Take a look at our dive reports from November 2018! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in November 2018.

Dive Reports November 2018 – Table of Contents:

1st November 2018 – Lenny the Blenny

The northerly breeze that was forecast didn’t quite eventuate today allowing us to dive the northern end of South Solitary Island. Plenty of Grey Nurse Sharks were seen cruising the shallows while some big schools of Tarwhine, Goat Fish and Black Cod were congregating on South Boulder Wall.
The Gutters were also packed with marine life! Lots of Nudi’s, Lionfish, Turtles and Bull Rays were spotted by our divers! Lenny the Blenny also made an appearance!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Andy

Leopard Blenny at South Solitary
Leopard Blenny at South Solitary

Grey nurse shark in top left corner of image with diver below
Paul with Grey Nurse

4th November 2018 – Sunday Funday at South Solitary Island

With “Wild Fin” full of excited divers we made our way out to South Solitary Island for two great dives. Although the vis was a little bit basic there was still plenty to see!
The Cleaner Station and Shark Gutters were the local hangout for the Grey Nurse today. Black Cod, Lionfish, Turtles, schooling Sweep and Surgeon Fish were just some of the highlights.
Congratulations to Helen and Harley on completing their PADI Advanced Open Water Course, Ian on completing the PADI Deep Diver Course and Charlotte on completing her PADI Open Water Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 5m-8m

Dive Report by Andy

5th November 2018 – Plenty to see at the Solitaries!

A blue sunny sky and flat sea made for ideal diving today! Vis unfortunately is still a little basic however there was so much to see! Cleaner Station and Shark Gutters were full of life! Grey Nurse Sharks, Black Cod, Lionfish and Turtles were spotted on dive one. Dive two was spent enjoying the life along the Boulder Wall. Lots of schooling Tarwhine, Surgeon fish, Goat fish and Sweep plus Wobbegongs and Nudibranches were spotted by our divers.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 5m

Dive Report by Andy

Turtle on rocky sea floor at Buchanans Wall
Turtle at Buchanans Wall

agle Ray swimming at South Solitary
Eagle Ray swimming at South Solitary

10th November 2018 – Blue Water is Back!

Arriving at South Solitary Island this morning we were excited to see BLUE water! The visibility around Shark Gutters and the Cleaner Station was as good as 25m and temp creeping up to 21c. Grey Nurse Sharks, Eagle Rays and a few friendly turtles were just some of the highlights!
Congratulations to sarai, Taylor, Logan and Craig on completing their PADI Open Water Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 25m

Dive Report by Andy

11th November 2018 – Hammer Head visits South Solitary Island

With visibility improving each day and water temperature up around 22C South Solitary Island was the place to be!!
Dive one had the certified divers hop in at Manta Arch while the student divers went to the shallows at Shark Gutters, Plenty to see including Bullrays, big and curious Grey Nurse Sharks, our recent local Painted Frog Fish in Shark Gutters and a lonely Hammer Head Shark in the shallows near the mooring.
Dive two was a drift from Shark gutters down to South Boulder with loads of little critters along Boulder Wall, Slipper Lobsters and Barney the Loggerhead Turtle having some lunch in the shallows near the island.
Photo taken today by Bryce Moody
Congratulations to Roger, Joe and Mary for completing their PADI Scuba Diver Course today!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Grey Nurse Shark swimming through mid water
Grey Nurse Shark (B Moody 2018)

Barney the loggerhead turtle crusuing between rocks
Barney the loggerhead turtle

13th November 2018 – Hammerheads at South Solitary Island

Yep! You heard it right! Some of our divers were lucky enough to see some Hammerheads cruising around South Solitary Island today. The Hammerheads were spotted at Buchanan’s Wall, Shark Gutters and South Boulder Wall. Plenty of Grey Nurse Sharks, Turtles, Black Cod and Lionfish were also spotted.
Congratulations to Raquel and Ted on completing their PADI Open Water Course today!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Andy

15th November 2018 – Awesome Conditions at South Solitary Island

Again the diving at South Solitary Island was spectacular today! Blue water has flooded the island and along with it has come lots of life! Eagle Rays, Grey Nurse Sharks, Bull Rays and Turtles were just some of the highlights. Lenny the Blenny also made an appearance!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Andy

Blue-lipped Anemone with diver
Blue-lipped Anemone with diver

Green Sea Turtle November 2018
Green Sea Turtle November 2018

16th November – Another great day of action at South Solitary Island

With students of Christian Community School and certified Divers, we had to great dives with plenty to see. Dive 1 at Shark Gutters was with around 10 Grey Nurse Sharks in the shallows and the gutters of the northern end. Our Anglerfish is still just hanging around as well as a great oversized nudibranch, all in the Shark gutters zone,
Dive 2 was a slight current dive from Shark Gutters to the end of Boulder Wall with swimming with turtles as a highlight for two of the certified divers.  Congratulations to all the students of Christian Community School who completed their course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Mike

17th November 2018 – 30m visibility and 24C

The Blue, warm water has arrived!!! We had some amazing conditions today at South Solitary island as we could see the Sharks on the bottom at Manta Arch and a much needed 24C water temp.
Dive one was at Manta Arch which had about 10 Grey Nurse Sharks, One lonely Hammer Head Shark a huge Bull Ray and an Eastern Frog fish near the mooring.
Dive two was spent up the northern end where we explored the gutter systems as there was a slight current off Boulder Wall. Loads to see including Black Cod, Spotted Stingrays, Mantis Shrimp, Grey Nurse Sharks, Schools of Pomfreds under the boat and lots of Nudibranchs in the gutters.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 23°C-24°C
  • Visibility: 28m-30m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Turtle at the Gantry South Solitary Island
Turtle at the Gantry South Solitary Island

Turtle and Students 19-11-18
Turtle and Students 19-11-18

19th November 2018 – Open Water Students Mix with Turtles

South Solitary Island still had beautiful, warm, clear water today and plenty to see!!
Dive one was at Buchanan’s Wall for the certified divers while the Open Water Students jumped in the shallows at The Gantry, Wobbegongs, Turtles, Blue Tangs, Nudibranchs and Lionfish were just some of the marine life spotted.
Dive two was a drift from Shark Gutters around to The Gantry and the water was slightly clearer too!! We saw Grey Nurse Sharks, Eastern Blue Gropers, Black Cod, Bullrays and some very happy Open Water Students!!
Photo taken today of Students and Green Sea Turtle

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C-23°C
  • Visibility: 25m-30m

Dive Report by Lindsay

20th November 2018 – Hammerheads!!!

We had a slight feeling that Hammerhead Sharks were going to be in the area at South Solitary Island and some divers were lucky enough to see a school of 20 at Manta Arch on dive one!! We also had Black Cod, Octopus and about 15 Grey Nurse Sharks around the back gutter (we think hiding from the Hammer Heads).
Dive two was a drift from Cleaner Station around to The Gantry, although the visibility had dropped the marine life had improved drastically with schools of fish on Boulder Wall, very inquisitive Grey Nurse Sharks, Bullrays, and SEVEN turtles in the one spot near the Gap!!
Congratulations to Katharina and Celine who become Open Water Divers today!!
Photo taken from last year at Manta Arch

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C-22°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Lindsay

School of spread out Hammer Head Sharks at South Solitary Island 23 December 2014 by Jetty Dive
Hammer Head Sharks (D Davey 2014)

Slipper Cray on rocky reef with ocean behind at South Solitary
Slipper Cray at South Solitary (S Hoe 2016)

23rd November 2018 – South and Split Solitary Island Dives

We had 2Wild venture out to South Solitary Island with certified divers and Advanced Open Water Students while Wildfin went to Split Solitary Island with the Open Water Students and some snorkelers. Once the westerly picked up it made the surface a little choppy but the visibility at both islands was still 15-20m.
Plenty to see including Octopus, Grey Nurse Sharks, Bullrays, Wobbegongs, Black Cod, Green Sea Turtles, Nudibranchs, Slipper Lobsters and much more!!
Congratulations to Stuart and James who finished their PADI Open Water Course today!!
Congratulations to Shelly and Luis who Completed their PADI Advanced Open Water Course!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 17°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Lindsay

24th November 2018 – Grey Nurse Sharks out in numbers

The endangered Grey Nurse Sharks were defiantly the talk on the boat today as most of them were very interested in our divers and some coming in for a much closer look!!!
Both of the dives today were up the northern end of the island as this was the most protected location from the increasing swell. Everyone had a blast watching the Grey Nurse Sharks glide over top of them and spotting all the others critters at South Solitary Island including Octopus, Dwarf Lionfish, Logger Head and Hawksbill Turtles, Moray Eels, Black Cod and some big Kingfish.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 15m-18m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Grey Nurse Shark - Manta Arch Dive Site Diving South Solitary
Grey Nurse Shark – Manta Arch Dive Site Diving South Solitary

Grey Nurse Shark and diver
Grey Nurse Shark and diver

25th November 2018 – Lonely Hammerhead watches over divers!

With “Wildfin” loaded with excited divers, we shot out to South Solitary Island. Dive one was at Shark Gutters. The mild current seemed to attract plenty of life including one lonely Hammerhead Shark which swam high above our divers. Lots of Grey Nurse, Turtles, Black Cod and Lionfish added to the highlights.
Taking advantage of the slight current we drifted from Shark Gutters to the Gantry on dive two. The Boulder Wall was buzzing with life. Schools of Tarwhine, Bullseyes and Sweep congregated on the wall in huge numbers.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Andy

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations