blue Tangs.

Dive two saw our divers descend on Crazy Maze for a swim to Coral Corner where more Nudibranchs, Wobbegongs, Lined Surgeonfish, Coral Rockcod, Old Wives, Yellow Moon Wrasse, Gold Crown Gobies and a Starry Toadfish were seen.

Shortly after leaving Southwest Solitary we spotted a Black Cod swimming upsidedown on the surface. When Black Cod are brought to the surface rapidly (such as when accidentally caught by fishermen) will suffer from barotrauma; their swim bladder decompresses and they get stuck floating upsidedown on the surface, unable to descend again. After a not so brief improvised “catch-by-hand” fishing adventure the Black Cod was finally captured and after a brief boat ride in a dive tub full of water, dropped off at Split Solitary; where our instructor Nathan swam him back down to depth and found him an unoccupied cave to hopefully recover in.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 6m

Dive Report by Nathan

21st of May 2023- Fish soup at south solitary

Finishing the weekend off nicely, 2WILD loaded up with keen divers and blasted off to South Soilitary Island. With the swell dropping overnight, weather conditions allowed divers to explore the top end of the island for both of our dives this morning.

First up, all of our divers descended at Shark Gutters. Although visbility wasn’t ideal, marine life was abundant. Highlights of this dive were Nudibranchs, a Pygmy Leatherjacket, a massive Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Green Sea Turtles, White Eyed Moray Eels, and a Semi-Circle Angelfish

After a toasty surface interval of relaxing and watching our resident Sea Eagles, one group of divers descended at Manta Arch whilst others cruised around the gutters after descending at Cleaner Station. Marine life seen on this dive were 10 Grey Nurse Sharks hanging about in the gutter, and more Nudibranchs, including a Script Paper Bubbleshell, old wives, HEAPS of schooling fish, and even some kingfish.

2WILD and its divers were even lucky enough to have an encounter with two Humpback Whales. They are coming quite early, which means the Whale season is closely approaching!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report by Teagan

Pygmy Leatherjacket (N Fripp May 2023)
Pygmy Leatherjacket (N Fripp May 2023)

Painted Angler - Antennarius pictus - Shark Gutters, South Solitary - (N Fripp May 2023)
Painted Angler – Antennarius pictus – Shark Gutters, South Solitary – (N Fripp May 2023)

24th of May – Black and Orange Wednesday

2Wild powered out to South Solitary Island this morning with a keen group of divers. Little winds allowed divers to enjoy the top end of the Island for both dives.

All divers dropped in at Cleaner Station and made their way around to Manta Arch for their first dive. Some highlights of this dive included Frogfish, Cuttlefish, Banded Coral Shrimp, and Nudibranchs. Divers were lucky enough to see around a dozen grey Nurse Sharks cruising around the bottom of the arch.

After warming up in the sun during the surface interval, divers descended at Shark Gutters and explored the the area. Marine life seen on this dive were heaps of baby Spanish Dancers, a Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Black Cod, Nudibranchs, Peppermint Shrimp, White Eyed Moray Eels, and a uniquely coloured Painted Anglerfish.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report by Teagan

28th of May 2023- Sunday Blues

After a few days out of the water, both 2Wild and MegaWild loaded up with very excited divers to get in the blue water the Southerlies brought and spent the morning at South Solitary Island.

For their first dive, 2Wild and its divers descended at Manta Arch, lucky enough to cruise past approximately 15 Grey Nurse Sharks! Meanwhile, MegaWild’s divers descended at Shark Gutters. Marine Life seen on this dive was Spotted Eagle Ray’s, Nudibranchs, a Pygmy Leatherjacket, a Bicolour Angel Fish, a Mosaic Eel, an Octopus camouflaging himself, Coral Beauty, and a Crowned Pufferfish!

After a toasty surface interval, MegaWild dropped a group of divers off at Manta Arch and another back at Shark Gutters, whilst 2Wild’s divers descended at Cleaner Station. On this dive, more Grey Nurse Sharks were seen in the Manta Gutter, a White Eyed Mooray Eel was spotted having a snooze under a Green Sea Turtles’ Shell in Cleaner Station, a Spanish Dancer, schooling fish with Black Cod being the centre of attention, more nudibranchs, Painted Crayfish, and the Spotted Eagle Ray came back to say hello!

Congratulations to Sophie, Olivia, Jon, and Chloe for completing your PADI Open Water Diver Course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 25m

Dive Report by Teagan

Cyerce Nigricans - Black and Gold Sapsucking Slug - South Boulder at South Solitary (N Fripp May 2023)
Cyerce Nigricans – Black and Gold Sapsucking Slug – South Boulder at South Solitary (N Fripp May 2023)

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations