Take a look at our dive reports from May 2022! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in May 2022.

Dive Reports May 2022 – Table of Contents:


The heavens opened up over South Solitary Island today for the Open Water students from the Coffs Harbour Senior College.
Dive one we were at Buchanan’s Wall as this was the most protected spot from the conditions. We had a few skills to do for the students but still had plenty of time to do some exploring. Turtles, Bullrays, and schools of fish were just some of the highlights.

Dive two we stayed at Cleaner Station, there was a large swell present but still plenty of amazing things to see underwater. Amongst the schools of Tarwhine and Trevelly we had Black Cod, Turtles, Eagle Rays and not one but TWO Leopard Sharks swimming with a Grey Nurse Shark.

Congratulations to Ben, Brooke, and Indi who become PADI Open Water Divers.
Congratulations to Jimmy who finished his PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 10m-18m
  • Visibility: 23°C

Dive Report by Lindsay

Students with Turtle
Students with Turtle

Painted cray in between rocks
Painted cray (N Fripp 2016)

7th May 2022 – Blue water Saturday

With two fully loaded boats our divers enjoyed a quick trip out to South Solitary Island this morning. MegaWild’s divers were greeted by a breaching juvenile humpback whale in the distance! We found some protection from the Southerly wind on the North end of the island at Cleaner Station and Shark Gutters for both dives. While conditions were a little chilly on the surface the water felt warm in comparison. Highlights from the dives today included very friendly leopard sharks that circled the groups, grey nurse sharks, massive turtles, crayfish, and massive schools of fish on the surface. For the first time in a while since the flooding the water’s clarity and colour were excellent and everyone enjoyed the excellent visibility.

Congratulations to Emma, Scott, Mimi, and Leilani on completing their PADI Open Water Course today!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Maryanne

8th May 2022 – Sensational Diving at South Solitary

Yet another great day of diving at SouthSolitary Island. Both 2 Wild and MegaWild sheltered from the southerly breeze at the top end of the island. Exploring Manta Arch on dive one our divers got up close and personal with 6 or more grey nurse sharks. Shark Gutters and the Cleaner Station were also action packed. A friendly leopard shark, eagle rays, turtles, black cod, and schooling big eye trevally made up just some of the highlights.

Congratulations to Tom and Marianne for completing their Open Water course and to Euan for his Advanced Open Water course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 24°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Stuart

Grey Nurse Shark with remora fish around its head at Manta Arch
Grey Nurse Shark in darkness of Manta Arch

Leopard Shark South Solitary
Leopard Shark South Solitary (L Devery April 2022)

9th May 2022 – Magic Monday at South Solitary island

With only a small group of divers “2 Wild” steamed out to South Solitary this morning. The Northern end of the Island was decided, sheltering from the Southly wind. Shark Gutter mooring was the pick for dive one. All divers decended down the line to be greeted by our very friendly Leopard Shark, also seen on this dive were ‘BIG Wobbegong Sharks, Turtles, and Nudibranchs. Also seen was a big school of Barracuda and Batfish circling the mooring line.

After morning tea all divers dropped down the line making their way to South Boulder. Marine life seen on this dive were Black Cod, Lionfish, Painted Crays, Eagle Rays, and BIG schools of Bulleyes, and pomfreds. One group of divers made their way to the gap and were greeted by more turtles.

Congratulations to Bas and Joshua on completeing their PADI Open Water Dive course.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Visibility: 25m

Dive Report by Lindsay

15th May 2022 – Sunday Funday

With a very warm breeze from the North our keen divers boarded 2Wild for the trip out to South Solitary Island. The top end of the island had a bit of swell so we hid from the weather at Buchannon’s Wall where surface conditions were much calmer. Highlights from dive one were loads of wobbegongs, green turtles, silver trevally, blue tangs, and anemone fish. After a relaxing morning tea we were ready to check out the top end. Divers got geared up and prepared and did a quick drop at Shark Gutters for a drift to South Boulder. The current was swift and made for a fun drift along the island. Highlights from dive two included eagle rays, black cod, green turtles, bullseyes, and pomfreds.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report by Maryanne

Blue Tang at South Solitary Island
Blue Tang at South Solitary Island (K Mercer April 2021)

Nudibranch pink and blue
Nudibranch pink and blue (M Murakami May 2022)

16th May 2022 – Nudibranch Heaven with Improving Visibility

2Wild steamed out to South Solitary bright and early this morning with a gentle Southerly push. A rainbow over Coffs Harbour bade well for the day and the island emerged from the mist as we approached. We began our day with a dive at Buchannon’s Wall and divers enjoyed seeing wobbegong, anemone fish, and nudibranchs. As conditions stayed fairly calm we took a look at the North end of the island and tied up to Cleaner Station for dive two. Highlights included a friendly leopard shark, eagle rays, black cod, and even more nudibranchs! Divers came up from their dive with smiles to a sunny blue sky.

Big congratulations to Caroline for finishing her PADI Open Water Diver course!

Nudibranch photo by the talented instructor Minnie.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report by Maryanne

18th May 2022 – Beautiful Sunny Day!

This morning’s bright and sunny start got 2 Wild’s divers excited for a great day of diving. After a quick and comfortable trip out to South Solitary Island our divers jumped in at Cleaner Station for dive one. Highlights from our divers were grey nurse sharks, wobbegongs, eagle rays, and orangutan crabs. Divers enjoyed a nice morning tea while discussing their dives before jumping back in for dive 2. A drift from Cleaner Station to South Boulder along the wall gave everyone a good chance to see a lot of marine life including green turtles, grey nurse sharks, anemone fish, and moray eels.

Congratulations to Emily for completing her PADI Open Water course today!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report by Maryanne

Grumpy Turtle
Grumpy Turtle

White Eye Moray Eel at South Solitary
White Eye Moray Eel at South Solitary (A McMurrich May 2022)

25th May 2022 – Whales, Sharks, and Turtles… oh my!

2 Wild was the boat of choice this morning for our divers and we cruised out to South Solitary Island for some diving. We spent both dives at Cleaner Station as this spot had the best surface conditions and divers were not disappointed. Visibility has improved since we were last out and the water was much bluer than it had been. Highlights from the dives included very curious eagle rays, grey nurse sharks, lionfish, trumpetfish, and black cod. One dive group diving deeper and out wider from the island were excited to glimpse a bull shark cruising around. Instructor Lindsay was also able to remove a large fishing lure from a green turtle’s flipper and shell today. During the surface interval a humpback whale took some breaths just behind the boat and another was spotted on the trip home.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Maryanne

26th May 2022 – Wobbegong Thursday

Today, 26th of May 2022, we took 2Wild out to South Solitary Island for a double dive. There was a bit of current earlier in the day, so we headed to Cleaner Station mooring for our divers to do their first dive.

Our divers dropped in to see heaps of fish at the surface! At depth the divers spotted Eagle Rays, black cod, nudibranches, schooling silver trevalley, and dewfish. There were also plenty of bullseyes, pomfreds, blue fusiliers, and old wives. There were a few moray eels, and a few lionfish. We also spotted a huge turtle relaxing in the sand, and plenty of wobbegongs.

On the second dive the current appeared to have dropped so we headed to Shark Gutters for a drift to South Boulder. We saw an eagle ray on this dive too, along with the schooling fish. There was one large Grey Nurse Shark mulling near Shark Gutters mooring, some anenome fish and another relaxed turtle on boulder wall. There were plenty more nudibranches, an abbots moray. There was more wobbegongs, with one getting it’s tail nipped at by a brave girdled palmer!

We also spotted a few whales on the trip back home, they’re on their way!

Congratulations to Zephyr and Solomon for completing their PADI Open Water Diver Course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Tara

Clownfish kiss on the cheek
Clownfish kiss on the cheek (T Davey May 2022)

Green and Wh‪ite Eye Moray Eels
Green and Wh‪ite Eye Moray Eels (M Murakami May 2022)

28th May 2022 – Saturday Singing Whales

Today, on Saturday 28th of May, MegaWild headed out to South Solitary Island for a double dive.

For the first dive we dropped into Buchannan’s Wall. Here we spotted big schools of Old Wives, green moon wrasse, and gunthers butterfly fish. There were blue tangs and anenome fish, and girdled palmers. There was a turtle relaxing underneath some rocks, and divers spotted a blue ring octopus towards the bottom of the wall.

On the second dive, some divers headed from Buchanan’s Wall to The Gantry, while others drifter from Shark Gutters to the Gantry. From Shark Gutters there were two eagle rays in the distance. At the start of Buchanan’s wall there was a smaller green turtle swimming away. Spotted at the Gantry was an egg cowry, and the usual inquisitive blue groper hanging around our divers. There were large schools of old wives here, wobbegong sharks, and we could hear the Whales singing at the end of the dive. Also spotted was a Green Moray and and a White Eyed Moray Eel, both haninging out in the same hole! We have a ripper picture of them from Mini for today’s dive report photo.

Congratulations to James for completing his Open Water Diver Course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 8m-10m

Dive Report by Tara

29th May 2022 – Good to See the Sun Again!

This morning was bright and sunny and 2 Wild was full of keen divers. After a quick trip out to South Solitary Island our divers jumped in at Buchannon’s Wall for dive one after a little island circuit looking for the best conditions. Conditions underwater were calm but the wind and swell was picking up while they were diving. After everyone was up from the dive we took a look at other spots on South Solitary and the group decided to seek some calmer waters at Grouper Island for dive two. Surface conditions were better but due to the proximity to the mainland the visibility did drop. Highlights from the day included juvenile yellow boxfish, wobbegong, green turtles, lionfish, old wives, and anemonefish.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 5m-8m

Dive Report by Maryanne

Yellow Boxfish
Yellow Boxfish

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations