Take a look at our dive reports from August 2020! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in August 2020.

Dive Reports August 2020 – Table of Contents:


After a week out of the water, our boat “2 Wild” headed out to South Solitary Island with students and certified divers, it was decided the northern end of the island would be the best place to dive, giving protection from the southerly wind.
Dive one the divers descended down Shark Gutters Mooring line, with Grey Nurse Sharks spotted before getting to the bottom of the mooring line. During that dive the highlights were Black Cod, Green Turtles, Bull-rays, Moray Eels, Blue Tangs, and a small cuttlefish.
For our second dive “2 Wild” headed to Grouper Island for morning tea, surface conditions were nice and calm. This dive was where all the small stuff was seen.  Nudibranchs Octopus, Blue Grouper, schools of Bullseyes and Tarwhine.

Visibility at South Sol 15 Metres whilst vis at Grouper Island was 10 Metres

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: South: 15m Grouper: 10m

Dive Report by Tara

Bull Ray at cleaner station (D Davey April 2020)
Bull Ray at cleaner station (D Davey April 2020)

Wobbegong in Plate Coral
Wobbegong in Plate Coral

2nd August 2020 – Sunday Sights

Today, on a beautiful Sunday morning we headed out to South Solitary Island for our double dive.
On our first dive, we dropped down into Buchanans Wall. Here we spotted 2 big Green Sea Turtles, 2 baby cuttlefish, and 2 scorpion leafish! There were also a few Lionfish, some Pipefish, and we spotted a Bullray! Throughout this dive we also heard some whale songs!
We headed to Shark Gutters for our second dive, and here there was  a big kingfish, and plenty of big wobbegongs – one being featured in our Dive Report picture, photography from Lindsay taken today. We spotted Barney, our resident Loggerhead Turtle, and a little Hawksbill turtle in cleaner cave. There were Orangutang crabs, 20+ Grey Nurse Sharks down deeper, some cuttlefish and a big slipper cray along with schooling fish.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: A warm 18°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Tara

6th August 2020 – Groupers and Sharks at Manta

Today we took Wild Fin out to South Solitary “Covid Full” of divers for our double dive.
For our first dive our  Certified Divers they dropped down into Manta Arch and headed to Cleaner Station, whilst our student headed straight into Cleaner Station. Here they spotted 20+ Grey Nurse Sharks, with maybe around another 10 on the way to Cleaner. There was a huge QLD Grouper, and an eagle ray both at Manta and Cleaner Station.
For the second dive the divers dropped int Shark Gutters. Here they spotted more eagle rays, and some turtles. They spotted plenty of wobbegongs full of movement, and some black cod – along with a Bull Ray. There were also heaps of Grey Nurse’s spotted at Shark Gutters and Boulder Wall, upwards of 12.
Congratulations to Shalise for completing her PADI Openwater Diver Course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C but colder on top!
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Tara

Qld Groper at Manta Arch South Solitary Island
Qld Groper at Manta Arch South Solitary Island

Queensland Groper at South Solitary Island
Queensland Groper at South Solitary Island

8th August 2020 – Shark Specialty at Manta Arch

With a questionable forecast on the weather, we were suprised to be able to dive Manta Arch today. With some sloppy surface conditions, the divers stayed at the Arch for a great dive on Dive 1. Not only did we see the Queensland Groper again amongst the Grey Nurse, it had a mate with him. Both were happy to hang around whilst the divers snapped a few pics. A count was completed on the Grey Nurse and completed a PADI Advanced Course with the Shark Specialty dive for Alfonsina.
Dive 2 was around Shark Gutters and Boulder Wall with Eagle Rays, more Grey Nurse Sharks and a Turtle amongst the schools of fish as highlights. Visibility improved on this dive compared to Dive 1.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Tara

9th August 2020 – Nice enough for a Gap swim at South Solitary

Conditions improved overnight and with a bit of sunshine, everything looked good for today’s dives!
Dive 1 was back at Manta Arch, but without the depth! Checking out the sharks around the mooring, the divers moved to the back gutter to find even more sharks, as well as a surprise fever of Cow Rays. Continuing through the gap, visibility improved further and all our divers had a very pleasant dive with some turtles hanging about.
Dive 2 gave the divers a sweep across the top side of South Solitary Island, heading from Cleaner Station to South Boulder Wall. Again they had a taste of everything – but today brought out the turtles again, as another highlight.
Today’s image is a file picture of our Cow Rays, as we didn’t have any images given to us from our divers today!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20m-25m
  • Visibility: 19°C

Dive Report by Tara

Cow Rays at South Solitary
Cow Rays at South Solitary

Wobbegong Shark on sandy ocean floor at South Solitary Island
Wobbegong Shark at South Solitary Island

15th August 2020 – South Solitary Island

With a poor forecast we were a little surprised that the sea conditions had improved, so “2 Wild” headed out to South Solitary Island for a double dive. The wind was coming from the north so Buchanan’s Wall was decided for dive one. Down the wall Turtles, Bullrays, Blue Grouper and Wobbegong Sharks were the highlights.  The Student divers had a strange encounter with a  huge Wobbegong Shark which circled them for a few minutes.
After morning tea the wind had dropped a little, so “2 Wild” made its way up to Shark Gutters for dive two. All divers descended down the line and explored the cave, Shark Gutters, and Cleaner Station. A dozen Grey Nurse Sharks were seen in and around the Gutters, Eagle rays, Black Cod, schooling Tarwhine, Bulls eyes, Nudibranchs and a Octopus were also sighted.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Lindsay

16th August 2020 – Beautiful Sunday Dives!

Today we had a mix of certified divers and students head out to South Solitary Island.
For the first dive, our certified Divers headed from Manta Arch to Cleaner Station. Here they saw 20+ Grey Nurse Sharks! Our student Divers dived Cleaner Station with more sharks here too! They also spotted some black cod, a few Wobbegongs, Moray Eels, and some Lionfish.
Our divers took their short morning tea and surface interval, and during this saw a Whale – tail slapping about 400m away from the boat.
For the second dive, all of our divers headed into Shark Gutters, making their way down North Boulder Wall. They took a look at the Cave along with divinv Shark Gutters. More sharks were seen here, along with large schools of Tarwhine,  Bullseyes, Blue Fusiliers, and even some Batfish which is interesting for this water temperature!
Today’s Dive Pic is a old classic of Mike’s images of a Batfish!
Congratulations to Ben, Amy, and Charlotte for completing their PADI Open Water Diver Course today!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 10m-15m

Dive Report by Tara

Batfish at the Solitary Islands
Batfish at the Solitary Islands

Green Sea Turtle in the gap of a gutter with blue seas and sandy bottom behind it South Solitary Island
Green Sea Turtle – South Solitary Island (L Devery 2020)

17th August 2020 – Monday Marine Madness

The ocean this morning was beautiful and perfect conditions for a double dive at South Solitary Island.
Dive one everyone descended down Cleaner Station mooring to find 6-8 Grey Nurse Sharks, Black Cod and a large turtle in cleaner station cave.
Dive two was a drift from Cleaner Station down to The Gantry we seen loads of marine life on Boulder Wall including schools of Tarwhine, Kingfish, Bullseyes and a swimming Wobbegong. Near the Gap we had about 4-6 Turtles that were not shy of our divers.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 10m-14m

Dive Report by Lindsay

19th August 2020 – Grey Nurse Galore

After a rather smooth trip out to South Solitary Island we had the certified divers drop into Manta Arch to check out the Grey Nurse Sharks, Black Cod and big schools of Tarwhine. The students went in at Cleaner station where they saw lots of Wobbegongs, a few Grey Nurse Sharks and some Eagle Rays in the distance.
Dive two was a drift from Shark Gutters down to The Ganrty, there was some cute little Cuttle Fish, schools of Bulleyes, Kingfish and Sweep, near the Gap we counted 6 different Green Sea Turtles.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 18°C-19°C
  • Visibility: 15m-18m

Dive Report by Lindsay

Lindsay Grey Nurse Shark
Grey Nurse Shark (L Devery 2020)

Cuttlefish on sandy bottom at Shark Gutters
Cuttlefish at Shark Gutters (C Windows August 2020)

27th August 2020 – Clear Water Thursday!

Today, 27th of August 2020 we headed out for a double dive with a boat as full as COVID restrictions allow us!
For our first dive, we had one group head into Manta Arch, and a 2nd group head into Cleaner Station.
At Manta Arch 15-20 Grey Nurse Sharks were seen, along with some big black cod. There were Wobbeygongs spotted, large amounts of schooling fish including some Diamondfish! At cleaner station, we spotted some Green Sea Turtles, along with our resident loggerhead Barney. Grey Nurses were also spotted here!
Our divers all headed up for their surface interval, seeing Barney coming up to the surface for some breaths whilst they had some snacks, coffee, and tea!
On the second dive, our divers dropped into Shark Gutters. Here they spotted some Batfish, more Grey Nurse Sharks, and some black cod. There were Moray Eels, some Wobbeygongs, and the divers saw a Spanish Dancer, a little Cuttlefish (which features as today’s image) and a big Bull Ray!
It was a beautiful day out, with gorgeous clear water!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Tara

30th August 2020 – Sweet Sunday!

For today’s dive on 30th August 2020, we took 2 Wild out to South Solitary Island.
After a smooth boat trip out, our divers dropped into Cleaner Station for their first dive. Here we spotted a handful of Grey Nurse Sharks and some Black Cod. There were plenty of wobbeygongs, and heaps of nudibranches in Cleaner Station Cave. We also spotted a bull ray!
For the second dive, the divers headed down to Shark Gutters, and here they made their way down the wall. They saw plenty of Green Sea Turtles, 5 Eagle Rays, and a small cuttlefish that looked just like the one seen recently and in the same spot too. Here we also saw another 3 or 4 Grey Nurse Sharks, along with a cute Yellow Boxfish, which is today’s featured image!
Congratulations to Jarred, Anzac, and Cath for completing their PADI Discover Scuba Experience today!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Tara

Yellow Boxfish
Yellow Boxfish

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations