Take a look at our dive reports from August & September 2019! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in August & September 2019.

Dive Reports August 2019 – Table of Contents:


Manta Arch turned it on today with great visibility.  The Divers could clearly see the bottom in 30 mtrs of water from the top, the Arch proving a great dive with heaps of sharks. Also spotted was a Spanish Dancer on the Arch Wall and a baby yellow Boxfish. Another sighting that was unusual was a squadron of Cow-nose Rays cruising around.
The swell was up somewhat, which kept our divers away from the shallow gutters with surge, but that meant that Boulder Wall was alive with fish. Divers were very happy with the conditions, that clear water making the difference.
File photo of the cow-nose today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 20m-30m

Dive Report by Mike

Hundreds of Cow-nose rays from a distance in mid water at South Solitary Island
Cow Nose Rays at South Solitary

Orangutan Crab
Orangutan Crab

4th August 2019 – Great Diving at South Solitary

With the swell down from yesterday we were excited to get into the water at Manta Arch, our divers finding schooling Cow Rays and Grey Nurse Shark Galore on the swim to Cleaner Station.
A quick surface interval and we were back in the water, continuing our tour of the top end from Cleaner to South Boulder. Even more Grey Nurse sharks though Shark Gutters and we were lucky enough to interact with a couple of friendly Crayfish, Octopus, and a Giant Cuttlefish.
Congratulations to Harriet and Nel on completing their Open Water Course!
Photo of the Orangutan Crab taken by Alison

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Mike

6th August 2019 – Midweek Diving At South Solitary Island

After a Quick trip out Buchanan’s Wall was decided for dive one, down the wall a few Turtles were seen Blue Tangs, Lionfish, Anemone fish, and a lonely Leaf fish.
We decided to have our surface interval at Cleaner Station, conditions at the top end were calmer. We had a visit from a playful Seal that kept us all entertained during our morning tea, swimming around the boat.
Dive two Cleaner Station to South Boulder, the little yellow Box fish was spotted in the Cave, a dozen Grey Nurse sharks were sighted,  North Boulder wall had Eagle rays, Black Cod, Bullrays, and a couple of Wobbegong Sharks on the move.
A big thank you to the Adelaide Divers for diving with us for the last few days, what a great bunch of people.
Vis  20 Metres. Water temp 20 degrees.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Andy

Yellow Boxfish
Yellow Boxfish

Cownose Rays in dark open water at Manta Arch, South Solitary Island 2 July 2015 by Jetty Dive
Cownose Rays at Manta Arch, South Solitary Island 2 July 2015 by Jetty Dive

13th August 2019 – South Solitary Island

After six days out of the water due to the weather we had a boat full of excited divers. All divers dropped in at Shark Mooring lots of marine life around Half a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks were spotted, Black Cod, Bullrays, a couple of Moray eels in the cave and a small Hawksbill Turtle was spotted.
After a short surface interval it was decided Dive Two would be a drift from Cleaner Station To South Boulder, the first group of divers were lucky enough to see a big school of Cow nose rays, also spotted down the wall, Grey Nurse Sharks, Schooling fish, Tarwhine, Bulleyes, Bream, and two Green turtles.
Vis 8 Metres Water temp 20 Degrees.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 8m

Dive Report by Andy

25th August 2019

After being out of the water for a while we were excited to get back out diving at South Solitary Island. While the visibility sadly hadn’t improved all that much when we got in at Buchanan’s Wall there was plenty of macro life to see, including Leafy Scorpion Fish, Cuttlefish, Nudibranchs and a pair of not so macro Eagle Rays.
After a surface interval we managed to get to the top end, where the current was improving the quality of the water before our eyes. Grey Nurse Sharks, Bullrays, Schooling Cow Nose Rays and huge schools of fish were in the gutters enjoying the extra nutrients in the water.
Temp 19c
Vis 5-10m

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report by Mike

Scorpion Leaf Fish sitting on rocks, Manta Arch (N Fripp 2016)
Scorpion Leaf Fish, Manta Arch (N Fripp 2016)

Grey Nurse Shark 2 South Solitary Island 29 December 2014 by Jetty Dive
Grey Nurse Shark (L Devery 2014)

4th September 2019 – Midweek Diving At South Solitary island

After a smooth trip out to the Island today, all divers dropped in at Buchanans Wall,
down the wall a couple of Turtles were sighted two huge Wobbegong Sharks were also spotted, in the shallows Black Cod, Bulleyes, Tarwhine, were seen.
After a pleasant surface interval dive two was a drift from Shark Gutters to South Boulder, Shark Gutters had two juvenile Grey Nurse Sharks swimming around, a  dozen Grey Nurse Sharks were also spotted at North Boulder Wall.
Eagle rays, Black Cod, and Schooling fish were also seen down the Wall.
Congratulations to Kelly on completing her Padi Open Water dive course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Andy

13th September 2019 – Freaky Friday Diving Coffs Harbour

Great vis and plenty of life made for some excellent diving at South Solitary Island this morning. Our divers swam with lots of grey nurse sharks who were patrolling shark gutters and the cleaner station areas. Big schools of tarwhine, goatfish, trevally and eagle rays were also spotted hanging in the current on the boulder wall.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Andy

Semicircle Angelfish at South Solitary Island
Semicircle Angelfish at South Solitary Island

Turtle on rocky sea floor at Buchanans Wall
Turtle at Buchanans Wall

14th September 2019 – Plenty to see plus a whale too!

Despite the vis dropping to about 10m, the diving at South Solitary Island was nothing short of amazing today. Grey nurse sharks, eagle rays, turtles and black cod were out in big numbers while there was plenty of schooling fish life too. Shortly after hopping in for dive two, some of our divers were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a humpback whale who had made it’s way over to check us out!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 10m

Dive Report by Andy

22nd September 2019 – Split Solitary Island

On Saturday the 22nd September 2019, the wind had picked up earlier than we had expected this morning so it was decided Split Solitary Island would be the best place to dive so we could hide from the wind.

Dive One and Two were from Turtle Cove.

On dive one a lonely Eagle ray swam past the Student divers. We also spotted some turtles, schooling tarwhine, bulleyes, and lots of small critters.

After a short surface interval all divers dropped in again. One group of divers made their way to Mikes Mooring and spotted a Blind Shark, we also spotted Wobbegong Sharks, and lots of nudibranches were spotted.

Congratulations to Emma and Anna – Emma completed her Padi open Water Dive Course, and Anna for completed her Padi Scuba Diving Course.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 10m

Dive Report by Andy

Blind shark swimming over rocky reef ocean floor
Blind Shark at Split Solitary Island (C Windows 22.9.19)

Grey Nurse Sharks in a gutter at Manta Arch South Solitary Island, with blue water behind
Grey Nurse Sharks at Manta Arch, South Solitary Island


Our boat “2 Wild” was loaded up with students today on the 28th September, 2019 as we took off to South Solitary Island. For our first dive, we jumped in at the Gantry. We got up close and personal with Bullrays, Moray eels and some Turtles hanging in the shallows
Dive two provided us with the excitement we were looking for! Dropping down the mooring line at Shark gutters we found ourselves right in the middle of a huge school of Cow Nose Rays. Around 20 Grey Nurse Sharks were spotted along with some monster sized wobbegongs.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 10m

Dive Report by Mike

29th September 2019 – Plenty to See at South Solitary!

Our divers were blessed with some spectacular diving conditions at South Solitary Island today. Plenty of grey nurse were spotted throughout both dives along with a squadron of cownose rays and schooling trevally. Turtles, black cod, wobbegongs and lionfish also added to the highlights.
Congratulations to Alex and Sarah on completing your PADI Open Water Course today!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Mike

Grey nurse shark in top left corner of image with diver below
Paul with Grey Nurse

Green Sea Turtle with diver in the background at South Solitary Island
Green Sea Turtle with diver at South Solitary Island

30th September 2019 – Top conditions at South Solitary!

Great conditions above and below at South Solitary today. Our divers were in awe as they descended into a frenzy of marine life on dive one. Grey nurse sharks, cownose rays, turtles and black cod inundated the dive site along with large schools of trevally and tarwhine. No current made for a one way swim along the boulder wall for dive two. Too many fish to count on this dive plus a friendly hawkesbill turtle.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Mike

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations