Take a look at our dive reports from November 2020! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in November 2020.

Dive Reports November 2020 – Table of Contents:

1st November 2020 – Turtles Galore at The Gantry

We made the most of our window of good weather today and had two boats out at South Solitary Island.
Both boats had some pretty epic dives for the morning with plenty to see including, Grey Nurse Sharks, Bullrays, Kingfish, Nudibranchs, Eagle Rays, Wobbegongs, Blue Tangs, a playful Mantis Shrimp and loads of turtles between The Gap and Five Metre Rock.
We even spotted a Hammerhead Shark cruising on the surface in between dives!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-21°C
  • Visibility: 25m-30m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Diver and Turtle at The Gantry
Diver and Turtle at The Gantry

Squids in blue water
Squid at South Solitary (C Windows November 2020)

4th November 2020 – Blue Water Wednesday

After a few days out of action, sea conditions improved allowing us to head out with a boat load of keen divers to South Solitary Island for a double dive. The blue water was still evident, being able to see the bottom comfortably from the surface.
Dive one, we had one group descending at Manta Arch and drifting around to Cleaner Station, whereas the other groups descended at Cleaner Station, and explored the top end of the island. Divers at Manta Arch went through the arch, and estimate approximately 20+ Grey Nurse Sharks. Large Black Cod were also in sight, in addition to large schools of travelly. Divers at Cleaner Station  were greeted by Green Sea Turtles, more Grey Nurse Sharks, Lobsters, a Yellow Box Fish, and loads of different Nudibranchs. A Mantis Shrimp was also spotted in the swim through at Shark Gutters.
During our light refreshments during our surface interval, a large Loggerhead Turtle was chilling on the surface enjoying the morning sun, whilst having some breaths.
Dive two, all divers did a drift from Shark Gutters to the Gantry. More Grey Nurse Sharks were spotted, additionally more Nudibranchs, Green Sea Turtles, schools of Fusiliers, Flounder. Three squid were hanging around the Gantry Mooring, which is our featured image for today’s Dive Report.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 25m-30m

Dive Report by Lindsay

5th November 2020 – Hammerhead Heaven!

Today we headed out to South Solitary for a double dive.
The First Dive was off Buchannan’s Wall, with some our divers heading deeper, and some keeping shallower. The water was a beautiful 25m+ visibility when dropping in. We saw plenty of Turtles, some Clownfish among other fish. We saw a slipper lobster, and a small little cuttlefish. Two of our divers (one being usual office-lady Tara!) were lucky enough to see a huge school of swimming Hammerhead Sharks. Well and above 100 Sharks! They were swimming by for around 3 minutes, just out from the wall.
For the second Dive, one group started at Manta Arch and travelled through to the Gantry, with the other group staying at the Gantry. At The Arch there were at least a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks drifting about, along with more Turtles! There were also some Wobbeygongs, and a few Nudibranches. We even saw a little Squid!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Tara

School of spread out Hammer Head Sharks at South Solitary Island 23 December 2014 by Jetty Dive
Hammer Head Sharks (D Davey 2014)

Grey Nurse Shark at Manta Arch
Grey Nurse Shark at Manta Arch (November 2020)

7th November 2020- Conditions were not what they forecast

With the wind still blowing 9.00pm the night before, we were surprised to find the conditions were vastly changed and ok to venture out.  Whilst the water clarity had dropped, it was still very good.
The advanced divers dived Manta Arch with around 30 Grey Nurse in the gutter surrounding the Arch. The other divers entered at Cleaner Station and spotted a Bull-Ray and turtles as a highlight of the dive. Two divers also spotted some Hammerheads on their safety stop under the boat.
Dive two took a one way trip down to South Boulder mooring and the usual bucket loads of schooling fish were on the Boulder wall. A large number of Black Cod were the feature of this dive. 

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 25m

Dive Report by Mike

8th November 2020 – South West Solitary Island

South Solitary Island was the planned location today but with deteriorating conditions on the journey out South West Solitary Island was the final decision and conditions did not disappoint.
Both dives at South West Solitary Island had 15-18m visibility and lots to see including – Eastern Blue Gropers, Big Wobbegongs, Banded Shrimp, Pomfreds, some inquisitive Octopus and various Nudibranchs.
Congratulations to Lauren and Julia who finished their PADI Open Water Course.
Congratulations to Ben who become a PADI Junior Scuba Diver today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 15m-18m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Octopus on rocks underater with bright blue water behind at South Solitary Island by Jetty Dive
Octopus (L Devery 2015)

Grey Nurse Sharks, Back Gutter
Grey Nurse Sharks, Back Gutter

9th November 2020 – Magic Monday

Today we made the trip out to South Solitary Island, as sea conditions improved, and that nice warm blue water was still evident.
For the first dive, we had divers jump in at Cleaner Station, where we had them explore the top end of the island. During the dive, we saw large Black Cod, Green Sea Turtles, Blue Groupers, Bull Rays, Lionfish, Mantis Shrimp and large schooling fish of Fusilers, and Stripey’s throughout the dive.
For the second dive, divers did a live drop at the Back Gutter, and made there way through the Gap, and ended up at South Boulder. The back gutter did not disappoint, as we had approximately 20+  friendly Grey Nurse Sharks all hanging around for us to see. Additionally, divers saw Wobbegongs, more Green Sea Turtles, Nudibranchs, Moray Eels, Lionfish, and even an octopus at South Boulder Mooring.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 25m

Dive Report by Lindsay

10th November 2020 – Warm Blue Waters at South Solitary

Today we took both Wild Fin and 2 Wild out to South Solitary Island. We had divers and snorkelers who were keen to take advantage of this amazing warm blue water.

For the first dive, divers on Wildfin did Manta Arch, where there was 20+ Grey Nurse Sharks at the arch. We also had lots of Nudibranchs, Black Cod, Moray Eels, and large schools of travelly throughout the dive. Divers on 2 Wild, descended down at Shark Gutters, and checked out the whole top end of the island. Divers were greeted with loads of fish life, including schooling Fusiliers and Stripey’s, along with Blue Grouper’s, King fish, Lionfish, and the resident Black Cod. In addition we also had another Hammerhead sighting by two of our divers while they were completing their safety stop at Shark Gutters mooring.
The decision for the second dive for both boats was a drift. Divers on Wildfin split up into two groups, where some were dropped off at the back gutter and swam through the gap and finished up at South Boulder, where the others on Wildfin drifted from Cleaner to South Boulder. At the back gutter, there was approximately 30 Grey Nurse Sharks, a swimming Numb Ray, Green Sea Turtles close to the gap, along with loads of schooling fish. Boulder wall was full of fish life for the rest of divers on Wildfin, more Green Sea Turtles, Slipper Lobsters, and Nudibranchs. Divers and snorkelers on 2 Wild drifted from Shark Gutters to the Gantry. Eagle Rays were spotted, Grey Nurse Sharks, lots of Green Sea Turtles, and loads of schooling fish.
Photo taken today by Lindsay in the Back Gutter

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by

Grey Nurse Sharks, Back Gutter
Grey Nurse Sharks, Back Gutter

Mantis Shrimp North Solitary LD
Mantis Shrimp (L Devery 2020)

11th November 2020 – North and South Solitary Islands

The best day of the week allowed us to run Wildfin to South Solitary Island and 2Wild to North Solitary Island. The word from both trips was blue water and marine life everywhere!
South Solitary Island had lots of Grey Nurse Sharks, Turtles, Black Cod, Batfish, Rays and some more Hammer Head Sharks were also spotted.
North Solitary Island had thousands of Anemones in Anemone Bay, Cow Nose Rays, Painted Crayfish, Grey Nurse Sharks and a very pretty Mantis Shrimp which is the photo of today taken by Lindsay
Visibility 20-30m
Temp 21-22C

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C-22°C
  • Visibility: 20m-30m

Dive Report by Lindsay

14th November 2020 – Shark Dive Saturday

The morning conditions turned out much better than expected with both Wildfin and 2Wild heading to South Solitary Island, although the visibility had dropped a bit this seemed to attract more marine life!!
Dive one had both boats on the western side of the island and lots to see including Turtles, Wobbegongs, Damsels, Moorish Idols, Stingrays and Moray Eels.
Dive two had 2Wild head into South West Solitary Island for some SURG research while Wildfin’s divers got in around the Back Gutter to check out the Grey Nurse Sharks. The gap and a few Turtles, Blue Tangs, Old Wives and schools of Bullseyes

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 15m-18m

Dive Report by Tara

Grey Nurse Sharks - Manta Arch Dive Site, Solitary Islands by Jetty Dive
Grey Nurse Sharks – Manta Arch Dive Site, Solitary Islands by Jetty Dive

Grey Nurse Sharks at Manta Arch
Grey Nurse Sharks at Manta Arch

15th November 2020 – Great conditions at South Solitary Island

Today we took both 2 Wild and Wildfin out again for some more diving action.
First dive we had divers descend down at Manta Arch and also at Cleaner Station. Divers at Manta Arch were greeted by approximately 20 Grey Nurse Sharks, along with large Black Cod, schools of Travelly, Green Sea Turtles, Wobbegongs, Bull rays, and in addition we had a large school of Cow Nose Rays. Divers who dived at Cleaner spotted Grey Nurse Sharks, more Black Cod, schooling Tarwhine and Fusiliers, Wobbegongs, and Nudibranchs.
For the second dive, both boats did a nice gentle drift from the top end down to South Boulder. Divers again were greeted by more Grey Nurse Sharks, Wobbegongs, Slipper lobsters, Green Sea Turtles, Nudibranchs, and even a baby Cuttlefish.
Also congratulations to Samantha who completed her Deep Diver Speciality today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 10m-12m

Dive Report by Tara

16th November 2020 – Another great day out at South Solitary!

Today we took 2 Wild out to South Solitary Island for a double dive.
Manta Arch was the choice for the first dive, as divers swam straight to the back gutter to be greeted by 30 Grey Nurse Sharks. We also managed to see a heavily pregnant female Grey Nurse Shark. Divers also saw Wobbegongs, Bull rays, along with Green Sea Turtles.
For the second dive, we decided the best option was to do a drift dive from Shark Gutters all the way down to the Gantry. More Grey Nurse Sharks were hanging around Shark Gutters for everyone to see, along with loads of nice colourful Nudibranchs along the Shark Gutter walls. As divers started the drift along Boulder Wall, we had an abundance of fish life, including Fusilers, Stripeys, Tarwhine, Blue Tang, and Kingfish to name a few. We had Green Sea Turtles throughout the dive, along with Wobbegongs, Nudibranchs, Moray Eels, and more Bull Rays.
Congratulations to Kevin who completed his PADI Open Water Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Tara

Green Sea Turtle (L Devery 2016)
Green Sea Turtle (L Devery 2016)

Green Sea Turtle at South Solitary Island
Green Sea Turtle at South Solitary Island

19th November 2020 – STOP!….. Turtle Time

After a few days being dry, we took 2 Wild out to South Solitary Island for a double dive.
Manta Arch was the choice for the first dive, as all divers were greeted by Grey Nurse Sharks at the arch followed by a large friendly Hawksbill Turtle who wouldn’t leave our divers alone. One group of divers went to the back gutter where there was another 20 more Grey Nurse Sharks plus a little Spanish Dancer in the gutter in and around the sharks. In addition we had large schools of Travelly throughout the dive, large Black Cod, Nudibranchs, and Wobbegongs.
For the second dive, all divers did a drift from Cleaner Station to South Boulder Mooring. Along our way down, we saw more Grey Nurse Sharks, countless Green Sea Turtles and Hawksbill Turtles, Eagle Rays, Moray Eels, Wobbegongs, and more Nudibranchs.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 10m-12m

Dive Report by Locky

21st November 2020 – HAMMER TIME!

After conditions improved dramatically in comparision to yesterday, we managed to take out out 2 Wild out to South Solitary for a double dive.
Shark Gutters was the decision for the first dive, as conditions out at South Solitary were much better than expected allowing for an enjoyable dive for all. Divers saw Grey Nurse Sharks, Green Sea and Hawksbill Turtles, Nudibranchs, loads of colourful fish life, and most noteably, all divers managed to see two large Hammerhead Sharks just as they were leaving one of the gutters. Divers then saw them again while they were completing their safety stops.
For the second dive, divers jumped in at Manta Arch and checked out the back gutter, then made their way through the Gap and ended up at the Gantry. Approximately 15-20 Grey Nurse Sharks greeted the divers at the back gutter, along with more friendly Green Sea and Hawksbill turtles. In  the gap, we had large Wobbegong Sharks, loads of Nudibracnhs, Bull Rays, Moray Eels, and again loads of fish life.
All and all, all divers had a great double dive, and thoroughly enjoyed what South Solitary has to offer.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 8m-12m

Dive Report by

Jetty Dive Tufi PNG trip

Anemonefish and diver at South Solitary
Anemonefish and diver at South Solitary (November 2020)

22nd November 2020 – Sunday Sesh at South Solitary

With plenty of student and certified divers, we took both 2 Wild and Wildfin to South Solitary for a double dive.
2 Wild, who had most of the student divers, dived Bucannans Wall for their first dive. One group of student divers were lucky enough to see 4 Hammerhead Sharks just on top of the wall. They didn’t hang around for long, but divers managed to have a small glimpse. In addittion, divers spotted friendly Blue Groupers, Blue Tangs, Clownfish,  Bullrays, Wobbegongs, and a Grey Nurse Shark.
Wildfin decided to dive Manta Arch for their first dive. Between the arch and the back gutter, we estimated approximately 35-40 Grey Nurse Sharks. Lindsay and his group also spotted a solo Hammerhead Shark crusing past, along with large schools of Travelly, Black Cod, Wobbegongs, Nudibracnhs and Moray Eels.
For the second dive, divers on Wildfin did a drift from Shark Gutters to the Gantry, whereas 2 Wild just stayed at the Gantry. Loads of life to see for both boats, including more Grey Nurse Sharks, Bullrays, Blue Spotted Rays, Green Sea Turtles, Hawksbill Turtles, Moray Eels, Wobbegongs, Nudibranchs, Blue Groupers, Black Cod, and a load more colourful fish life throughout the dive.
Congratulations to Mindie who completed her PADI Open Water Course, and to Ripley who completed his Junior Open Water course at only 12 years old.  Also we had some Continuing Education Students, Mat and Melissa. Mat completed his PADI Advanced Open Water course, whereas Melissa completed her Shark Awareness Speciality Course. We also had Christopher who completed the Discover Scuba Diving Program. Well done to all of you!!! 

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Tara

23rd November 2020 – Mike’s Mooring Monday

Due to the wind conditions that were forecast to pick up throughout the day, we picked Split Solitary for today’s Dive so we could hide from the breeze.
Here at Split Solitary we completed two dives at Mike’s Mooring, where the visibility had dropped a little.
There was plenty to see here with heaps of small critters hanging around. We spotted Nudibranches, Octopus, and some banded shrimp. There was a Blue Grouper, Schooling Bullseyes and a cowl ray spotted too. We saw two juvenille Grey Nurse Sharks along with one adult, too!
Congratulations to our students Georgina, Jack, and Ky for completing their Open Water Dive Course! We can’t wait to see you back diving with us soon!
Today’s photo is an octopus from the Archive taken by Lani earlier this year. Thanks for the pic, Lani!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report by Tara

Octopus (L Croft April 2020)

Wobbegong Shark
Wobbegong Shark

26th November 2020 – Great day out at South Solitary!

Today we took divers and snorkellers out on both 2 Wild and Wildfin to South Solitary Island.
2 Wild had the majority of the divers, and the choice for the first dive was Manta Arch for one group, whereas the other group stayed at Cleaner Station. At Manta Arch we had Grey Nurse Sharks, Wobbegongs, Black Cod, Bullrays and Nudibranchs. Divers at Cleaner also were greeted by Grey Nurse Sharks, more Nudibranchs, Green Sea Turtles, along with loads of schooling fish throughout the dive surrounding the divers.
Wildfin had a group of 8 snorkellers and 2 divers, and they decided to jump in at the Gantry. Divers and Snorkellers saw Wobbegong Sharks, Black Cod, Green Sea and Hawksbill Turtles.
Both boats decided to jump in at Bucannans Wall for the second dive + snorkel, as the visibility looked alot clearer at the southern end of the island. Divers on 2 Wild again saw loads of Wobbegong Sharks, colourful Nudibranchs, Grey Nurse Sharks, Turtles and lots of Clownfish in amongst the anemones. The snorkellers and divers from Wildfin swam from Bucannans and finished up at The Gantry. Along the way they also saw countless Green Sea Turtles, a solo Grey Nurse Shark, and they managed to see a Wobbegong Shark scratching his back on the old Gantry.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°c
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Tara

27th November 2020 – Black Cods for Black Friday (And Hammerheads again!)

Both Two wild and Wind fin headed out to South Solitary for a double dive today.
On the first dive Wild Fin dropped in at Manta Arch, while divers were descending a large school of 20+ hammerhead sharks cruised past! In the arch at least 6 Grey Nurse Sharks were seen too!
The Divers on 2 Wild did a drift dive from Cleaner Station to South Boulder. Here they spotted some Turtles, Black Cod, and a dozen plus Grey Nurse Sharks were here too, joined by an inquisitive Hammerhead taking a peek at our students.
After the surface interval, 2 Wild’s group dropped in at the back gutter and made their way through the gap, whilst Wildfin’s g divers did a drift from Cleaner Station to the Gantry. All divers saw more Grey Nurse Sharks along with heaps more Turtles, some Eagle Rays, and a cute little squid!
Congratulations to Celia and Jason on completing their Openwater Diver Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Tara

Black Cod in mid water with rocky ocean floor below and blue water behind
Black Cod at South Solitary

Bull Ray at South Solitary with damsel fish on the top of the ray ,and a rocky bottom below
Bull Ray at South Solitary with damsel fish above

28th November 2020 – South Solitary Island

Both ” Wildfin” and “2 Wild” headed out this morning to South Solitary for a double dive, the wind came earlier than expected so the trip out was a little longer than normal. Both boats did there first dive at Buchanans Wall, down the wall three Green Turtles were seen and one very large Loggerhead Turtle, Also seen on dive one were Bullrays, Black Cod, Nudibranchs, Wobbegong Sharks and a very friendly Blue Grouper. After morning tea “wildfin” headed up to South Boulder taking advantage off the current making there way back to Buchanans Wall. “2 Wild” stayed at Buchanans wall for dive two as this was the Students second open water dive, lots of marine life was seen by both boats, Eagle rays, schooling Tarwhine, Bull eyes, baby Cuttlefish, Octopus,  Student divers also saw a Grey Nurse Shark for the First time.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations