Take a look at our dive reports from February 2021! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in February 2021.

Dive Reports February 2021 – Table of Contents:


With another no wind morning and surface conditions flattening out, 2Wild jetted out to South Solitary Island for some solid diving!
First up our divers rolled in at Buchanan’s Wall; Nudibranchs were the flavour of the day agian, a juvenile Yellow Box Fish, Octopus and Wobbegongs were also seen.
After the Surface interval our divers split up, group one dropped in at Manta Arch for a swim through the Gap to the Gantry where they saw 16 grey nurse in the arch itself and around 27 in the back gutter, Turtles and Blue spotted rays were also seen through the Gap. The highlights for the second group who dropped in at the Gantry included two Spotted Eagle Rays, a Leopard Shark and a Green Turtle.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-25°C
  • Visibility: 20m-30m

Dive Report by Tara

Grey Nurse Shark at Manta Arch
Grey Nurse Shark at Manta Arch (N Fripp February 2021)

Phil & Hawksbill Turtle at South Boulder
Phil & Hawksbill Turtle at South Boulder (N Fripp 2021)

4th February 2021 – Potato Cake Thursday!!!!

With sea conditions flattening out after a brief upset yesterday, Wildfin headed out to South Solitary Island for some fine diving! On arrival we noted the water was still very blue and warm with an uphill current.
First up our divers rolled in at Buchanan’s Wall for a drift to the Gantry. along the way our divers saw Turtles, Black Cod, Blue Tangs, Porcelain Crabs and Blue Spotted Rays.
After the surface interval our divers dropped in at the Gantry to continue the drift northwards to South Boulder. The Highlights included even more Turtles (including Scratch), Blue Groupers, a large Leopard Blenny and a Painted Crayfish. The swell gave a dark cover of bubbles over the divers at times near Shark Gutters, warning us of it’s bigger than normal size.
Congratulations to  Sophie, Rhiannon & Addison on completing their Advanced Open Water course.
And a giant thank you to Deb for the ever amazing potato cake for morning tea!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C-25°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Tara

5th February 2021 –

With the blue water setting in, 2Wild steamed out to South Solitary for some solid diving!!
First up our divers dropped in on Buchanan’s Wall, a Blubber Jellyfish was seen near the surface while descending, then Turtles, Blue Grouper, Nudibranchs, Dwarf Lionfish, a small Sawtooth Pipefish and a juvenile Yellow Boxfish were seen during the dive.
During the surface interval a small Hammerhead Shark decided to join us on the surface and cruised past only a few metres from the boat. After the surface interval our dive groups split up with one group taking advantage of the uphill current, drifting from the Gantry to South Boulder; the second group dropped in at South Boulder and covered almost the entire top end: South Boulder → North Boulder → Cleaner Station → Shark Gutters → the Third Gutter and then back to South Boulder. Between both groups many Turtles (including Scratch), Marbled Rays, Reindeer Wrasse, Orangutan Crabs,  Nudibranchs, Wobbegongs and Painted Crays were seen.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C-25°
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Tara

Marbled Ray Boulder Wall
Marbled Ray Boulder Wall

Green Sea Turtle
Green Sea Turtle (L Clark February 2021)

6th February 2021 – Scratch is back!

Once again the weekend calls for both of our boats to head to South Solitary for some diving action!
First up we had one boat roll in at Buchanans Wall, and the other boat dived in at Manta Arch. Highlights from these dives include Marbled Rays, Green Sea Turtles, Wobbegong Sharks, tonnes of Grey Nurse Sharks in the back gutter, Cow Fish, and a Lionfish.
The second dive we had all divers drift from the top end, along the western side with one boat finishing up at South Boulder and the other boat went all the way to the The Gantry. The Boulder Wall was bursting with fish life, more Marlbed Rays, Wobbegong Sharks, Lionfish, Nudibranchs, a Pineapple Fish, Moray Eels, and to top it off, Scratch the Green Sea Turtle was waiting for us at the Gap.
Big Congrats to Dan, Lucy, and Mikayla for completing their PADI Open Water Course today!! Great job!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 24°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Lockie

7th Febuary 2021 – Blue Tang Sunday

The Surface conditions this morning were magical and with 15-20m visibility, it was what we call a Cracker Day.
Dive one had “Wildfin” put divers in at Buchanan’s Wall while “2Wild’s” divers had a good look around Cleaner Station, lots to see on the first dives including Turtles, Eagle Rays, Black Cod, Schools of Bullseyes and GT’s.
Dive two was decided that both boats do the drift from top end around to the Gantry, everyone had an awesome dive even if there was lot of current to push them along.
Some of the highlights on the dive were Huge Black Cod in the 3rd gutter, Moray Eels in Cleaner Station Cave, Mantis Shrimp, Old Wives , Turtles near the gap and this beautiful coral home to Dory and her family!! also known as Blue Tangs.
Congratulations to Ajinkya and Pranav who completed the PADI Discover Scuba Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 24°C-25°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Tara

Blue Tangs Near The Gap
Blue Tangs Near The Gap (L Devery January 2021)

Grey Nurse Shark manta arch
Grey Nurse Shark manta arch (N Fripp February 2021)

11th February 2021- Bright Blue Water Is Back!!

After a few days of windy weather we loaded up 2Wild and headed back out to see what the weather had brought us… and it didn’t disappoint: crystal clear blue water!!!
First up our divers rolled in at Manta Arch, ~31 Grey Nurse Sharks were hanging out in and around the arch, our divers also saw a Jawfish, Mimic File fish and Mantis Shrimp.
After the surface interval our dive groups split up, the first group dropping in at Manta Arch again for a swim to Shark Gutters; while the other two groups got in at Shark Gutters to dive the top end and the deep Sponge Gardens. More Grey Nurse were seen at the arch, whilst Black Cod, Pinapple fish, Orangutan Crabs, a juvenile Mosaic Leatherjacket were seen in the gutters; and a strange (as yet unidentified) little pipefish was found out near the sponge Gardens along with quite a few Nudibranchs!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 25°C-22°
  • Visibility: 30m+

Dive Report by Tara

12th February 2021 – Manta Arch Packed with Grey Nurse Sharks

We had a NW wind this morning which made Manta Arch the pick for dive one. Our divers were welcomed with beautiful water and 30 Grey Nurse Sharks in the Arch!! There was Bluespotted rays around Cleaner Station, Black Cod and some big Eagle Rays out in the deeper water.
Dive two was at Buchanan’s Wall, we had lots of Nudibranchs, Turtles, Schools of Bullseyes, Octopus and a possible sighting of a Manta Ray but no photos or footage so maybe it wasnt there at all??
Congratulations to Corey on completing his Advanced Open Water Course.
Congratulations to James who finished his PADI Junior Open Water Course today.
Photo taken by Nathan Fripp

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C-25°C
  • Visibility: 30m-40m

Dive Report by Nathan

Grey Nurse Shark at Manta Arch at South Solitary
Grey Nurse Shark at Manta Arch at South Solitary (N Fripp February 2021)

Buchanans Wall Good Visibility
Buchanans Wall Good Visibility

13th February 2021 – 35m Visibility at South Solitary island

South Solitary Island again had spectacular conditions and a huge abundance of marinelife!
Dive one saw both Wildfin and 2Wild put their divers in at Buchanan’s Wall, where there was swimming pool visibility and plenty to see including; Blue Angelfish, Marbled Rays, Nudibranchs and Green Sea Turtles.
After our surface interval 2Wild steamend around to drop their divers in at Manta Arch for a swim through the Gap to the Gantry, despite a slight drop in visibility between the two sides of the island our divers got up close with over 25 Grey Nurse that were hanging in and around the arch. After a bit of a swim the first turtle appeared about halfway through the Gap, once on the western side of the Gap there was Green Turtles of all sizes everywhere!! At least ten Turtles were seen between the Gap and the Gantry! Meanwile Wildfin’s divers dropped in at Shark Gutters and drifted down to The Gantry where their divers saw Marbled Rays, Turtles, Moray Eels, Schools of Bullseyes, Tarwhine and Morish Idles near The Gantry structure.
Congratulations to Corey & Bevan on completing their PADI Open Water Course today.
Photo taken today between Buchanan’s Wall and Cable Trail.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-25°C
  • Visibility: 20m-35m

Dive Report by Lindsay

21st February 2021 – PADI Rescue Divers

The weather has not been nice this past week and we could not get out to the Solitary Islands,  it was perfect for some rescue training in the marina!!
We had the Rescue theory session yesterday morning followed by the pool exercises in the afternoon. This morning we got geared up and used 2wild as our base for all the ocean exercises and scenarios.
Everyone had a great time and learnt lots from the two day course with Stuart and Lindsay, marine life spotted in the marina was Numb rays, Tarwhine, Spotted Stingrays and Flathead.
Thanks to all the Staff who assisted and helped throughout the two days
Congratulations to Alfred, Davide, Samantha and Rhiannon who all completed the course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 0.5m-3m

Dive Report by Lockie

Rescue Course 21-02-21
Rescue Course 21-02-21

Green Moray eel with its mouth open wide, peeping out of rocks at cleaner station at South Solitary Island
Moray eel at Cleaner Station South Solitary Island

26th February 2021 – Back Blowing Bubbles!

After over a week out of the water due to bad conditions, conditions improved, allowing Wildfin out to South Solitary for a double dive.
First dive we rolled in at Manta Arch where we had surprislingly warm blue water. Highlights from the dive include; Grey Nurse Sharks in and amongst the arch, Lionfish, Black Cod, Nudibranchs, and Moray Eels.
For the second dive we had some divers do a drift from Manta Arch, through the gap, and finished up at the Gantry, whereas we had another few groups just stay at The Gantry. During these dives we saw Green Sea and Hawksbill Turtles, Blue Gropers, Nudibranchs, a Spotted Marbled Ray, Wobbegong Sharks, and loads of colouful fishlife throughout the dives.
Congrats to Nadia who finished off her PADI Advanced Open Water course today!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 24°C-25°C
  • Visibility: Manta: 15m-20m/The Gantry: 5m-8m

Dive Report by Tara

27th February 2021 – South Solitary Saturday

We had both boats out today diving at South Solitary Island.
Dive one for 2wild was at Manta Arch while Wildfin got the students in at The Gantry. The dives were spectacular with Grey Nurse Sharks, Turtles, Travelly and a cute little octopus in the Back Gutter.
During the surface interval Mike and Josh got in at Cleaner Station to do some Divemaster exercises, to their amazement a 6-7m Whale Shark swam around them for a few minutes and although Mike came up to get a Go Pro unfortunately, we have no footage. Cassie also filmed a Whale Shark in the same location on the 28th Feb 2020!!!
Dive two was a drift from the top end around to The Gantry for 2Wild and to South Boulder for Wildfin. There was a bit of current and it did not take long to get around the corner, during the drift our divers spotted Stingrays, Turtles, Schools of Pomfreds and Tarwhine, a Leopard Shark up the top end and a very friendly Eastern Blue Groper at Five Metre Rock.
Congratulations to Jim who finished his last dive of his PADI Advanced Open Water Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 25°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Eastern Blue Groper
Eastern Blue Groper (L Devery February 2021)

Grey Nurse Sharks at Manta Arch South Solitary
Grey Nurse Sharks at Manta Arch South Solitary (February 2021)

28th Feburary 2021 – “Fantastic surface and underwater conditions at South Solitary”

Today we were greeted by almost perfect surface and underwater conditions, that ensured that all divers had the best Sunday possible.
Both boats flew out to South Solitary in no time, where we had Wildfin roll in at Buchanans Wall with Open Water Students, whereas 2 Wild jumped in at Manta Arch with the more experienced certified divers. Highlights from these dives include Green Sea and Loggerhead Turtles, a Queensland Groper, Juvenile Sweetlip, 17 Grey Nurse Sharks at the Arch which were counted as apart of a Shark Awareness Dive with Lindsay and his students, along with Wobbegongs, Lionfish, and Nudibranchs.
For the second dive, majority of divers did a drift from Shark Gutters down to the Gantry, and some just stayed and checked out the Gantry. Eagle rays,  a Leopard Shark, Green Sea Turtles, Loggerhead Turtles, Wobbegongs, Black Cod were amongst the highlights, additiuonally we had constant schools of Fusilers, Tarwhine, Travelly, and Sweetlip.
Congratulations to Julia and Susan who completed their PADI Open Water Course today with Stuart! We also had Skye and Brett complete the Shark Awareness Speciality with Lindsay. Well done to all of you!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 24°C-25°C
  • Visibility: 20m+

Dive Report by Tara

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations