With the visibility continuing to clear, Wild Fin loaded up and headed out to South Solitary for the first dives of the new year!

First up our divers rolled in at Shark Gutters;  Spanish Dancers, a lone Grey Nurse, Queensland Grouper, Pineapple Fish, itty bitty Mimic File Fish and a not quite adult/not quite juvenile Yellow Box fish were amongst the highlights.

After the surface interval at South Boulder mooring our divers dropped in at Shark Gutters for a one way swim to South Boulder. During the dive Black Cod, Nudibranchs, a large Leopard Blenny, a Southern Peacock Sole and Orangutan Crab were seen.

Today’s Dive report photo is a Spanish Dancer photographed by Kate Mercer near Shark Gutters.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Tara

Spanish Dancer at South Solitary
Spanish Dancer at South Solitary (K Mercer January 2021)

Hawksbill Turtle with diver Zoya at Boulder Wall
Hawksbill Turtle with diver Zoya at Boulder Wall (January 2021)

3rd January 2021 – Turtletastic!!!

Both boats flew out to South Solitary in no time, as conditions this morning were almost perfect.
Divers on 2 Wild and Wildfin both explored the top end on the first dive. 2 Wild descended down at Cleaner Station, whereas WildFin dived in at Shark Gutters. Highlights include, a Pineapple Fish, heaps off Green Sea Turtles, a few Grey Nurse Sharks, Wobbegong Sharks, and even a Blue Ringed Octopus just near Cleaner Cave.
For the second dive, we had a group get in at Manta Arch, some getting in at Cleaner Station, and the rest getting in at The Gantry, and all ending up at South Boulder. During the dives we had approximately 15 Green Sea and Hawksbill turtles between the Gantry and South Boulder, Black Cod, Blue Spotted Stingrays, a Skunk Coral Shrimp, about 20 Grey Nurse in the back gutter, and a Abbott’s Moray Eel.
The featured image today is two of our Open Water students on their first dives getting up close and persoanl with a Hawksbill Turtle.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 15m-18m

Dive Report by Tara

4th January 2021 – South Solitary Double Boats

Wildfin and 2Wild set out to South Solitary Island this morning with divers keen to get in and blow some bubbles.
Buchanan’s Wall was decided for dive one, visibility here was 12-15m with a slight downhill current. Our divers had a blast and got to see Turtles, Moray Eels, Nudibranchs, Stingrays and schools of Pomfreds.
Dive two had Wildfin’s divers get in at Cleaner Station and make their way down to South Boulder while 2Wilds divers got in at Manta Arch and explored the Back Gutter before heading through the gap and finishing at The Gantry. Plenty to see underwater on both these dives including Black Cod, 20-25 Grey Nurse Sharks in the back gutter, Turtles, Octopus, Flutemouth Fish, Morish Idols, Blue Tangs and some tiny Anenome Fish near The Gantry.
Congratulations to Rebecca, Erin and Larry who all become PADI Open Water Divers today
Photo taken today by Nathan

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C-24°C
  • Visibility: 12m-15m

Dive Report by Tara

Grey Nurse Sharks in the Back Gutter at South Solitary
Grey Nurse Sharks in the Back Gutter at South Solitary (N Fripp January 2021)

Dusky whaler shark, South Solitary Island 5 October 2015 by Jetty Dive
Dusky whaler shark, South Solitary Island (N Fripp 5 October 2015)

5th January 2021 – Sharkapalooza!

Once again we had both boats travel out to South Solitary for a double dive with divers experiencing fantastic surface and underwater conditions.
We had divers getting in at Manta Arch and at The Gantry for the first dives. At Manta there was a Scalloped Hammerhead spotted on the surface, and approximately 35 Grey Nurse Sharks in the back gutter. Divers at the Gantry were treated with Green Sea Turtles, Spotted Eagle Rays, Moray Eels, and lots of colourful fish life in around the mooring.
The second dive we had divers from 2 Wild doing a drift from Shark Gutters to the Gantry, whereas Wildfin had one group of divers get in at Manta Arch and another group getting in at Buchanans Wall and all ending up at the Gantry. Our instructor Nathan spotted a Great Hammerhead Shark at North Boulder, and then had a very close encounter with a five and a half foot Bronze Whaler on Boulder Wall! Highlights from the other divers include tonnes of Green Sea and Hawksbill Turtles, Wobbegongs, loads of Grey Nurse Sharks in the back gutter, Blue Spotted Stingrays, Bullrays, Nudibranchs, Moray Eels and Lionfish.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Tara

6th January 2021 – Wicked Wednesday

Wildfin and 2 Wild cruised out to South Solitary Island once again for a double dive.
2 Wild descended down at Manta Arch for their first dive. Approximately 25+ Grey Nurse Sharks were spotted in the back gutter, along with Wobbegongs near the arch, Nudibranchs, schools of Travelly, and a Bullray. Divers on Wildfin dived Shark Gutters first up, with about 10 Grey Nurse Sharks in and around the 2nd and 3rd gutters, a large Hawksbill Turtle, Black Cod, schools of Kingfish, and Nudibranchs.
For the second dive we had 2 Wild’s divers drift from Cleaner Station down to South Boulder, and divers from Wildfin explore the top end once again. Highlights from the dives include; 10-15 Grey Nurse Sharks between Cleaner Station and Shark Gutters, Lionfish, Bullrays, Green Sea Turtles, Hawksbill Turtles, Nudibranchs, large Black Cod, Wobbegongs Sharks, Octopus and a Juvenile Ribbon Eel which is quite rare to be found in this area.
Congrats to Harry, Angus, Kate, Ethan, and Huntly who completed their PADI Open Water Course today!! Well done to all of you!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 24°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Tara

Lionfish (January 2021)

Giant Cuttlefish. Once a common sighting from July to October. Rarely seen since 2010

10th January 2021 – Sunday Sesh

With improved sea conditions, we took Wildfin out to South Solitary Island after a few days with no diving action.
Divers descended down at Shark Gutters for the first dive, where divers saw Wobbegongs, Blue Spotted Rays, Nudibranchs, Black Cod and a large Loggerhead Turtle. Water visibility was better than expected allowing all the divers a nice and peacful dive with lots to see.
For the second dive we did a drift from Shark Gutters to South Boulder with all divers thoroughly enjoying what Boulder wall has to offer. Highlights from the dive include Green Sea Turtles, a Cuttlefish, Slipper Lobsters, more Wobbegong Sharks, constant schools of Fusiliers, Sweetlip, Stripeys, and Surgeon fish, along with Moray Eels and Nudibranchs.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 10m-12m

Dive Report by Tara

11th January 2021 – Magic Monday

2 Wild and Wildfin flew out this morning to Split Solitary and South Solitary for some diving action!
Split Solitary Island was the location for divers on 2 Wild, for the students who were completing their PADI Open Water Course. During our two dives, we saw loads of Wobbegong Sharks, Blue Spotted Stingrays, a Green Sea Turtle, Blue Groupers, Nudibranchs, as well as large schools of Surgeonfish and Stripeys throughout the dives.
Wildfin cruised abit further out to South Solitary Island, where we had certified divers enjoying nice warm blue water. Dive 1 divers our certified divers rolled in at Manta Arch for a swim to Cleaner Station; Several Grey Nurse sharks were seen in the arch, along with Nudibranchs, juvenile Yellow Box Fish, Mimic File Fish and a pair of Chinamans Hat’s (Tylodina corticalis). Dive 2 our divers descended on Cleaner Station mooring for a one way swim to South Boulder. Along the way Big Black Cod, Spanish Dancers, Nudibranchs, a very bright orange juvenile Abbotts Moray and a very large Painted Angler (as pictured in today’s dive report) were seen along the way!
Congratulations to Neil & Emi on completing their PADI Open Water Course and to Hailey on completing her Advanced Open Water Course.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Tara

Painted Angler at Shark Gutters South Solitary Island
Painted Angler at Shark Gutters South Solitary Island (N Fripp January 2021)

Divers on the line
Divers on the line

12th January 2021 – Great weather at South Solitary Island

With surface conditions easing both boats headed out to South Solitary for diving and snorkelling.
“Wildfin” was loaded with PADI Open Water Dive Course students and “2 Wild” had the certified divers, and dived on opposite sides of the island. Manta Arch was the site for the certified divers where they mixed it with a few Grey Nurse sharks. Visibility on this side of the island was 5 mtrs better than the other side on the surface. Down below 10 mtrs, The Gantry’s visibilty opened out to be a little bit better than 10 mtrs. and almost matched the 10-15 mtrs at Manta Arch.
Dive 2 had both boats check out the northern side of the island, getting glimpses of Grey Nurse sharks, wobbygongs and turtles amongst the masses of fish schooling the area. Congratulations to Zoe for finishing her PADI Open Water course today.
Meanwhile, the snorkellers had a hard time finding water clean enough to see the bottom, but braved the sloppy surface at the eastern side to find their way into the gap and enjoy themselves with the cleanest area.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 10m

Dive Report by Tara

13th January 2021 – Open Water Divers Experience Shark Diving

South Solitary Island again turned it on for all our divers today.
Manta Arch/Back Gutter and the northern end of South Solitary Island were the picks for today and although the visibility had dropped a little, the marinelife was still amazing.
The Back Gutter had 10-20 Grey Nurse Sharks, Nudibranchs, Black Cod and some Moray Eels.
The top end of the island we had Eagle Rays, Wobbegongs, schools of Bullseyes, Travelly and Pomfreds. Down boulder wall we had a rare juvenile Blue Ribbon Eel, Turtles, Black Cod, Slipper Lobsters and a beautiful Blue Angle Fish in Cleaner Station Cave.
Congratulations to Jenny, Courtney, Emily, Ned and Carmen who all completed their PADI Open Water Course today
Congratulations to Tilly on completing her Advanced Open Water course.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 8m-10m

Dive Report by Mike

Slipper Lobster with Diver at South Solitary
Slipper Lobster with Diver at South Solitary (N Fripp January 2021)

Leopard Blenny North Solitary island
Leopard Blenny North Solitary island (L Devery January 2021)

14th January 2021 – North and South Solitary Island Dives

We made the most of the beautiful weather condtions today and had 2Wild fly up to North Solitary Island while Wildfin went to South Solitary Island.
At North Solitary we dived Anemone Bay and Fish Soup, where we had lots to see including a Leopard Shark, Mantis Shrimp, Anemone Fish, Leopard Blennys, a little Painted Angler fish and some huge Wobbegongs.
South Solitary had Grey Nurse Sharks, Bullrays, Schools of Bullseyes and Sweetlips and plenty of Turtles near The Gap.
Congratulations to the students from McLean High School who completed their Open Water dives 1 and 2 today

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C-23°C
  • Visibility: 6m-10m

Dive Report by Mike

15th January 2021 – Fishy Friday

Today Wild Fin headed out to South Solitary for a double dive, hoping for improved visibility!
For the first dive, our site was Manta Arch and the Back Gutter. Here there was so much fish life to see! Our divers got to see some swimming Wobbeygongs on both this dive and our second dive! These guys normally lay on the sea floor, to see them swimiming is a treat! There was about 15 Grey Nurse Sharks, and plenty of Nudibranche’s too.
The second dive was the star of the show, with heaps to see. We headed from Shark Gutters to the Gantry for this one, seeing some Big Black Cod, and some big bull rays too. There were more schooling fish, Nudibranches, loggerhead turtles and green turtles – about 6 in total. We saw flatworns, small blue spot rays, and a Blue Grouper eating his lunch (a sea urchin!)

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report by Tara

Bull Ray at cleaner station (D Davey April 2020)
Bull Ray at cleaner station (D Davey April 2020)

jellyfish and diver
Jellyfish (L Devery 2021)

17th January 2021 – Sharks Galore on Jellyfish Sunday

2 Wild descended down at Manta Arch first up, where they saw 15+ Grey Nurse Sharks between the Arch and the Back gutter, a Banded Coral Shrimp, Black Cod, and Nudibranchs. Wildfin rolled in at Shark Gutters, where they saw 8 Grey Nurse Sharks in and around the 2nd gutter, Lionfish, Moray Eels, Nudibranchs, Black Cod, and a Reindeer Wrasse.
For the second dives both boats did a drift from the top end and finished up at South Boulder Mooring. Highlights from the dives include, a Blue Ribbon Eel, a huge Black Cod, Hawksbill Turtle, Grey Nurse Sharks, a really cool friendly Jellyfish (our featured image for today’s report which was taken by Lindsay) and a Blind Shark.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 5m-8m

Dive Report by Tara

18th January 2021 – Macro Diving at South Solitary Island

With the wind dropping off this morning 2Wild headed out to South Solitary for today’s subaquatic adventure!
First up our divers rolled in at Manta Arch for a swim to Cleaner Station, several pairs of large Grey Nurse were seen in the deep gutter, along with Banded Coral Shrimp, Nudibranchs and a Mantis Shrimp.
After the surface interval our divers dropped in at the Back Gutter and Shark Gutters for a swim to South Boulder. The divers that got in at the Back Gutter saw 20+ Grey Nurse sharks before swimming through the gap. Meanwhile the group that got in at shark Gutters saw several different spieces of Nudibranchs, Grey Nurse Sharks, a pair of Orangutan Crabs, and a Southern Peacock Sole.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 5m-8m

Dive Report by Nathan

Orangutan Crab
Orangutan Crab (N Fripp 2021)

Fiddler Ray at South Solitary Island (L Devery 2021)
Fiddler Ray at South Solitary Island (L Devery 2021)

19th January 2021 – Visibility improves at South Solitary!!

Wildfin and 2 Wild flew out to South Solitary in no time, as we had two boat loads of keen divers ready to experience an awesome day of diving.
We had one boat of divers roll in at Manta Arch and check out the back gutter, where they saw 25+ Grey Nurse Sharks, a huge Spanish Dancer, Wobbegongs, and Nudibranchs. The other boat dived at the Gantry first up, as we had student divers completing their PADI Open Water Course and a Discover Scuba Dive. Highlights include, 2 Hawksbill Turtles, a Bullray, loads of Wobbegong Sharks, tonnes of Blue Spotted Stingrays, Moray Eels, and a Fiddler Ray (today’s featured image).
For the second dive we had divers get in at the back gutter and swim through the gap and finishing up at South Boulder, and another boat roll in at Shark Gutters. Between the 2 dives we saw more Grey Nurse Sharks in the back gutter, Lionfish, large Potato Cod, Blue Groupers, Green Sea Turtles, a couple Grey Nurse Sharks hanging around the bottom of Shark Gutters mooring, Nudibranchs, Moray Eels, Wobbegongs and loads of amazing fish life along the Boulder Wall for everyone to see.
Congrats to Andrew and Felix who completed their PADI Open Water Course, and to Lucy who did a Discover Scuba Diving experience.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 10m

Dive Report by Tara


Today we had two boats head out to the Soiltary Islands. Wildfin had 6 students from Maclean High, and 2 other Coffs locals, who were finishing off their PADI Open Water Course, and 2 Wild had certified divers enjoying a double dive.
For the first dive we had both boats check out the top end of the island, descending down at Shark Gutters and Cleaner Station. Approximately 5-10 Grey Nurse Sharks were spotted, Wobbegongs, Black Cod, Moray Eels, Nudibranchs and even a Blue Ringed Octopus near Cleaner cave.
For the second dive, 2 Wild stayed at South Solitary, whereas Wildfin decided to head over to South West Solitary  (Groper Island) for their second dive as conditions were more comfortable for the student divers. Highlights from South Solitary include a Bronze Whaler spotted by a couple of divers, a Spanish Dancer, more Grey Nurse Sharks, Black Cod, Orangtun Crab, and a Reindeer Wrasse. Divers at Groper, saw Wobbegongs, Blue Tangs, Clownfish, Nudibranchs, and loads of colourful fish life.
Big Congrats to Janine, Sheree, Daisy, Josh, Kori, Emily F, Emily C, and Grace for all completing their PADI Open Water Course! You should all be as stoked as we are!!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 10m-12m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Students newly certified Open Water Scuba Divers
Students newly certified Open Water Scuba Divers

Grey Nurse Shark at South Solitary Island By Jetty Dive 26 July 2015
Grey Nurse Shark at South Solitary Island By Jetty Dive 26 July 2015

23rd January 2021 – Double Weekend Dive!

Today we had two boats head out to South Solitary Island.
For the first dive WildFin did a dive on Buchanan’s Wall, whilst 2 Wild Took Manta Arch. At Buchanan’s were spotted Wobbeygongs, heaps of blue groupers, and Green Sea Turtles. Heaps of fishlife was hanging around including blue tangs and clownfish. Barney our resident loggerhead was seen bobbing around on the surface too!
For the second dive 2 Wild headed from Shark Gutters to South Boulder, and Wildfin did the gap to the gantry. Wildfin’s divers saw some Blue Spotted Stringrays, amongst heaps more fishlife. 2 Wild  divers also spotted about 20 Grey Nurse Sharks in the back gutter.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m/25m

Dive Report by Tara

24th January 2021 – 30m Visibility Is Back

We had 2Wild make its way to North Solitary island and everyone was greeted with amazing 30-40m visibility! Wildfin was at South Solitary and had 8-15m which is a huge improvment from the past 2 weeks.
Dive one at North Solitary Island was Anemone Bay, Leopard Sharks, Grey Nurse Sharks, Mantis Shrimp, Blue Tangs and big schools on Tarwhine and Travelly on the second dive, 2Wild then made its way to NW Solitary Island, with 150 Bar left in the tanks the went for a sneaky 3rd dive which everyone enjoyed but no Manta Rays spotted.
Wildfins Dives were Buchanan’s Wall on the first and Manta Arch to The Gantry on the second, both dives had lots to see including Black Cod, Blue Grouper, a Large Green Sea Turtle, Moray Eels, 15 Grey Nurse Sharks in the Back Gutter and 2-5 Turtles near the gap.
Temp 21-24C

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C-24°C
  • Visibility: 30m-40m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Leopard Shark gliding through clear blue water with rocky bottom and Remora, South Solitary Island
Leopard Shark and Remora (L Devery 2015)

Green Sea Turtle at The Gantry
Green Sea Turtle at The Gantry

25th January 2021 – Turtles, Eagle Rays, and Leopard Sharks Galore

2 Wild and Wildfin travelled out to South Solitary Island today for some diving action!
We had some pretty serious current out at South Solitary today which helped bring in some warm blue waters. For the first dive the choice was Buchanans Wall. During this dive, divers saw Wobbegongs, Nudibranchs, 2 large Bull rays, Green Sea Turtles, Dwarf Lionfish, and Moray Eels.
For the second dive, we had the more experienced divers do a drift from the top end down to the Gantry, whereas the other less experienced divers jumped in at The Gantry. During these dives, divers saw tonnes of Spotted Eagle Rays around North Boulder, a Leopard Shark, along with 8 Green Sea Turtles chilling at the entry to the Gap for everyone to find, and heaps of Wobbegong Sharks.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C-26°C
  • Visibility: Buchanan’s Wall 10m. Shark Gutters/Boulder Wall 20m+
  • Current: Strong

Dive Report by Lindsay

26th January 2021 – Amazing Australia Day

The reaction from all the divers on both boats today was “WOW”
South Solitary Island really turned it on with 25-30m visibility and a balmy 25-26C surface temperature. Dive one was Buchanans Wall and The Gantry these had lots of Turtles, Octopus, Bullrays, Nudibranchs, a Black and Yellow Sea Spider and Two Leopard Sharks near the Gap.
Dive two was an epic drift from Shark Gutters down to The Gantry, there was some massive Eagle Rays, Turtles, Schools of Sweep, Black Cod, Mantis Shrimp, Banner Fish and the highlight today 12 Leopard Sharks counted by one of our guides Nathan.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 25°c-26°C
  • Visibility: 25m-30m

Dive Report by Nathan

Leopard Shark at South Solitary Island by Jetty Dive
Leopard Shark at South Solitary Island (L Devery 2015)

Nudibranch at South Solitary

28th January 2021-Bumpy but Beautiful Warm Blue Water

A change in wind to the south made for a bumpy ride out, but the divers were met with some nice warm blue water when arriving at South Solitary Island. Whilst surface conditions were not calm and a current was still running, underwater was quite OK and lots of fish were schooling around in the light current.
Starting at Shark Gutters and ending at South Boulder on Dive 1, Nudibranchs were easy to find at Cleaner Station and Shark Gutters, whilst along Boulder Wall a Shovelnose Ray, Huge Bull Rays and Eagle Rays were amongst the highlights.
Dive 2 was a drift all the way to the Gantry in search of Leopard Sharks, but only Turtles, Black Cod and Rays were the on the big fish list. Again a list of Nudibranchs were noted in preparation for the Sea Slug Census starting tomorrow.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 24°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Mike

29th Jan 2021 Leopard Sharks & Turtles turn it on!

Despite the slightly lumpy sea conditions both boats loaded up and headed out to South Solitary where bright blue water was just waiting for our divers!
For the first dive 2Wild dropped off a group of certified divers at Manta Arch for a swim to Cleaner Station via the Back Gutter where 34 Grey Nurse Sharks were seen in and around the  gutter, Sieve Patterned Moray’s, Abbotts Moray’s and a very friendly Leopard Shark were seen on the swim to Cleaner! 2Wild’s group of slug hunters out for the sea slug census found many nudibranchs in the Cleaner Station gutter. Meanwhile Wildfin’s divers rolled in at Shark Gutters for a swim to South Boulder, where they saw eagle rays, more Leopard Sharks, and a Large Orange Frogfish.
For the second dive 2Wild’s divers dropped in at Shark Gutters for a swim to South Boulder, along the way a Leopard shark, Spotted Eagle Rays, a large Bull Ray and Green Turtles were seen. Again the slug hunters kept to the gutters, where the supply of nudibranchs didn’t diappoint! Dive 2 also Saw Wildfin’s divers descend on Cleaner Station for a swim along boulder wall to South Boulder, where they saw plenty more turtles, and a large Painted Angler!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C-25°C
  • Visibility: 20m-30m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Leopard Shark and Diver (n Fripp January 2021)
Leopard Shark and Diver (n Fripp January 2021)

Green Sea Turtle
Green Sea Turtle (N Fripp January 2021)

30th January 2021 – Scratch the Green Sea Turtle

The beautiful blue water welcomed our divers to South Solitary Island yet again.
Dive one for 2Wild was Manta Arch and Cleaner Station while Wildfin had its divers stay at Shark Gutters, Manta had 10-15 Grey Nurse Sharks, schools of Tarwhine and Travelly. Shark Gutters at a beautiful Eagle Ray, Black Cod, Nudibranchs in the gutters and a couple of Lionfish.
Dive two was a drift from the top end down to The Gantry for both boats, there was huge schools of Bulleyes, Pomfreds, Bullrays, Moray Eels, a Cat Shark, a Leopard Shark near The Gantry and a very playful Green Sea Turtle near The Gap! This Turtle wanted scratches from everyone that went by and wasnt taking no for an answer and so we have now named her “Scratch” lets hope she sticks around.
Photo from today was of Scratch coming in towards Nathan for a belly scratch

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C-25°C
  • Visibility: 20m-30m

Dive Report by Lindsay

31st January 2021 – Sea Slug Sunday

We had amazing conditions today to finish off a full weekend of diving and the final day of the Coffs Coast Sea Slug Census.
Dive one had both Wildfin and 2Wild explore the western side of the island around The Gantry and Buchanan’s Wall. Lots to see including Eagle Rays, Blue Spotted Rays, Snapper, Turtles, Octopus, a Dwarf Lionfish and a huge Giant Stingray near the mooring.
Dive two was based up the northern end of the island and we had lots to see!! Nudibranchs everwhere, Black Cod, Wobbegongs, huge schools Travelly and Sweep, thousands of fish hanging close to the surface and a cheeky little Thorny-Back Cowfish near South Boulder mooring.
Photo taken today of students on Shark Gutters mooring
Total count of different Sea Slugs spotted over the 3 days was roughly 28!!!
Congratulations to Simon, Caillean, Arlia, Liz and Zoyawho all finished their PADI Open Water Certs today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C-25°C
  • Visibility: 15m-30m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Open Water Students Jan 2021
Open Water Students Jan 2021

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations