May 2022 Jetty Dive Debrief

Welcome to the May 2022 Jetty Dive Debrief! This is our newest addition to the blog (and email newsletters… read on to find out more about that if you’re interested!) the “debrief”. Here we are going to let you know how the water has been, what the season showed us, any interesting or noteworthy details, … Continued

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations