Lissenung Island Kavieng PNG trip Oct 2016 report

Lissenung Island Kavieng PNG trip Oct 2016 report

22nd – 30th October 2016

Deckchairs and a bottle of wine on the beach at sunset time are the perfect way to end an exciting day of diving.

And that was exactly what we did, and it did not disappoint us! Lissenung Island is a beautiful spot, a perfect location for a quaint little resort. The island is not very big, in fact it takes a few minutes to walk from your secluded Bungalow to the other side of the island where the dive shop and dining hut is.

The island is limited to only a small number of people, and that is the way they like it, it makes it perfect for a quiet getaway.

We had a group of only 6 people, which had a great time together both diving and socializing afterwards.

The dives are great PNG quality diving. Large drop-offs and clear warm water lends itself to everything possible. Nudibranchs to turtles to Sharks to Pelagic fish, you ask for it, they find it.

Here is more about Lissenung Island

A minimum age limit of 12 years for our guests ensures a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere.With a maximum of 14 guests, personal service is guaranteed and your holiday truly exclusive!

New Ireland is known for its pelagic fish action, but you need currents to attract big fish. These currents can sometimes be strong and make diving a little difficult. Our experienced dive staff will show you the easiest and safest way to dive with us and once you’ve made it, you will be rewarded with world class diving.
Please keep in mind that nature prevails and that strong currents (and pelagics) cannot be guaranteed to occur daily, or to run the right direction. There are no working tide tables for the Kavieng area, so where normally, the incoming and outgoing tides move in a 6-hour interval, we can have 10 hours of outgoing tide, followed by 3 hours of incoming, followed by another 9 hours of outgoing.
It would also be wrong to come to Kavieng and expect to see just big fish and lots of sharks. There is so much more to see in these waters if one looks beyond the pelagics and keeps an open mind about the diving on offer. After all, Papua New Guinea’s oceans are part of the Coral Triangle and have one of the largest bio-diverse reefs in the world!

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations