Take a look at our dive reports from September 2020! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in September 2020.

Dive Reports September 2020 – Table of Contents:


Today on the 3rd September 2020, with winds and seas thankfully calmer than predicted, we headed out to South Solitary Island for our Double Dive.
On our first dive, we headed out to Buchannans Wall. Here we saw a Cuttlefish, plenty of Wobbeygongs, and a very friendly Blue Grouper! There was a Lionfish, some Black cod, and a gorgeous Pipefish, which features as our image for today’s report – taken by our Divemaster Cassie.
The second Dive was spectacular, as we headed from Cleaner Station to South Boulder. On this dive we spotted a Moray Eel, some Eagle Rays, and plenty of schooling fish. Shark Gutters was filled with Grey Nurses! We saw 2 Green Sea Turtles having a quick snooze under some rocks between Cleaner Station Cave and the gutters, and Barney our Resident Loggerhead Turtle™ in the cave. There were 4 more Green Sea Turtles spotted on the remainder of the dive. There was a Bull Ray, Black Cod everywhere, and another pipefish (a different one this time) who makes his residence at South Boulder Mooring. We also spotted our favorite little Yellow Boxfish darting around like he had somewhere very important to be.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-19°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Tara

Duncker's Pipefish at Buchannans Wall
Duncker’s Pipefish at Buchannans Wall (C Windows Sept 2020)

Black cod in blue water
Black Cod (Sept 2020)

6th September 2020 – Rough on top, but great underneath.

With some seasoned divers from Dive Centre Manly onboard, we ventured out, knowing it will be a bit of a rough ride getting there. We sheltered from the conditions on the northern end of South Solitary and the divers enjoyed the diverse range of fish life that we have to offer. They were surprised to find the amount of coral we have and different fish to their home turf in Sydney. The sites were from Cleaner Station to South Boulder Wall.
Although we only saw a few Grey Nurse, they mixed it with the schools of fish we have along with some unusual fish like a larger Yellow Boxfish, a few of our Big Black Cod, our resident “Barney”, the loggerhead turtle, more turtles on these are Green Turtles, Eagle Rays and also a glimpse of Cow Rays and a Whaler shark.
No one was worried about the conditions, possibly because the dives were so enjoyable.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18.5°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Mike

9th September 2020 – Blue Wednesday Dives!

Today we headed out to South Solitary Island for a double dive. The surface was a little choppy so we headed to Buchannans Wall for our first dive.
We dropped into Buchannan’s Wall for dive one, some of our divers seeing a cowl-nose ray swimming away. Close by there was a really big Green Sea Turtle laying around for us all to take a good look at too. There was a Nudibranch, and a very friendly QLD Blue Grouper who was happy to have a peek at our divers.
We had a turtle breaking the surface to breathe for 5 minutes or so on our surface interval, which looked like the big guy from the first dive!
For our second dive we headed from Shark Gutters to the Gap. Here we had 4 or 5 Grey Nurse Sharks, and an eagle ray. We saw a few Nudibranchs, some Moorish Idols, along with some turtles.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Tara

Blue Grouper in blue water
Blue Grouper (T Davey Sept 2020)

Loggerhead Turtle “Barney” at South Solitary

12th September 2020 – A Busy Day Diving and Whale Swimming

The Swell was up when we arrived, but abated during the morning.
For our first dive,  we dropped a group off at Manta Arch, whilst others dived Cleaner Station. Plenty of Grey Nurse sharks at Manta along with a Queensland Groper, and a few close encounters with Grey Nurse at Cleaner Station. Barney, the loggerhead turtle was also around.
Dive 2 was along Boulder Wall where Black cod were out in numbers amongst the masses of Tarwhine and Bullseyes.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Tara

13th September 2020 – Spectacular Conditions at South Sol

With another busy day of Whale Swimming, Whale Watching, and Scuba Diving planned, 2 Wild Headed out to South Solitary Island for a double dive.
For the first dive we dropped one group of Divers in at Manta Arch and one group headed to Cleaner Station.
At Manta Arch the divers spotted more than a dozen Grey Nurse Sharks, some Big Groupers, Black Cod, and even found a Cowfish! At Cleaner Station there were 6 or 7 more Grey Nurse Sharks, some Eagle Rays, and 4 really large Black Cod. There was a White Leaf Fish, and some orangutan crabs.
For our second dive we dived Shark Gutters to the Gantry. Here there were numerous Grey Nurses and 4 Turtles, along with a lot of fish life down boulder wall.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Tara

Grey Nurse Shark 2 South Solitary Island 29 December 2014 by Jetty Dive
Grey Nurse Shark (L Devery 2014)

Grey Nurse Shark
Grey Nurse Shark

19th September 2020 – Awesome conditions at South Solitary Island

We had some awesome conditions this morning for our double dive at South Solitary Island!!!

Dive one was at Manta Arch and we got up close with a few of the locals as the pic shows!!!

Dive two was focused up the northern end of the island checking out all the gutters and part of Boulder Wall, lots to see including Bullrays, Wobbegongs, Nudibranchs, Moray Eels and big schools of Tarwhine and Travelly.

This Pic taken today of a Grey Nurse Shark, a heavily pregnant female that unfortunately has some fishing tackle still stuck ?

Congratulations to Vincent who completed his Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty today!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-21°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by

27th September 2020 – Certified Open Water Divers

South Solitary Island was the pic for today as it gave us some good protection from the southerly.
Dive one was at Cleaner station where we seen 1-3 Grey Nurse Sharks, Octopus, Blue Gropers and a few Bat Fish hanging around the mooring.
Dive two was at Shark Gutters, this dive had plenty of Wobbegongs, Nudibranchs, schools of Bullseyes and Pomfreds. We even had a very sleepy Green Sea Turtle right up the back of Shark Gutter too
Congratulations to Morgana, Luke and Matthew who completed their Open Water Diver Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°c
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Turtle and Lionfish Split Solitary Island
Turtle and Lionfish Split Solitary Island

Diver Ellen at South Solitary Island
Diver Ellen at South Solitary Island

28th September 2020 – Blue Water At South Solitary Island

Both dives today were at the Northern end of South Solitary island hiding from the southerly wind. Dive one had all divers dropped in on Cleaner Station, one group of divers made they way to the sanctuary marker and spotted two Grey Nurse Sharks, also seen on Dive One were  Black cod, Turtles, Moray Eels, and a Slipper lobster. After morning tea Dive Two was at Shark Gutters, down to South Boulder and back. Wobbegong Sharks were seen down the wall, also seen were schools of Tarwhine, Black Cod, and another two Grey Nurse Sharks were sighted. Today’s picture is of Ellen finishing dive four of her Padi Open Water Dive Course. Congratulations Ellen.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Lindsay

29th October- Are Black Cod really Black?

Two dives at South Solitary Island today, started with Manta Arch on the first for the advanced divers. Another sighting of the big Queensland Groper was only brief as he raced away into the deep. We also saw a dozen Grey Nurse sharks  that were spread out over the area. Finishing at Cleaner Station on that dive with some nice nudibranchs in the Cleaner cave gutter.
Dive 2 started at Cleaner Station with the divers cruising down to South Boulder. A number of Black Cod were spotted which sparked the question, “When they don’t look black, are they Black Cod?” Indeed Black Cod change their markings and colour as they swim from one environment to another. In a darker place like a deep gutter they will be black, near a rocky outcrop they become motley and striped, and then out in the water column they change to mostly grey.
Plenty of fish today and everyone enjoyed the conditions. Picture is a Huge Black Cod in the third gutter.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 12m-15m

Dive Report by Tara

Black Cod at South Solitary
Black Cod at South Solitary (September 2020)

Turtle and Diver Ryan Curtis  (S Breese Sept 2-02
Turtle and Diver Ryan Curtis (S Breese Sept 2-02

30th September 2020 – Whale Soundtrack to South Sol

Today we headed out to South Solitary with a boat full of divers for a double dive, seeing 4-5 pods of breaching whales put on a show on the trip out.
Our first dive was at Manta Arch. It was Grey Nurse Shark city here, with Nurses cruising all about.  Between the sharks, we spotted schools of Bullseyes, among other schooling fish. Along the back gutter, one of our groups spotted upwards of 30 Nurses.
For our second dive, we dropped down into Cleaner Station, with one group dropping in at the Back Gutter. Both groups drifted to South Boulder. On this one, our divers saw Nudibranchs, Spanish Dancers, and again a whole heap of Grey Nurses. Our divers also saw plenty of Turtles, one of them getting nice and friendly and close, as pictured in the image today from Steve of Ryan and a turtle. Eagle Rays were also spotted, and a big Bull Ray following a Grey Nurse Shark at cadence.
Our divers could hear Whales Singing on their dives too – they sounded almost close enough to touch!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Tara

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations