Take a look at our dive reports from September 2021! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in September 2021.

Dive Reports September 2021 – Table of Contents:


We were all so excited to get back diving after the 4 weeks of lockdown in regional NSW. Today we took our Mega Wild – the new big boat! – on a double dive to South Solitary Island.
For our first dive we dropped into Cleaner Station. Here we saw a Pregnant Grey Nurse Shark, along with some nudibranches, a blue groper, wobbeys, and some Moray Eels, along with plenty of schooling fish.
Our second dive was from South Boulder to the Gantry.
Here we saw an Octopus, and a Loggerhead Turtle. There was Wobbeygongs on this dive too, along with more Nudibranches, and Moray Eels, and a Lionfish!
Our divers were all very excited to be back in the water today! And we are so thankful for the response from everyone as soon as we opened! Your support throughout COVID19 from the beginning means the world to us.
Congratulations to Zahli and Chris for completing their Open Water Scuba Diver Course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 8m-10m

Dive Report by Tara

Blue Grouper (J Stangl September 2021)
Blue Grouper (J Stangl September 2021)

Loggerhead Turtle The Gantry
Loggerhead Turtle The Gantry

19th September 2021 – Returning Clear Water

South Solitary Island treated us with clearer water and loads of marinelife today.
Dive one was at Shark Gutters and our divers decended onto 8-10 Grey Nurse Sharks crusing around the bottom and in the gutter, there was a beautiful Semicircle Angelfish, schools of Tarwhine, Travelly, Bullseyes and Fusiliers.
With morining tea done during the surface interval Dive two was a slight drift from South Boulder down to The Gantry, this dive had LOTS of turtles near the gap, Slipper Lobsters, Nudibranchs, Mowongs and a huge Logger Head in a hold on Five Metre Rock (not Barney).
Congratulations to James who finished his Open Water Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-19°C
  • Visibility: 10m-12m

Dive Report by Lindsay

20th September 2021 – Juvenile SemiCircle Angelfish OR Juvenile Emporer Angelfish?

We woke up to beautiful sea conditions today and were very excited to take advantage of them, taking “2 Wild” out with some students and some certified divers to South Solitary for a double dive.
For the first dive we dropped into Shark Gutters. There was  a Numb Ray, heaps of Nudibranches, a juvenile Angelfish – which we believe was an Emporer Angelfish but could be a semi-circular angelfish. Let us know what you think on our facebook post or instagram video!  This Juvenile Emporer Angelfish is called “Tarafish”.  A few wobbegongs were hiding under rocks and coral,  we also spotted some Blue fusiliers, black cod, a playful turtle and a couple of grey nurses near Shark Gutters Mooring, along with some three spot damsels, and anenomefish.
On dive two we drifted from South Boulder to The Gantry. On this dive there were a few turtles right at the start near the sandy patch close to the gap, plenty of schooling fish, and some friendly Blue Gropers. There were plenty of Nudibranches on this dive too, along with an egg cowrie shell, and a golden egg cowrie! There were also some Moon Wrasse, and a beautiful spanish dancer at the Gantry mooring.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 12m-15m

Dive Report by Tara

Juvenile Emporer Angelfish
Juvenile Emporer Angelfish

Leaf Scorpion Fish (N Fripp Jan 2020)
Leaf Scorpion Fish (N Fripp Jan 2020)

25th September 2021 – Sunny Saturday!

Today we took out 2 Wild for a double dive to South Solitary Island, and this morning there was lovely surface conditions!
On the first dive we headed to Buchanan’s Wall, with divers in groups based on experience level. Here we saw some Turtles and some Wobbeygongs, along with some Blue Gropers and Nudibranches,  and plenty of schooling fish!
On our second dive we headed from Shark Gutters to the Gantry, with some divers just diving the gantry. There were some Grey Nurse Sharks, along with more turtles and Nudibranches. There was a Leaf Scorpionfish, some black cod, and more Blue Gropers

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Tara

27th September 2021 – Big Blue at the Solitaries!

Our divers enjoyed some blue water diving at the Solitary Islands today as the vis had improved to 25 plus meters! Jumping in at Shark Gutters for dive one our divers were greeted with grey nurse sharks, eagle rays, black cod and schooling Tarwhine.
After a short boat ride we hopped in at South West Solitary Island for dive two. Again we had aqaurium like conditions as we swam with schools of goatfish, Tarwhine, Pomfrets and Bullseyes!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 25m+

Dive Report by Andy

Grey Nurse Shark at South Solitary Island (July 2021)
Grey Nurse Shark at South Solitary Island (July 2021)

Eagle Ray at South Solitary Island
Eagle Ray at South Solitary Island

28th September 2021 – 30m Plus Vis at South Solitary Island!

Spectacular conditions for diving at South Solitary Island today! Dive one was spent exploring the life along Buchanan’s Wall. Black cod, wobbegong sharks, turtles and Lionfish were just some of the highlights on this dive.
Taking advantage of the current, our divers enjoyed a leisurely drift from Shark Gutters to the Gantry for dive two. Grey Nurse Sharks, Eagle Rays, loads of Turtles, plus schooling Tarwhine, Pomfrets and Mado were spotted were spotted on this dive.
Congratulations to Didj, Calypso and Olivia on completing your PADI Open Water Dive Course today! Well done!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 30m

Dive Report by Andy

29th September 2021- “Breaching Whales At Split Solitary Island”.

Knowing that the wind was going to pick up early this morning,  “2 Wild” headed out to Split Solitary Island with a small group of certified divers and students. Conditions were nice in the shelter of the island and visibility was very good for Split.

Dive one had all divers drop in on Turtle Cove Mooring. Amongst the marine life spotted on this dive were Wobbegong Sharks, Black Cod, Painted Crays, Bullseyes, and schooling Tarwhine.

After a nice cup of hot Soup, students and certified divers again dropped in on the same mooring exploring all the Gutters. This time, Turtles, Blue Grouper, Banded Coral shrimps, Nudibranchs and a Bull Ray were featured in the sightings during the dive.

To top off the underwater action, we had whales coming in close by, with a couple of breaches to add to the morning.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Stuart

Wobbegong Shark
Wobbegong Shark

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations