Take a look at our dive reports from October 2021! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in October 2021.

Dive Reports October 2021 – Table of Contents:

2nd October 2021 – Fish Soup at South Solitary Island!

Today’s diving was nothing short of amazing at South Solitary Island! The calm sea conditions allowed us to dive both Buchanan’s Wall and Shark Gutters. Black cod, lionfish, blue grouper, schooling tarwhine and grey nurse sharks were spotted patrolling the northern end of the island while turtles, moray eels, nudibranches, anemone fish and blue tang were the highlights at Buchanan’s Wall.
Congratulations to Brian Nilsson on completing his 300th dive today! Well done Brian!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 8-10m

Dive Report by Andy

Fusiliers at South Solitary Island (October 2020)
Fusiliers at South Solitary Island (October 2020)

Eagle Ray and Divers
Eagle Ray and Divers (March 2020)

3rd October 2021 – Divers Delight at South Solitary Island!

There was no better way to spend the day than blowing bubbles at South Solitary Island today. Making the most of the great conditions our divers were able to explore both the northern and southern parts of the island. Grey nurse sharks, wobbegongs, turtles, eagle rays, black cod and two bronze whaler sharks were just some of the highlights!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 8m-10m

Dive Report by Andy

4th October 2021 – Double Island Dives

We ventured out to South Solitary this morning for our dives.
Dive one was Buchanan’s Wall, our divers seen lots of Wobbegongs, Blue groupers, Nudibranchs and a big lonley Turtle. The wind had picked up out there so we decided to come into Split Solitary Island for dive two. This was a great call as we had lots to see, 2 juvenile Grey Nurse Sharks, Slipper Lobsters, Cuttle Fish, schools of Bulleyes and 2 Port Jackson Sharks in Turtle Cove.
Congratulations to Viktorija and Korben who become PADI Open Water Divers today.
Photo taken today at Split Solitary Island, Wobbegong napping in the plate coral.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 8m-12m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Wobbegong at Split Solitary
Wobbegong at Split Solitary (L Devery Oct 2021)

Pomfreds at Split Solitary (October 2014)
Pomfreds at Split Solitary (October 2014)

5th October 2021 – Calm Conditions At Split Solitary Island

” 2Wild” headed out to Split Solitary Island this morning with a small group of divers and students. Dive one had all divers drop in on Turtle Cove Mooring, marine life seen on this dive were Painted Crays, Lionfish, Banded Coral Shrimps, and schools of Sweep around the mooring line. After a nice cup of hot Soup all divers decended down the mooring line making there way round to Mikes Mooring, highlights on this dive were Wobbegong Sharks, Black Cod, schools of Bull eyes, Pomfreds, and a small Green Turtle.

Congratulations to Jay on completing his Padi Open Water Dive Course.
Vis 10 Metres.
Water Temp 19 Degrees

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature:
  • Visibility:

Dive Report by Stuart

7th October 2021 – Hammer Head Season on the Horizon

We had a choppy trip out to South Solitay Island but welcomed with clear water once arriving!
Dive one was at Buchanan’s Wall, we had Lindsay and the Deep Specialty students head out to the end of a wall where it tapers off to 30-33m while the certified divers stayed in the shallows with Mini and Annabelle. Lots to see including Turtles, schools of Bullseyes, Kingfish, Bluelipped Aneomes, Octopus and Moray Eels.
Surface interval done, soups, tea and coffee consumed we decided to battle with the choppy waters and get in the top in for a drift to The Gantry which was definatly worth it!!
Grey Nurse Sharks, Black Cod, Turtles, Fusiliers, Stingrays and 3 divers had a glimpse of 5 Hammer Head Sharks out deep from South Boulder mooring!! While waiting for their return we had a school of huge Barracuda swim by too.
Congratulations to Tim and Jess who finished their Deep Specialty Course today

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-19°C
  • Visibility: 18m-22m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Grey Nurse shark with divers
Grey Nurse shark with divers

Mega Wild and divers Phoebe and Lois
Mega Wild and divers Phoebe and Lois (L Devery Oct 2021)

9th October 2021 – Diving from Mega Wild

Today we decided to take out Mega Wild on the dive trip!! Cruising a steady 25knots into a NW wind Mega Wild was out to South Solitary Island in about 20mins.
On arrival the visibility was an epic 20-25m visibility, but water temp was a cooler 19C.
Dive one the certified divers got in at Manta Arch and finished at Shark Gutters while the students stayed in the shallows at Shark Gutters. Lots to see at these locations including Grey Nurse Sharks, Wobbegongs, Turtles, Black Cod and two Scalloped Hammer Heads in the shallows!!
Dive two was a Drift from Shark gutters down to The Gantry for the certified and the students started and finished at The Gantry. This is a favourite for everyone with a huge variety of marine life throughout the dive, we had schools of Bullseyes, Pomfreds and Snapper. The Gantry area had at least 10 turtles it was amazing and was the highlight!!
Photo taken today of Open Water Students Phoebe and Lois with Mega Wild in the background 

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-19°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Lindsay

10th October 2021 – Certified Open Water and Rescue Divers

We had Open Water and Rescue Diver students on board today and Split Solitary Island was our chosen destination.
Split was nice as we could hide from the NE wind blowing through and the visibility was 10-15m
Both dives were at Turtle Cove, we had lots of Wobbegongs, Nudibranchs, schools of Bullseyes, Pufferfish, a Numbray out in the open and some cute little Camel Shrimp in the little cove near the mooring
Congratulations to Jo and PJ who finished their PADI Open Water Course today.
Congratulations to Tara, Jai, Riker who completed their PADI Rescue Diver Course.
Visibility 10-15m
Temp 19C

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature:
  • Visibility:

Dive Report by Lindsay

Camel Shrimp Split Solitary
Camel Shrimp Split Solitary

Grey Nurse Sharks (C Windows June 2021)
Grey Nurse Sharks (C Windows June 2021)

16th October 2021 – Grey Nurse Shark Saturday

Today we headed out to South Solitary Island with our Padi Open Water students and certifed divers. Today’s surface conditions were flat and calm allowing us to take our pick of the sights.
Dive one for some of the crew was from Manta Arch to Shark Gutters, while the remainder of the divers enjoyed the shallower sights of the Cleaner Station. Our divers were surprised by the number of grey nurse sharks along with large schools of batfish swimming above them. Some of the highlights besides the sharks included a cow nose ray and some colourful nudibranches.
After a calm surface interval warming up in the sun, all divers started at Shark Gutters for a drift to the Gantry. As the divers headed to the Boulder Wall, they were greeted by a school of 10 grey nurse sharks. Three green turtles and a large black cod added to the highlights on this dive!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: A balmy 18°C
  • Visibility: 12m-15m

Dive Report by Andy

17th October 2021 – Sharks Galore at South Solitary Island

We took Mega Wild today and the ocean was beautiful and calm which made a quick trip to South Solitary
Dive one was at Cleaner Station and we had some welcoming Grey Nurse Sharks at the bottom of the mooring. We had Black cod, Blue Groupers, a sleepy Green Sea turtle and schools of Fusilliers.
Dive two was a drift from Cleaner Station down to The Gantry. While the divers crept their way through a number of sharks we had a heavily pregant female glide past the students which was fantastic.
Congratulations  to Chantelle who become a PADI Open Water Diver today

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-19°C
  • Visibility: 8m-12m

Dive Report by

Grey Nurse Shark, Shark Gutters
Grey Nurse Shark, Shark Gutters

Diver Rose Toy and green Turte
Diver Rose Toy and green Turte (October 2021)

22nd October 2021 – Hammerheads again!

Today after the crazy storm Coffs had on Wednesday, we headed out to South Solitary on Mega Wild for a double dive!
On the first dive, we headed from Manta Arch to Cleaner Station. Just between Manta and Cleaner some of our divers saw a hundred plus Hammerhead Sharks, which circled past a few times. On this dive we also saw Lionfish, Moray Eels, Anenome Fish, and a Grey Nurse Shark! There were also black cod, and QLD Groper, and plenty of schooling fish.
On the second dive we headed from Cleaner Station to The Gantry for a nice long drift dive. There was plenty to see on this dive too, with bullseyes, pufferfish, some friendly Turtles, and some Grey Nurses. We also saw HUGE Bull Rays, a Blind Shark, and a Pregnant Blue Groper we named Burt (was named prior to realizing it was pregnant). There was plenty of Wobbegongs on this dive, some nudibranches, and more Moray Eels.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 10m

Dive Report by Tara

23rd October 2021 – Back Gutter Crowded with Grey Nurse Sharks

We headed out to South Solitary Island today and Mega Wild was the choice of transport.
Dive one was at Buchanan’s Wall, there was schools of Tarwhine and Bulleyes around the mooring and in the shallows. We had a few turtles along the wall along with a monster Numb-Ray down on the sand.
Dive two we dropped the certified divers around at the Back gutter and they had planned to swim through the gap to The Gantry. This dive was very exciting for everyone as the Back Gutter was packed with Grey Nurse Sharks,
Once through the gap the divers were welcomed with 5-8 Turtles, Eagle rays and beautiful Anemones.
Congratulations to Emily-Jean, Javier and Cristofer who all finished their PADI Open Water Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-19°C
  • Visibility: 8m-15m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Back Gutter Grey NUrse Sharks
Back Gutter Grey NUrse Sharks

queensland grouper
queensland grouper

25th October 2021 – QLD Groper and Hammerhead Sightings!

Today we headed out to South Solitary Island for a double dive!
The conditions were lovely at the island with just a bit of surge which influenced us to do our dives on the the Northern side. For both dives we dropped in at Shark Gutters.
On the first dive we explored shark gutters and cleaner station, spotting two QLD Gropers in the gutter of Cleaner Cave. There was a sleepy turtle relaxing in the cave, surrounded by a couple of bannerfish. There was a bull ray, puffer fish, a few cheeky wobbegongs, and a Moray Eel, along with Old Wifes, 2 or 3 Grey Nurse Sharks, Surgeonfish, and Barrier Reef Anenomefish. A few of our divers saw a single hammerhead on two occasions on this dive!
On the second dive we did a drift from Shark Gutters to The Gantry, past boulder wall. On this dive there were more bull rays, wobbegongs, and schooling fish. We had several friendly blue gropers join us as we swum, and had a few more hammerhead sightings.  There were plenty of fish to see along the wall, including Female Fairy Baslet, Blue Tangs, and Green Moon Wrasse.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 15m on 1st dive, 8m on 2nd dive

Dive Report by Tara

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations