1st December 2023- Amazing visbility and more hammerheads

2Wild packed up and headed out into the blue water at South Solitary Island this morning!

Our first dive was a nice and easy descent at Shark Gutters, exploring the top end of the island! Divers were lucky enough to see 3-4 Hammerhead Sharks, which seem to have been hanging out around the Island for the past month or so. The tiniest little Yellow Box Fish was dancing around cleaner cave, surrounded by half a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks inside the gutter.

After a lovely sunny surface interval, we jumped in at Shark Gutters and had a nice swim down to the Gantry. Highlight of this dive was the 6-8 massive Green Sea turtles hanging in between The Gap and 5 Metre Rock. We saw some really big Spanish Dancers, Nudibranchs, active Wobbegongs, and bull rays that joined our group the whole way down the Boulder Wall!!!

Congratulations Poppy for completing your PADI Open Water Course!!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Teagan

Green Sea Turtle South Solitary Island (A McMurrich Dec 2023)
Green Sea Turtle South Solitary Island (A McMurrich Dec 2023)

Hammerhead Shark - Sphyrna lewini - Cleaner Station at South Solitary (N Frpp)
Hammerhead Shark – Sphyrna lewini – Cleaner Station at South Solitary (N Frpp)

2nd december 2023 – hammer time!

With the briliant surface conditions holding, 2Wild loaded up and powered out to South Solitary for today’s diving.

First up our divers descended on Cleaner Station, and were almost imediately greeted by half a dozen Scallopped Hammerhead Sharks! (today’s photo from our instructor Nathan) Around 10 Grey Nurse were seen during the dive, along with a very friendly big Green Turtle, Nudibranchs, Black Cod, Marbled Rays and Blue Grouper.

After the surface interval our divers dropped in again at Cleaner Station for a drift dive to the Gantry, more Grey Nurse were seen, along with a lone Hammerhead, Spanish Dancers, more Turtles, Blue Spotted Rays and a Peacock Mantis Shrimp.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Nathan

3rd December 2023- Sharky sunday

With beautiful conditions at sea and sunny skies, 2Wild loaded up and headed out for some good Sunday diving at South Solitary Island.

The whole island had beautiful flat surface conditions and minimal to no current or swell. Our Advanced Student and instructor jumped in at Manta Arch to complete a deep dive. The rest of the crew descended at Shark Gutters. Highlight of the dive was the Silky Shark seen swimming through the back gutter. Some Grey Nurses were seen, probably around 12 total throughout the dive. Hammerheads yet again made an appearance off the boulder wall, saying hello to those who have never seen them before!

After morning tea most of our divers got in at Shark Gutters for a cruisy swim down to the Gantry to meet our Open Water Students. On this dive, Grey Nurses were sitting in big numbers around the Sanctuary Marker. A yellow box fish was swimming around the wreckage, a Green Sea Turtle having a snooze on 5 metre rock, Arrow Gobies, and a pipefish.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Teagan

Bronze Whaler (N Fripp December 2023)
Bronze Whaler (N Fripp December 2023)

Hammerhead - Sphyrna lewini - South Boulder - 231204
Hammerhead – Sphyrna lewini – South Boulder – 231204

4th december 2023 -stop. Hammertime!

Despite a foreboding southerly change 2Wild loaded up and headed out to South Solitary for some amazing diving! As with any southerly blue water was pushed to the island, with the bottom clearly visible from the boat on arrival at the top end.

First up our divers dropped in at Shark Gutters, with our Certified divers drifting over to Cleaner Station mooring to descend on, pushing out into deeper water along Boulder Wall, where a Dusky Whaler circled past twice, before being charged at and chased away by a Scalloped Hammerhead! other (lesser) highlights of the dive included a Frogfish, Spanish Dancers, Octopus, Marbled Rays, eight Grey Nurse Sharks and a large Hawksbill Turtle feeding at the Third Gutter.

After the surface interval our divers again descended on Shark Gutters agian cruising down Boulder Wall where a shoal of 6-8 Hammerheads were chasing a Whaler, the Hammerheads forgot about the Whaler and streamed in extremely close to check out our divers! after the Hammers moved off our divers cruised into island, gutterhopping from the Third Gutter to Shark and finally Cleaner gutter, where more Grey nurse were seen along with Black Cod, a Blue Grouper, an Orangutan Crab many Nudibranchs.

Congratulations to Elliot on completing his PADI Advanced Open Water course also Steven, Connor, Kyla and Matthew on completing their PADI Open Water course.

Water Temperature: 18-20°C

Visibility: 25-30m

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 25m-30m

Dive Report by Nathan

7th December 2023 – Hammerpocalypse!!!

After a two day break out of the water MegaWild loaded up with some excited divers and powered out to South Solitary for today’s diving!

On arriving at Cleaner Station we discovered that the visibility in close to the island had dropped off a bit since Monday and become a little milky, but our divers dropped in and were rewarded with an amazing dive! straight away a large male Grey Nurse Shark was seen cruising around the mooring, as our divers headed out towards deeper water hoping to catch a glimpse of a hammerhead or two they were completely unaware they were in for a MASSIVE surprise! once we hit 18m the temperature dropped and the visibility cleared up to reveal a school of over a hundred Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks with a smattering of Whalers cruising amongst them. After a few minutes of circling in front of our divers the Hammerheads cruised off and our divers then made their way into the gutters where Nudibranchs, Spanish Dancers, Angel Fish, White Eyed Morays and Pygmie Leather Jackets were seen.

Dive two saw our divers roll in at Cleaner Station again for a drift to the Gantry. Several large Marbled Rays were seen, along with a couple of Large Male Grey Nurse Sharks… and more Hammerheads! The school swam past our divers near the Sanctuary Marker, and wouldn’t leave one group of divers alone! they continued to circle back past one group of divers at least six times all the way down Boulder Wall and finally disappeared to do their own thing, being spotted for the last time at the north end of Five Metre Rock. a large Bronze Whaler, Turtles, Blue Grouper and a pair of transitional Yellow Boxfish were also seen.

Congratulations to Jade and Brad on completing their PADI Open Water Diver Course.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°-22°c
  • Visibility: 8m-15m

Dive Report By: Nathan

Hammerhead - Sphyrna lewini - Sanctuary Marker at South Solitary Island (N Fripp Dec 2023)
Hammerhead – Sphyrna lewini – Sanctuary Marker at South Solitary Island (N Fripp Dec 2023)

Grey Nurse Sharks with Hammerhead Sharks (N Fripp December 2023)
Grey Nurse Sharks with Hammerhead Sharks (N Fripp December 2023)

8th December 2023-Up to 30 metres visbility!!!!!!!

Sunny skies and calm surface conditions invited us out for a double dive this morning, MegaWild loaded up and steamed out to the lighthouse for some blue water diving!

Upon arrival we discovered beautiful visibility on the top end and “pool like” surface conditions. Keen to get in, one group of divers dropped in at Manta Arch to make their way around to Shark Gutters, where our students were finishing up their Open Water Course! With two large Grey Nurse Sharks waiting for us at the bottom of the mooring, we were awaited a fantastic dive! A shiver of Scalloped Hammerheads swam past our divers, once again giving leaving everyone amazed! There was a Grey Nurse Shark cruising along with the Hammers, which isn’t a usual sight to see. An Orangutan Crab was seen, hiding himself in coral. Two massive Queensland Grouper, both quite friendly, were seen hanging out around the deep end of Cleaner Station. To finish off the dive, divers were fortunate enough to see a Wavy Bubble Shell at the bottom of Shark Gutter Mooring.

Dive two was just as exciting, where divers were able to explore the top end gutters and make their way down to South Boulder. Again, the giant school of Hammerheads gave us a close look, actually horseshoe-ing around the group of punters! Just below were heaps of active Marbled Rays, gliding down the Boulder Wall, some coming very close to us! If you were lucky enough to see, some spotted a Painted Angler Fish and a Peacock Mantis Shrimp! There was a big thermocline on this dive, so most divers opted to stay a bit shallower and keep warm!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-23°C
  • Visibility 15m-30m

Dive Report By Nathan

9th December 2023 – windyweather whips up blue water!

Despite the brooding weather conditions Megawild loaded up with some very keen divers and headed out to South Solitary Island in some lumpy but very blue water!

First up our divers dropped in at Buchanan’s Wall where despite the clear water, macro was the dish of the day! Banded Coral Shrimp, Popcorn Shrimp, Glass Shrimp, and many Nudibranchs were spotted. We also saw Dwarf Lionfish, a Mosaic Moray and a Porcelain Crab.

After a windy surface interval our divers rolled in at the Gantry for dive two, where more Nudibranchs were seen! We also spotted Wobbegongs, a Spanish Dancer, and a Shovelnose Ray. Among this, we also saw Green Turtles, Blue Tangs, Anemonefish, and Ringeyed Hawkfish.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 17°C-22°C
  • Visibility 15m-20m

Dive Report By Nathan

Yellow Boxfish at the Gantry, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)
Yellow Boxfish at the Gantry, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)

Spotted Eagle Ray
Spotted Eagle Ray (H Tessarolo 2022)

10th December 2023 – East Australian Current Is Here

We ventured out to South Solitary Island this morning for two amazing dives!
Dive one was at Buchanan’s Wall as it was beautiful and calm. We had a sleepy Turtle along the wall, Blue Tangs, Banded Coral Shrimp and Wobbegongs.
Dive two had the boat split between doing a drift from the top end and the Advanced Navigation dive at The Gantry. There was a few Grey Nurse Sharks up the top end, Eagle Rays, Black Cod, Painted Crayfish, and a bullray with no tail :(. There were also 4-5 Turtles near The Gap.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 15m-18m

Dive Report By Teagan

12th December 2023 – Terrific tidal Tuesday

Breaking the work week nicely, both divers and snorkelers loaded up on Mega Wild and shot out for a nice double dive at South Solitary Island.

Buchanan’s Wall was the best option for our first dive, so everyone slipped in the water here to see what was going on underwater! The water was a nice cool temperature, with minimal current and surge, which created a nice environemnt to start the morning off with! There were heaps of beautiful Nudibranchs, creating some really nice colour up and down the wall. Our deep divers saw a lonesome cuttlefish, sitting in about 30 metres of water! A friendly Green Sea Turtle cruised by, giving everyone a close hello! Divers also saw a Zebra and Wolf Lionfish, a few very Large Wobbegongs, a Mosaic Mooray and a large Octopus was also seen hiding just out from the wall, peaking out at the divers!!

Dive two was a drift(ish) dive from Shark Gutters to South Boulder. During the dive our divers encountered three large Grey Nurse Sharks and a Marbled Ray chilling together in Cleaner Station Gutter, a large Dusky Whaler cruising around the Sanctuary Marker high in the water column, and a Pair of Scalloped Hammerheads not long after!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 15m-20m
  • Visibility 19°C-20°C

Dive Report By Nathan

Octopus at Buchanan's Wall, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)
Octopus at Buchanan’s Wall, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)

Fish eating Fish (December 2023)
Fish eating Fish (December 2023)

14th December 2023- Turtley Thursday

Despite the wind rolling in, MegaWild and its many divers packed dive equipment on and steamed out to South Solitary for some epic diving!

As with any Northerly wind, the top end of the island is affected most. Buchanan’s Wall was the most suitable site for our first dive, so everyone rolled in here! There was lots to see, the highlight of our first dive being a Mado being eaten by a Sergeant Baker. Nudibranchs filled the wall, showing off lots of colour! A couple Green Turtles swam by, also some Blue Tangs and Old Wives.

The surface interval was spent chatting about our first dive and warming up. For the next dive, all divers descended at The Gantry. A Transitionary Box Fish was seen in and around the wreckage, finsing some nice shelter away from the curious divers! A couple of rays were seen, one being a Blue Spotted Sting Ray as well as a beautiful White Spotted Eagel Ray! A spanish dancer was seen, on 5 metre rock! With a nice mix of Open Water and Advanced Students, as well as certified divers, everyone had a lovely time in the water today!

Congratulations Aidan and Liam on completing your PADI Advanced Open Water Course!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 8m-15m

Dive Report By Teagan

15TH DECEMBER 2023 – Maclean High Students Certified

We were lucky enough to get up the northern end of the island today for two spectacular dives!!
Shark gutters had 8-10 Grey Nurse Sharks, lots of Black Cod, Puffer Fish, and a Mantis Shrimp.
Dive two was a slight drift from Shark Gutters down to South Boulder. Our divers had some epic up close encounters with the Grey Nurse Sharks throughout the dive, We also had 2 Bullrays along boulder wall, Turtles in the shallows in the third gutter and numerous Moray Eels along with the normal critters.
There was a serious Thermocline along boulder wall with the temp dropping down to 16C in spots!!!
Congratulations to the Maclean High School students who all finished their PADI Open Water Course today

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 16°C-19°C
  • Visibility: 8m-15m

Dive Report By Lindsay

Grey Nurse Shark Close up (L Devery December 2024)
Grey Nurse Shark Close up (L Devery December 2024)

Semicircle Angelfish at South Solitary (N Fripp December 2023)
Semicircle Angelfish at South Solitary (N Fripp December 2023)

16th December 2023 – Trio of Semicircle angelfish

With So Wild finally en-route to Coffs Harbour Megawild loaded up and steamed out to South Solitary for today’s diving!

First up half our certified divers dropped in at Manta Arch for a planned swim through the gap to the Gantry, with the other half dropping in at Shark Gutters for a swim to the Gantry and our open water course dropping in at the Gantry. Highlights of ther dive included a transitional Yellow Boxfish, Green Turtles, Nudibranchs, Grey Nurse Sharks, and the yellow Painted Angler hiding in Manta Arch!

For our second dive our divers descended upon Shark Gutters, during the dive our divers encountered a pair of Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks, a large Dusky Whaler, tons of Grey Nurse Sharks, many more Nudibranchs, a pair of extremely friendly Marbled Rays and a MASSIVE Spanish Dancer.

Congratulations to Shirley, Georgia and Manael on completing their PADI Advanced Open Water course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-21°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report By Nathan

18th December 2023 – Maybe Manta Monday?!

With the weekend rush behind us Megawild loaded up and steamed out to South Solitary for some amazing diving! On arriving at the island we were greeted with a very murky looking green water.

First up our diver dropped in at Cleaner Station, where they were delighted to find clear (and cool) water below five metres! Highlights included Grey Nurse Sharks, Spanish Dancers, Nudibranchs, and Eagle Rays. We also saw Blue Groupers, some Scallopped Hammerheads (again!) and Green Turtles. For something exciting, Nathan spotted a Harlequin Swimming Crab, and Instructor Teagan and her student spotted a lone Reef Manta Ray sitting at Shark Gutters!

After the surface interval our divers dropped in again at Cleaner Station for a drift dive to South Boulder Wall, more Scallopped Hammerheads were seen here in big numbers, along with Marbled Rays, Black Cod, Blue Grouper, more Grey Nurse Sharks, more Nudibranchs and an Octopus.

We posted a reel of the Scallopped Hammerheads on Instagram – worth a look at these beauties!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-21°C
  • Visibility: 5m (at depths of 5m) – 20m (depths below 5m)

Dive Report By Nathan

Harlequin Swimming Crab - Lissocarcinus laevis (N Fripp December 2023)
Harlequin Swimming Crab – Lissocarcinus laevis (N Fripp December 2023)

Hammerhead Shark - Sphyrna lewini at North Boulder, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)
Hammerhead Shark – Sphyrna lewini at North Boulder, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)

20th December 2023 – So many SharKs for SOWILD’s maiden Voyage!!

With conditions holding for SoWild’s first trip we loaded up under the watchful eye of a lone Eagle Ray patrolling the marina and powered out to South Solitary!

First up our divers dropped in to some surprisingly clear water at Shark Gutters. Many Grey Nurse Sharks were seen in the shallows and around Cleaner Rock and a pair of Sandbar Sharks were spotted zigzagging around North Boulder; Black Cod, Blue Grouper, Spanish Dancers, Nudibranchs and Orangutan Crabs were among the othe highlights.

Dive two saw our divers descend once again on Shark Gutters for a drift dive to The Gantry. visibility had closed a little over the surface interval with a warm, dirty cloud coming in, but below 16m the water was crisp but crystal clear! During the dive almost every shark was seen: Wobbegongs, Grey Nurses, Dusky Whalers, Bronze Whalers, an Oceanic Blacktip 20+ Scalloped Hammerheads and even a big chonky Bullshark!

Congratulations to Nadia on completing her PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 8m-25m

Dive Report By Nathan

21st December 2023 – Turtally awesome Visibility!

With the southerly change upon us SoWild Loaded up and carved it’s way out to South Solitary for today’s dives!

First up saw our divers drop in to crisp, crystal clear blue water at Shark Gutters. Grey Nurse Sharks were aplenty from the shallows and gutters right out to the deep water! other highlights of the dive included a pair of Queensland Grouper making themselves at home in the Cleaner Gutter, Schooling Bannerfish, Nudibranchs, Cowries, juvenile Yellow boxfish, Crowned Puffer Fish and Pygmie Leatherjackets.

Dive two saw our divers descend on Cleaner Station mooring for a drift to South Boulder. Along the way more Grey Nurse Sharks were seen, along with a massive Honeycomb Moray, Spotted Eagle Rays, Marbled Rays, Black Cod, Nudibranchs, Green Turtles, a Hawksbill Turtle and a very friendly little Loggerhead Turtle!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-19°C
  • Visibility: 25m-30m

Dive Report By Nathan

Loggerhead Sea Turtle - Caretta caretta at Boulder Wall, South Solitary Island (N Fripp 2023)
Loggerhead Sea Turtle – Caretta caretta at Boulder Wall, South Solitary Island (N Fripp 2023)

Marbled Ray - Taeniurops meyeni 
 at Boulder Wall, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)
Marbled Ray – Taeniurops meyeni at Boulder Wall, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)

23rd December 2023 -Sensational Saturday at South!

After yesterday’s false alarm weather cancellation (thanks Bureau of Meteorology!) Megawild loaded up to the gunwales with some super excited divers and powered out to South Solitary for today’s diving!

FIrst up our divers dropped in at Shark Gutters, and Scallopped Hammerheads were sighted immediately by the first divers off the boat! During the dive more Scallopped Hammerheads were seen a large female and a small male swimming as a pair, as well as 12+ schooled together that appear to now be residents of the island. Other Highlights included Grey Nurse Sharks, juvenile Yellow Boxfish, Orangutan Crabs, a Cuttlefish, Nudibranchs and Spanish Dancers.

For the second dive our divers descended on Cleaner Station for a drift dive to South Boulder. During the dive our divers encountered Grey Nurse Sharks, Wobbegongs, Black Cod, a Loggerhead Turtle, Green Turtles, More Nudibranchs, Flatworms and a very frisky pair of Marbled Rays!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-21°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report By Nathan

24th December 2023- Merry Christmas Eve!

Jetty Dive kicked off the holidays nicely, loading up both SoWild, as they ventured up to North Solitary, as well as Megawild which shot off to South Solitary this morning

Although the skies were quite stormy, MegaWild and its passengers had two fantastic dives at South Sol. Considering the direction of the swell and wind, we descended for our first dive at Buchanan’s Wall. Highlights of this dive were Moray Eels, Wobbegongs and a very inquisitive Green Sea Turtle at the end of the dive. After our surface interval, we decided to get in at the top end and drift down to The Gantry. Getting in at Shark Gutters, divers saw some very shy Hammerheads in the gloom, huge schools of Sweep and Bullseyes, 10-12 Bullrays along boulder wall and a Shovelnose Guitarfish partolling Boulder Wall.

For the first time in a long time, we made our way up to North Solitary to see what we’ve bene missing out on! This was an even more exciting dive trip considering it was SoWild’s first time heading to North Sol. Upon arrival and seeing blue beautiful water, divers descended for their first dive at Anenome Bay. Some favourites that we saw in the water were hundreds of Anenome fish, Blue Tangs, Damsels, Fire Gobys and turtles. Keen to jump back in, divers got in at Elbow Cave to complete their second dive! On this dive, we saw Black Cod, Mantis Shrimp, Mosaic Moray Eel and a few Eagle Rays

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 18m-25m

Dive Report By Teagan

Shovel-nose Ray, South Solitary Island by Jetty Dive 11 Jan 15
Shovel-nose Ray, South Solitary Island (January 2015)

Aesop Slipper Lobster - Scyllarides haanii - at Cleaner Station, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)
Aesop Slipper Lobster – Scyllarides haanii – at Cleaner Station, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)

26th December 2023- Boxing Day Diving

Recovering from the festive weekend, MegaWild and its divers loaded up and shot off to South Solitary for some good diving. Although there was a Northerly wind, we were able to get to the top end of the island for both dives which was fantastic! The water temperature was very warm and visibility was great!

Dive one was a bit of a mix, with divers getting in at a couple different sites. Our advanced group of divers descended at Manta Arch to explore the deeper area of the Island, whilst everyone else got in at Shark Gutters. There was heaps to see underwater today, some of our highlights being Grey Nurse Sharks, a yellow Painted Angler, Queensland Grouper, Orangutan Crabs and Nudibranchs.

After a surface interval of watching the sea birds of out island, we were keen to get back in! Most of everyone descended at Shark Gutters again for a drift arond to the Gantry, whilst our Instructor and her student stayed around the Gantry to explore. This was a fantastic dive! There was heaps to see, including lots of Spotted Eagle Rays and Bull Rays. Most divers were even lucky enough to see two Shovelnose Guitarfish which were cruising around 5 metre rock. Other marine life seen included Slipper Lobsters, Grey Nurse Sharks, Painted Crayfish, Headshield Slugs, Spanish Dancers, Hawksbill Turtles, Green Turtles and Marbled Rays.

Water Temperature: 19-22°C

Visibility: 20m

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-22°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report By Nathan

27th December 2023 – Barney is BACK!

Despite the freshening northerly breeze this morning Megawild loaded up and powered out to South Solitary for some awesome diving!

First up our divers dropped in at Buchanan’s Wall, where macro was the flavour of the day. Nudibranchs, Sap Sucking Slugs, Spanish Dancers, Banded Coral Shrimp, juvenile Yellow Boxfish, Egg Cowries, Mosaic Moray Eels, and a Spotted Eagle Ray were amongst the highlights.

Dive Two was our divers descend on the Gantry, Blue Lipped Wide-band Anemonefish, Fire Gobies, Arrow Gobies, A very bashful but friendly Octopus, many Green Turtles in and around the Gap, White-spotted Guitarfish were seen, as well as a very hungry Barney (our resident Loggerhead Turtle) who was destroying some massive snails! (today’s Photo thanks to our DM Ash).

Water Temperature 20-22°C

Visibility: 10-20m

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-22°C
  • Visibility: 10m-20m

Dive Report By Nathan

Meg & Barney the Loggerhead Turtle (December 2023)
Meg & Barney the Loggerhead Turtle (December 2023)

Hammerhead Shark - Sphyrna lewini - Cleaner Station at South Solitary (N Frpp)
Hammerhead Shark – Sphyrna lewini – Cleaner Station at South Solitary (N Frpp)

28th December 2023 -Dive Dive Dive Day!

With Conditions getting better the entire Jetty Dive fleet loaded up and got under way to South Solitary Island for today’s dives. First up SoWild’s divers dropped in at Manta Arch and Cleaner Station, while MegaWild’s divers decided to explore Buchanan’s Wall. SoWilds divers encountered Grey Nurse Sharks, Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks, Bubble Shells and Nudibranchs; while MegaWild’s divers saw many Green Turtles, juvenile Yellow Boxfish, Nudibranchs & Banded Coral Shrimp.

After the Surface interval SoWild’s divers dropped in at Cleaner Station for a drift to South Boulder. Highlights of the dive included Marbled Rays, Grey Nurse Sharks, Cuttlefish, Black Cod, Flagtail Blanquellos and Gold Crown Gobies. Shortly after Megawild’s Divers dropped in at Shark Gutters for a drift to South Boulder, where they saw the same stuff, just later!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-22°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report By Nathan

29th December 2023 – Warm Water and Leopard Sharks at South!

With the awesome weather hanging around, the entire Jetty Dive fleet loaded up and headed out to South Solitary for today’s dives!

First up SoWild’s divers descended on Cleaner Station whilst MegaWild’s divers dropped in at Buchanan’s Wall. Highlights included Grey Nurse Sharks (one very battle scarred male missing its dorsal fin seen at Cable Trail and again at Buchanan’s Wall) Nudibranchs, Lionfish, juvenile Yellow Boxfish and a Leopard Shark!

For the second dive SoWild’s divers dropped in again at Cleaner Station for a drift to Megawild moved around to Cleaner Station for a Drift to the Gantry, visibility was patchy at the top end, but our divers managed to find more Grey Nurse Sharks were seen along with Green Turtles, Hawksbill Turtles, a Peacock Mantis Shrimp, and a Cockatoo Waspfish (the new southernmost recording on iNaturalist for that species; guess which one of our instructors found it and go into the running to win a Coke Zero!)

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-22°C
  • Visibility: 10m-20m

Dive Report By Nathan

Leopard Shark - Stegostoma fasciatum - at the Cable Trail (N Fripp December 2023)
Leopard Shark – Stegostoma fasciatum – at the Cable Trail (N Fripp December 2023)

Cockatoo Waspfish - ablabys taenianotus - at Boulder Wall, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)
Cockatoo Waspfish – ablabys taenianotus – at Boulder Wall, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)

30th December 2023 – Turtlepalooza at South Sol!

Despite the dreary morning SoWild loaded up with some excited divers and plowed out to South Solitary for today’s diving!

First up our divers descaended into the depths at Manta Arch. Two Grey Nurse Sharks were seen on the sandy patch at the base of the arch, an Orangutan Crab, Octopus, Cuttlefish and Nudibranchs (including a possible sighting of Janolus flavoanulatus).

For the Second dive our divers dropped on Cleaner for a swim to the Gantry, while one group dropped in to the Back Gutter for a swim through the Gap to the Gantry. Around 20 Grey Nurse Sharks were seen in the Back Gutter, along with more Nudibranchs, Flatworms, Seahares, a bale of eight massive Green Turtles were seen skulking about in the shallows at the Gap, a Peacock Mantis Shrimp and a Cockatoo Waspfish (today’s photo from our instructor Nathan).

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-21°C
  • Visibility: 10m-20m

Dive Report By Nathan

31st December 2023 – Last Dive of 2023!!

With some wild weather upon us Megawild loaded up for the last dive trip of the year!

First up our advanced divers dropped in at Manta Arch whilst the remainder Shark Gutters. Two large Grey Nurse were seen in Manta Arch, with another twenty in the Back Gutter. Other highlights included Octopus, Nudibranchs, Flatworms, and Orangutan Crabs. Additionally, we saw Dwarf Lionfish and even a baby Scallopped Hammerhead hanging out at Manta Arch mooring line!.

After a wet, windy and flashy surface interval our divers descended at South Boulder to explore the wall, Grey Nurse, Turtles, Marbled Rays, Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Cockatoo Waspfish, Nudibranchs and a Blue Angelfish came out to see us off on the last dive of 2023!

A big thank you to everyone who has dived with us and made 2023 such a great year, we hope to see you all again in the new year!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-21°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report By Nathan

Peacock Mantis Shrimp - Odontodactylus scyllarus at Boulder Wall, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)
Peacock Mantis Shrimp – Odontodactylus scyllarus at Boulder Wall, South Solitary Island (N Fripp December 2023)

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations