Take a look at our dive reports from September 2023! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in September 2023.

Dive Reports – Table of Contents:

3rd September 2023 – 30m Visibility at South Solitary

We were welcomed to South Solitary Island with 25-35m visibility this morning!

Shark Gutters was the choice for dive one and there was plenty to see.
There were 10-12 Grey Nurse Sharks, Bullrays, and a huge Queensland Grouper. We also spotted schools of Tarwhine, Goatfish and Travelly near Cleaner station.

Dive two was a drift from Cleaner Station down to South Boulder, this dive had everything from dive one but more!
We had the addtion of three Bullrays and three Eagle Rays on boulder Wall, singing Humpback Whales, Moray Eels and a cute little Orangutang Crab

Photo taken today by Lindsay

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19-20°C
  • Visibility: 25m – 35m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Grey Nurse Shark and fish at Cleaner Station
Grey Nurse Shark and fish at Cleaner Station

Cuttlefish at South Solitary Island (L Devery September 2023)
Cuttlefish at South Solitary Island (L Devery September 2023)

10th September 2023 – Qld Groper Sunday

We saw a window of opportunity and headed out to South Solitary Island this morning for a double dive.

Although the visbility was not fantastic, we still had a great time underwater. The top end of the island was looking great so divers descended at Cleaner Station. Notable marine life seen were Spanish Dancers, Grey Nurse Sharks, a Queensland Grouper with lots of attitude, and a Green Sea Turtle.

After morning tea, we descended at Cleaner Station for a lovely drift down to South Boulder. On this dive, we saw more curious Grey Nurse Sharks, two cute little Cuttlefish, some Black Cod loads Nudibranchs, and heaps of schooling fish!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C
  • Visibility: 5m-10m

Dive Report by Teagan

16th September 2023- Turtle Galore

2wild headed out to South Solitary this morning for some dioving before the incoming winds this week!

First up, divers descended at Buchanon’s Wall. On this dive, we had the luxury of listening to our own musical concert put on by the Humpback Whales and their singing. It was so loud and clear!!!! Divers saw heaps of Nudribranch’s up the wall, a Green Sea Turtle, White Eyed Moray Eels, and a couple of Octopus changing their colours!

After morning tea, we descended at the Gantry. We ventured our way up to the gap and found loads of turtles, both Hawksbill and Green Sea Turtles! Other notable marine life seen were Cuttle Fish,a Mosaic Eel, lots of Anemone Fish, and a Yellow Box Fish.

Congratulations Gemma and Thomas for completing your PADI Open Water Diver course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 8m-10m

Dive Report by Teagan

Hawksbill Turtle Gantry (T Anderson Septmber 2023)
Hawksbill Turtle Gantry (T Anderson Septmber 2023)

Nudi? At cleaner station (J Stangl September 2023)
Nudi? At cleaner station (J Stangl September 2023)

24th September 2023- SURPRISED WITH GOOD VIS!

2Wild saw a window of opportunity with low winds so we ventured out for a double dive this morning!

First up, divers descended at Cleaner Station to explore the top end of South Solitary Island. On this dive, we saw a Hawsbill Turtle, Spanish Dancers, a dozen or more Grey Nurse Sharks, Octopus, Black Cod, and schooling fish.

The surface interval warmed us up and we were ready for our second dive. We descended at Shark gutters and drifted down towards South Boulder. Divers saw four to five Green Sea Turtles, Bubble Shell’s, Cuttlefish, a Bullray, Queensland Grouper, and pipefish.

Divers were pleasently surprised with warmer water and good visbility!!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Teagan

25th September 2023 – Nice Day-Nice Diving!

Sea conditions improved today to make it a pleasant day on the water at South Solitary Island.

The first Dive was around Cleaner Station mooring where we found around 20 Grey Nurse Sharks in the deeper water and buzzing activity of schooling fish in the shallows. The highlight of this dive was the sharks coming very close! (like in the picture!)

Dive 2 was from Shark Gutters around to the Gantry. Visibility improved as the divers made their way to the Gap, and the highlight of this dive was 6 turtles in one spot near the Gap.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 10m-18m

Dive Report by Mike

Deb and Shark (M Davey September 2023)
Deb and Grey Nurse Shark (M Davey September 2023)

Loggerhead Turtle (T Anderson September 2023)
Loggerhead Turtle (T Anderson September 2023)

27th September 2023- MID WEEK DIVE BREAK

Buchanans Wall looked inviting so divers slipped in to the clear water for their first dive. Marine life seen by divers was a Green Sea Turtle, Spotted Eagle Ray, little baby Wobbegongs, and a few large Bull Rays.

Divers descended at Shark Gutters and had an escort down to the Gantry from a Grey Nurse Shark. Highight of the dive were the approximate 20 grey Nurse Sharks in between the two top end moorings accompanied by a Loggerhead turtle.

Enjoying the ride back to shore, divers were greeted by an inquisitive Humpback Calf mugging 2Wild and putting on a show.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 30m

Dive Report by Teagan

28th September 2023 – Hammer Time

We had Scalloped Hammer Heads on both dives today!!!!
Dive one was at Shark Gutters and along with the Grey Nurse Sharks, Queensland Gouper, Bullrays and Travelly the Hammer Heads were spotted out in the deeper water. There were about 8-10 in this school.
Dive two was a drift from Cleaner Station down to South Boulder. We only spotted two Hammerheads but they were in the shallows which was very cool.
We had some very pregant Grey Nurse Sharks out and about, more Bullrays on Boulder Wall, Nudibrtanchs and Blue Tangs.

Congratulations to Jane and Andrew who finished their Advanced Open Water Course today.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19-21°C
  • Visibility: 15m-25m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Hammerhead Shark at South Solitary (L Devery September 2023)
Hammerhead Sharks at South Solitary (L Devery September 2023)

Black Cod in blue water
Black Cod (L Devery June 2020)

29th September 2023 – Happy Friday at South Solitary Island

With only a small group of excited divers “2Wild” steamed out to South Solitary Island.
Dive one had all divers drop in at Buchannans Wall, marine life seen were Nudibranchs, Green Turtles, Bull-Rays, Wobbegong sharks and in the shallows we had lots of Anemonefish, one group of divers saw an Eagle-Ray flyby.

After morning tea “2Wild” made its way up to the Northern end of the Island taking advantage of a slight current going south. Divers dropped in at shark gutters making there way round to the Gantry.
Marine life seen on this dive were Grey Nurse Sharks, Moray-Eels, Black Cod, Cuttlefish, there were also half a dozen Turtles spotted near The Gap.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Teagan

30th September 2023 south solitary island lonely Hammerhead

After a bumby trip out to South Solitary Island “2Wild” pulled up at Buchanans Wall for dive one. Marine life seen on this dive were Wobbegong Sharks, Schooling Fish, Nudibranchs, Green Turtles. One group of divers was lucky enough to see a lonely Hammerhead Shark.

After morning tea “2Wild” worked its way up to the northern End of the Island for a drift dive from Shark Gutters to the Gantry. Marine life seen on this dive were Grey Nurse Sharks, Black Cod, Lion Fish, Bull-Rays down the wall, and Turtles in the Gap.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Teagan

Grey Nurse Shark (S Andrews Nov 2022)
Grey Nurse Shark (S Andrews Nov 2022)

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations