Take a look at our dive reports from July 2019! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in July 2019.

Dive Reports July 2019 – Table of Contents:

2nd July 2019 – Swell up but still good.

With the Swell still pushing 2 metres, 2 Wild ventured out to South Solitary Island. First up was a Dive at Buchanan’s Wall where the vis was around 10 mtrs, with the usual fishlife including turtles and a baby Dwarf Lionfish called Stuey.
Second Dive started at Shark Gutters where conditions were a little too bumpy to tie up, so a decent down the Sanctuary Marker was made. Grey Nurse sharks, Eagle Rays and more turtles were amongst the thousands of Bullseyes and Tarwhine.
Vis was a little poorer up the top end with the stirred up conditions, varying between 8 and 12 mtrs.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 8m-12m

Dive Report by Mike

Lionfish swimming over rocky surface underwater at Buchanans wall dive site, South Solitary Island
Lionfish at Buchanans Wall, South Solitary Island (S Hoe 2016)

Multiple Eagle Rays in water with a fish in the foreground at at South Solitary Island 10 February 2015
Eagle Rays at South Solitary Island (L Devery 10th Feb 2015)

7th July 2019 – Sunday Solitary Special

With the weather clearing we shot out to South Solitary, with lots of whales around it was a steady trip to get to Cleaner Station where we jumped in for dive one. Our divers were lucky enough to experience nice blue water and huge numbers of schooling fish, as well as Grey Nurse Sharks, Wobbegongs and Octopus.
After a brief surface interval our divers were eager to get back into the water, finding some friendly Eagle Rays, Slipper Lobsters and more Grey Nurse Sharks.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Mike

8th July 2019 – Grey Nurse Central at South Solitary

With conditions above and below the water improving the students above 2 Wild were excited to get into the water at South Solitary. A large group of a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks greeted us at the bottom of Cleaner Station, our divers also encountering Eagle Rays, Green Sea Turtles, and Schooling Cow Nose Rays.
Congratulations to Amelia for completing her Open Water Course and to Alice and Bridgette for completing their Advanced Open Water!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Mike

Cownose Rays in dark open water at Manta Arch, South Solitary Island 2 July 2015 by Jetty Dive
Cownose Rays at Manta Arch, South Solitary Island 2 July 2015 by Jetty Dive

Grumpy Turtle
Grumpy Turtle

9th July 2019 – Amazing Conditions at the Lighthouse

With the sun out and the water calm we shot out to South Solitary this morning and were treated to some spectacular diving conditions. We descended at Cleaner Station, finding schooling Cow Rays and Grey Nurse Sharks, as well as Moray Eels, some huge Wobbegongs and a Bull Ray.
Dive two was a drift from the top end of the island to South Boulder, with not much current it was a leisurely swim with more sharks, Eagle Rays before finding six Green Turtles at the Gap.
Congratulations to Clayton, Harrison, Oscar, Jackson, Sam and Katie on completing their PADI Open Water!
Vis 20m
Temp 20c

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature:
  • Visibility:

Dive Report by Mike

10th July 2019 -Nice day for a shark dive

It turned out to be a lovely day on the water at South Solitary Island today. To start with the swell was making it quite bouncy, but as the day went on it became very nice. Nice diving with 30 plus Grey Nurses at manta arch, but to top that off, as the divers made their way to Cleaner Station, they encountered heaps more. Other noted sightings were a few turtles and eagle rays.
Dive 2 was a one way run across  the top end of the island to make it a great day out.
An interesting find at Manta Arch by Neil was this Crown Of Thorns in the picture.
Visibility was around 15 mtrs with 20c temp.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature:
  • Visibility:

Dive Report by Deb

Crown of thorns starfish on ocean floor
Crown of thorns (N Vaughan July 2019)

Grey Nurse Sharks at Manta Arch
Grey Nurse Sharks at Manta Arch

11th July 2019 – Sharks Galore South Solitary Island

All divers were keen to get in the water today as quick as possible, as the north west wind was quite cold.
Manta Arch was decided for dive one hiding from the wind, at least twenty Grey Nurse Sharks were spotted in and around the Arch,
also in the back gutter a couple of juvenile Grey Nurse Sharks were also spotted.
After a quick surface interval divers dropped in at Buchanan’s Wall, three Green Turtles were spotted,  schools of Tarwhine,
Bull eyes, Wobbegong Sharks, a baby Cuttlefish, and the baby Dwarf Lionfish called Stuey was spotted again.
Congratulations to Rory and Abbie on completing their Open Water Dive Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Andy

13th July 2019 – Grey Nurse Galore!

Descending down the mooring line at Shark Gutters, our divers found themselves amongst the action as 20 plus Grey Nurse sharks were congregating in the area.  Turtles, black cod, spanish dancers and a juvenile anglerfish added to the highlights.
Taking advantage of the East Australian Current, dive two was spent drifting along the boulder wall. Big schools of tarwhine, pomfeds and trevally were spotted swimming in the current while a number of nudibranches, octopus and moray eels ween seen hiding below.
Vis 10-15m, temp 19c.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Andy

Grey nurse shark in top left corner of image with diver below
Paul with Grey Nurse

17th July 2019 – South Solitary Island Ticked All The Boxes Today

After a smooth trip out all divers dropped in at Shark Gutters, at least a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks were spotted in between the Mooring Line
and the Third Gutter.
Heaps of Schooling fish, Bull eyes, Tarwhine, Pomfreds , two Eagle rays were also spotted and a huge Green Turtle.
After morning tea it was decided dive two would be from Shark Gutters to South Boulder, divers thought dive one had plenty of Grey Nurse Sharks. “North Boulder Wall” was like the Arch, Twenty Sharks were counted, also on the Wall Black Cod, Eagle rays schooling fish and Barney the local Turtle were spotted.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Andy

Gorgonian Coral at South Solitary Island with Diver Debbie by Jetty Dive
Gorgonian Coral at South Solitary Island with Diver Debbie by Jetty Dive

20th July 2019 – “PADI WOMEN’S DIVE DAY” – South Solitary Island

After a quick trip out to the South Solitary the top end of the island was the pick for dive one. Heaps of marine life around, half a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks were spotted, Bullrays, Schooling Tarwhine, Bull eyes and a lonely Hawksbill Turtle.
For Padi Women’s Day, Deb made a Potato Cake it was Gorgeous, after morning tea It was decided Dive two would be a drift dive from Shark Gutters to the Gantry, North Boulder Wall had more Grey Nurse Sharks hanging around, Black Cod were spotted, Eagle rays, more Turtles, and a Giant Cuttlefish were the highlights of dive two.
Anyone interested in more info about Women and Diving, including stories about some influential women in the history of diving please check out this post:  https://sloactive.com/womens-scuba-free-diving-guide-international-womens-dive-day 
Happy Diving!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 10m

Dive Report by Andy

21st July 2019 – Sharks Galore at South Solitary Island

After a bumpy ride out, Manta Arch was decided for dive one hiding from a strong north west wind. Divers got amongst at least Thirty Grey Nurse Sharks in the Arch, also spotted were Wobbegong Sharks, Schooling Trevelly, and a couple of Black Cod.
We decided Split Solitary Island would be the best place for the second dive, after a quick surface interval all divers dropped in at Turtle Cove Mooring. Lots of marine life around in the shallows Painted Crays, a Crested Horn Shark, cousin to the Port Jackson Shark, a lonely Eagle ray,
Bull eyes, and a small Hawksbill Turtle was spotted.
Congratulations to Jason and Jake on completing their Padi Open Water Course Today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Andy

Grey Nurse Sharks at Manta Arch
Grey Nurse Sharks at Manta Arch

Loggerhead Turtle Barney

26th July 2019 – Happy Friday At South Solitary Island

After a quick trip out to the island one group of divers got in at Manta Arch, and Student divers got in at Cleaner Station. All divers saw Grey nurse Sharks, Bullrays, Moray eels, Black Cod, also Barney the resident Loggerhead Turtle having a nap.
After Morning tea all divers got in at Cleaner Station and drifted round to South Boulder, North Boulder Wall had plenty of marine life, Eagle rays, Turtles, Schooling fish, Tarwhine Bulleyes, a couple of  Wobbegong Sharks on the move.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Andy

27th July 2019 – Sharks galore at Boulder Wall

Forecast looked great for today, however a northerly chop made it slower going on the way out to South Solitary Island. A bit of swell had built overnight too, so the northern end of the island was sloppy, but the best choice to dive.
Dive 1 was around Cleaner Station, whilst Dive 2 was a trip down and back along Boulder Wall. Both dives had Grey Nurse Sharks and a couple of friendly Wobbegong sharks cruised very close by. The northern end of Boulder Wall was a highlight with 15 or so Grey Nurse in the area. Along the wall they spotted a turtle or two and also came across a Cuttlefish hiding in the sand. (quite unusual for our cuttlefish). The visibility improved and surge decreased down Boulder Wall to end with a nice dive.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Mike

Grey Nurse Shark at cleaner station
Grey Nurse Shark at cleaner station

Giant Cuttlefish at South Solitary
Giant Cuttlefish at South Solitary

28th July 2019 – Manta Arch and Boulder Wall

With Manta Arch accessible today, our divers took advantage of the calmer conditions before the wind picked up.
Roughly 15 sharks around the Arch area, indicating they are happier in shallow water on the northern side of South Solitary island with as many sharks at Boulder Wall.  Again, it was great diving with that many sharks, Dive 2 was again around boulder wall as yesterday it was the highlight of the day.
Apart from the Grey Nurse Sharks, Barney the loggerhead made an appearance and a Giant Cuttlefish was sighted at Manta.
Visibility was 10 to 15 metres
Temp was still holding at 20c

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Mike

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations