Want to book with us?
- The easiest way is to book online through our booking portal.
- Contact Us by filling in the form on the contact us page.
- Email us at [email protected]
- Phone us, and talk to a real person! (+612) 66-511-611
or calling within Aus (02) 66 511 611 - Or why not come in and meet the team in-store!
- We accept credit card payments over the phone, or in person.
- Advanced Bookings; We accept advanced bookings up to 12 months ahead of time. We STRONGLY recommend booking in advance during peak Holiday periods!
Booking Conditions
- Dive Courses. Bookings require a $200.00 deposit per student, this is payment for the e-Learning component. Once the e-Learning is activated and started it is not refundable – evem if student fails the medical requirements. If the Student decides not to continue at any stage of the course, once started, no refund will be available if reducing course numbers making it unviable to run. However if the student is not reducing the numbers in the course to the extent that it is not viable, there may be part refund available. Remember! If using PADI E learning, any payment made for the E-learning is not refundable. No refunds of deposits will be given if the customer cancels within 48 hours of the course start date and reduces the viability of the course. If the student fails to attend part of the course without sufficient prior arrangement, (48 hours) the cost of providing that part of the course is required to be paid as an extra cost by the student.
- Dive Charter Bookings require a $100.00 deposit per diver, which is fully refundable if the trip is cancelled due to bad weather. No refunds of deposits will be given if the customer cancels within 48 hours of the trip. (unless we can find someone to replace your booking)
- Snorkel Charter Bookings require a $100.00 deposit per person, which is fully refundable if the trip is cancelled due to bad weather. No refunds of deposits will be given if the customer cancels within 48 hours of the trip. (unless we can find someone to replace your booking)
- Whale Watch Trips Bookings require full payment per person, which is fully refundable if the trip is cancelled due to bad weather. No refunds of deposits will be given if the customer cancels within 48 hours of the trip unless we can find others to fill the booking.
- Dive Travel requires a 20% deposit per person to confirm a place. Final payment due 90 days prior to travel date. No refunds of deposits will be made less than 90 days from trip date, full payment will be forfeited if cancelled less than 30 days from trip date. Please note specific airline booking conditions may also apply. Check your trip data sheet for full details.