Take a look at our dive reports from October 2018! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in October 2018.

Dive Reports October 2018 – Table of Contents:


After having great visibility and conditions last week, and missing out on diving the weekend with poor conditions, we were glad to get in the water today.
The trip out was a little bumpy with a stiff SW wind, but we sheltered from it at Shark Gutters and Cleaner Station. Visibility was down a bit but still very nice conditions underwater.
With always plenty to see at South Solitary, there was a few Nudibranchs of different types, along with a new Orange frogfish in Shark Gutters. As well as that we still have a number of Grey Nurse Sharks, including a few large pregnant ones. Two Great dives again.
Visibility 10-12 mtrs and Water Temp 19c
Photo taken by Craig. thanks!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature:
  • Visibility:

Dive Report by Mike

Frogfish (C Lewis 2018)

Mantis Shrimp at South Boulder
Mantis Shrimp at South Boulder

2nd October 2018-Lovely conditions at Coffs Harbour

A great morning to be out on the water at the Solitary Islands today. After a nice ride to South Solitary, the divers chose Cleaner Station and Shark Gutters area for the first dive and then down to South Boulder for the second dive.
Grey Nurse Sharks and Black Cod were the big fish features and then there was lots of Nudibranch and even a Mantis Shrimp with the small critters. All the divers enjoyed the conditions and loved the diving.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Mike

3rd October 2018 – Two Island Duo!

Blue water and 20 degree water temp made for great diving at Buchanan’s Wall this morning. Our divers got to mix with Turtles, Black Cod, Lionfish, Bullrays, Mantis Shrimp and lots of schooling fish.
Seeking shelter from the freshening northerly wind, we made our way to Split Solitary Island for dive two. So much to see amongst the beautiful coral. Nudibranches, Cuttlefish, schools of Pomfrets and Bullseyes plus lots more!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Andy

Bullray at South Solitary Island 2018-02-14
Bullray at South Solitary Island 2018-02-14

Grey Nurse Shark with fish life
Grey Nurse Shark with fish life

8th October 2018 – South Solitary Island Turns it on

After a quick trip out to South Solitary it was decided dive one would be at the Gantry. Our divers got to mix with Turtles, Lionfish, Bull rays, One of the students saw a small lonesome Hammerhead. After a pleasant surface interval, we moved up to the top end of the Island for dive two.
Cleaner Station to South Boulder, What a great dive at least a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks were seen, huge Bull rays Black Cod schools of Tarwhine, Turtles.
Congratulations to Vicki on passing her PADI open water diver course.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 10m

Dive Report by Lindsay

9th October 2018 – Sharks Galore At South Solitary Island

After a pleasant trip out to South Solitary Island, dive one had all divers drop in at Buchanan’s wall. Turtles, Wobbegong Sharks, Slipper Lobsters, and a couple of Eagle Rays were spotted.
After morning tea 2 Wild made its way up to the Northern End of the Island. It was decided dive two would be a drift dive from Shark Gutters to the Gantry, it didn’t disappoint both the Cave and Shark Gutters had at least  half a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks swimming around, also a couple of small juvenile sharks were spotted.
South Boulder Wall lived up to its name Black Cod, Bull Rays,Turtles, Tarwhine, Blue Fusiliers, Bull eyes, and a  nice Spanish Dancer were spotted.
Congratulations to Sharna for completing her PADI Open Water Dive Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Andy

eagle ray swimming through water
Eagle Ray by Lisa

diver hovering over anenome at manta arch
Sharna at Manta with anenome 10.10.18

10th October 2018-Lovely Conditions and Nice Diving.

Another nice day on the water today with only a slight swell from yesterday’s afternoon breeze. Conditions were good enough to drop in at Manta Arch and then exit at the Gantry after swimming through the Gap.
Nice blue water with a bit of milky colour allowed the divers to enjoy seeing a few Grey Nurse at Manta and lots of fish along the length of the gap, along with a couple of large turtles.
Dive two was from Cleaner station to South boulder with Grey Nurse Sharks stacked in Shark Gutters and 5 Black Cod in the Third gutter. quite a number of Nudibranchs today, must be the season for them.
Pictured today is Sharna showing great buoyancy hovering over a bright orange Anemone and Anemonefish at Manta Arch

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 10m-12m

Dive Report by Mike

22nd October 2018 – Back underwater at South Solitary Island!

After a week out of the water due to bad weather it was nice to be back exploring the sites at South Solitary Island today. The vis was a little basic but there was plenty to see. Turtles, Angelfish, Black Cod, Nudibranches and lots of Grey Nurse were spotted on dive one. Dive two was spent enjoying the Boulder Wall. Our divers spotted some big schools of Surgeon fish, Fusiliers and Goatfish. Check out this little guy who was captured by Bryce!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 8m-10m

Dive Report by Andy

Fanta Frog Fish
Fanta Frog Fish

Grey Nurse Sharks at South Solitary Island by Jetty Dive
Grey Nurse Sharks at South Solitary Island by Jetty Dive

24th October 2018 – Grey Nurse Sharks Excite Students

The visibility at South Solitary Island today was down a little but there was still plenty to see!
Manta Arch to The Gantry was the plan for dive one for the certified divers while the Open Water Students stayed in the shallows at The Gantry to do there skills, The divers spotted plenty of marine life including Bullrays, Flat Worms, Schools of Banner Fish, a very inquisitive Octopus near Manta Arch and some super close encounters with the Grey Nurse Sharks.
Congratulations to Sid who become an Open Water Diver today and also to Mark who finished his Scientific Diver Course with us aswell.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 4m-8m

Dive Report by Lindsay

26th October 2018 – Plenty to see at South Solitary!

Visibility had improved nicely today to roughly 15m. Whilst there wasn’t any sharks in the Gutter at Manta Arch, the northern end of the island had plenty. Black Cod, Lionfish, Angelfish and our friendly Frogfish were just some of the highlights on dive one.
The Boulder Wall was also buzzing with life! More Grey Nurse, Turtles, schools of Tarwnine and a slipper cray were spotted by our divers.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Andy

Lionfish in mid water at South Solitary
Lionfish at South Solitary (L Devery 2018)

Craigs Frogfish
Craigs Frogfish

27th October 2018 – Great Conditions at South Solitary Island

After a quick trip out to South Solitary Island all of our certified divers got in at Manta Arch and Student divers dropped in at the Cleaner Station. What a dive for the students who got among the Grey Nurse Sharks on their first open water dive. Certified divers explored the Arch and made there way to the Cleaner Station.
After morning tea all divers got in at the Cleaner Station and made their way to South Boulder Wall. The Cave, Shark Gutters, and the Wall were all teaming with life.
Lionfish , Black Cod ,Turtles, and our resident Frog fish were all seen.
Vis 8/10 Metres Water temp 20 Temp. Congratulations to Daniel on completing his PADI Open Water Course.
This great shot taken today by Craig!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 8m-10m

Dive Report by Andy

30th October 2018- Blue Water at South Solitary Island

After a pleasant trip out divers were greeted with blue water, it was decided Dive one would be at Shark Gutters for certified divers and student divers. At least half a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks were spotted,Black cod, Schools of Tarwhine, and our resident Frog Fish is still hanging around. After morning tea, a drift dive was the best option, Shark Gutters to South Boulder. It didn’t disappoint, with a couple of Grey Nurse Sharks, Nudibranchs,  schools of Bull-eyes, Wobbegong Sharks, Slipper  Crays and a couple of small Green Turtles.
The picture today is a Fish ID shot, used today for the PADI Advanced course Fish ID dive. Can you tell us which two species of fish we have in that shot? Congratulations to Vicki for completing her PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course today with this dive.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Andy

Bannerfish in front of rocks at South Solitary
Bannerfish at South Solitary

Octopus and Red Rock Crab
Octopus and Red Rock Crab

31st October 2018 – Certified Divers enjoy Split Solitary Island

We attempted to dive at South Solitary island this morning although the conditions were not suitable, so the decision was made to come into Split Solitary Island for both dives.
Plenty to see at Split including Nudibranchs, Crested Horn Sharks, Wobbegongs, Octopus, a couple Green Sea turtles and schooling Bulleyes.
Congratulations to Natasha, Kelly-Anne, Zoe, Erin and Rogger who all become PADI Open Water Divers today!!! Welcome to the crazy underwater world!
Photo not taken today but this Octopus and crab are having a good Tug of War

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 8m-10m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations