Take a look at our dive reports from June 2020! We’ve detailed what we saw, the temperature and visibility, and surface conditions of the Solitary Islands in Coffs Harbour in June 2020.

Dive Reports June 2020 – Table of Contents:

Eagle Ray at South Solitary Island
Eagle Ray at South Solitary Island


Today we had both boats head out to South Solitary Island for a double dive. Both boats jumped in at the top end, with one boat of divers descending at Cleaner Station before the second boat’s divers descending later at Shark Gutters. On this dive plenty of Grey Nurses were seen, along with some turtles. All divers, saw some Eagle Rays, Turtles were spotted, and plenty of schooling fish.
On the second dive, one boat stayed at Shark Gutters while the other took South Boulder. Eagle Rays were seen again on this dive, Boulder divers seeing 7 Eagle Rays in a group! This dive sh0wed plenty of schooling tarwhine, bullseyes, and blue Fuselias. We spotted some Moray Eels, and schools of Black Cod.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 15m

Dive Report by Tara

7th June 2020 – Double Solitary

Today, 7th June 2020, we had 2Wild head out to North Solitary Island, and Wild Fin take South Solitary for our Double Dive Trip.
For the first dive at North Solitary, our divers dropped into Anenomie Bay, seeing more than 8 Grey Nurse’s hanging about. The feature of anenomie bay is anenomies in huge quantities, so naturally many clownfish were seen on this dive! There were plenty of wobbegongs, nudibranches, and a moray eel hanging about among other fishlife. 5 Eagle Rays were spotted just before ending the dive, and a cruisy little turtle! At South Solitary, the divers took Manta Arch with about 15-2o Grey Nurses spotted upon descent. There were Moray Eels, Silver Trevalley, and some turtles!
On our second North Sol dive, we headed to Fish Soup, which was clouded by schools of fish. There were Old Wives, Pipefish, and heaps of Threespot dascyllus hanging around with the clownfish. There were heaps of Nudibranches on this dive, too. For South Solitary’s second dive they took Shark Gutters, spotting some Blue Fusiliers, Nudibranches, and some Tarwhine, and some Wobbegongs along with at least half a dozen Grey Nurses!
Both Boats saw whales on their trips out and back to the islands,  and today was our first day of Whale Watching!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature:
  • Visibility:

Dive Report by Tara

Anemone Bay 7.06.20
Anemone Bay 7.06.20

Grey Nurses at Shark Gutters (L Devery June 2020)
Grey Nurses at Shark Gutters (L Devery June 2020)

13th June 2020 – Clear Water and 25-30 Grey Nurse Sharks

Today, 13th of June 2020 we took both full boat to South Solitary for our double dive!
On the first dive some divers dropped into Cleaner Station while others took Manta Arch. At Manta Arch our divers spotted 20+ Grey Nurse Sharks, including one playful Nurse spinning and shaking its head in the water, which Lindsay captured footage of and is our Dive Report video on our facebook and instagram! There were octopus, Black Cod, and 6 Spotted Eagle Rays were “spotted”.
Dive two had plenty of action on boulder wall with more Eagle Rays, Black Cod, a couple Mantis Shrimp, Turtles and Octopus
Congratulations to Lachlan and Grant for completing their Advanced Open Water Diver Course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Lindsay

16th June 2020- Midweek Dive with Sharks Galore!

Sharks, Sharks and more Sharks at Manta Arch today, with a small group of divers being blown away by the amount in the gutters around the mooring. Estimated at least 50 in the area, everywhere they looked was sharks.
Another group  had a great dive at Cleaner Station with more Sharks and big Black Cod, and a few Eagle Rays, amoungst the myriads of fish.
Dive 2 was a drift from Cleaner Station to the Gantry. This dive was filled with Eagle Rays, they just seamed to appear from everywhere. Turtles were about and the Whale songs were very loud.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 25m-30m

Dive Report by Tara

Several Grey Nurse Sharks in frame, with the ocean floor and blue water behind.
Grey Nurse Sharks

Several Grey Nurse Sharks in frame, with the ocean floor and blue water behind.
Grey Nurse Sharks

16th June 2020- Midweek Dive with Sharks Galore!

Sharks, Sharks and more Sharks at Manta Arch today, with a small group of divers being blown away by the amount in the gutters around the mooring. Estimated at least 50 in the area, everywhere they looked was sharks.
Another group  had a great dive at Cleaner Station with more Sharks and big Black Cod, and a few Eagle Rays, amoungst the myriads of fish.
Dive 2 was a drift from Cleaner Station to the Gantry. This dive was filled with Eagle Rays, they just seamed to appear from everywhere. Turtles were about and the Whale songs were very loud.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 22°C
  • Visibility: 25m-30m

Dive Report by Tara

17th June 2020 – Still great vis and Sharks today!

Today on 17th June 2020, we took out 2 Wild to South Solitary Island for a small group before the forecast Southerly hit. As we suspected, we didn’t get the strong winds and all had a great time. Dont Trust A Weather Forecast!
For our first dive, we dropped down into Manta Arch, right into the midst of about 20 – 30 Grey Nurse Sharks. There was an Emperor Angelfish, and a turtle!
On the second dive, our dive site was Cleaner Station – and we saw sharks here down deep, too! There were some lovely nudibranches, schooling fish, some lionfish and 2 spotted Eagle Rays.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Visibility: 20m

Dive Report by Tara

nudibranch orange (K Seinor June 2020)
nudibranch orange (K Seinor June 2020)

Mantis Shrimp on rocks at South Solitary Island 25 July 2015 by Jetty Dive
Mantis Shrimp at South Solitary Island 25 July 2015 by Jetty Dive

19th June 2020 – Welcoming Blue Water

2 Wild ventured out to South Solitary Island this morning with some very keen customers!!
With everyone keeping there Covid 1.5m apart, we geared up and descended down Shark Gutters onto 6-8 Grey Nurse Sharks, Eagle Rays and Wobbegongs.
After some warm drinks at the surface interval dive two was decided to drift from Cleaner Station around to South Boulder/The Gantry. This dive never disappoints as we had a few Turtles, 5 Eagle Rays, Bullrays, Octopus and a Cute little Mantis Shrimp just past South Boulder.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 20°C-21°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by

20th June 2020 – Sharks Galore!

Today, on June 20th 2020, we took both boats out for a lovely Saturday South Solitary Island Dive.
On the first Dive, 2 Wild dived Manta Arch whilst Wild Fin dived at Cleaner Station. On the second dive 2 Wild drifted from Shark Gutters, and Wild Fin from Cleaner Station, both making their way to South Boulder.
At Manta Arch, 40+ Grey Nurse Sharks were spotted, along with some Eagle Rays, Black Cod (As pictured in our Dive Report Picture) and Lionfish!
On the dive from Cleaner Station to South Boulder  we spotted some Nudis, a pipefish, more Eagle Rays, Porcupine fish, and a Mantis Shrimp along with 25+ Grey Nurses.
Overall an amazing day with beautiful water – and Sharks Galore!
Congratulations to Kellie and Elena for completing their PADI Openwater Diver Course!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: A chilly 21°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Tara

Black Cod in blue water
Black Cod (L Devery June 2020)

Grey Nurse Shark in bright blue water
Grey Nurse Shark (K Mercer June 2020)

21st June 2020 – Split & South for Sunday!

Today on 21st of June we took out both boats for a double dive!
For the first dive, 2 Wild headed out to South Solitary taking Manta Arch, with the second dive being from Shark Gutters to the Gantry. Shortly after Wild Fin headed out to Buchanans Wall, heading in to Split Solitary for their second dive.
At Manta Arch, our divers yet again spotted heaps of Grey Nurse Sharks (Image of one of them by our Dive Master Kate) – more than 30, along with a Bull Ray! On their second dive from Shark Gutters to the Gantry there were at least 15 sharks spotted there, and a huge Eagle Ray. At Buchanans we spotted at least 3 turtles, some Black Cod, a Blue Grouper, and plenty of Wobbeygongs.
It was a gorgeous day to dive Split Solitary too – we spotted a Port Jackson Shark, an octopus, and some Banded Coral Shrimp. We also saw an Eagle Ray!
Plus – on the trip home we saw twin breaching whales!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m, 15m-20m at Split

Dive Report by Tara

24th June 2020 – Manta Arch Magic again!

Today on the 24th of June 2020, we took out 2 Wild with a few divers to South Solitary Island.
Our first dive was on Manta Arch, here we spotted easily 50 Grey Nurse Sharks. We also saw a squadrant of Bat Rays on this dive.
For our second dive we headed to Cleaner Station. Here we spotted more Grey Nurses, this time a little bit frisky after what appears to be stirred up by some spearfishing in the area. The Black Cod just seemed to hang around, there were some turtles and a spanish dancer with eggs.
It was a beautiful day for a dive, and two great dives!

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 21°C
  • Visibility: 20m-25m

Dive Report by Tara

Grey Nurse Shark (June 2020)
Grey Nurse Shark (June 2020)

Grey Nurse Sharks at Manta Arch
Grey Nurse Sharks at Manta Arch

30th June 2020 – Shark Teeth Tuesday

We had great conditions today for two dives at South Solitary Island!
Dive one was at Manta Arch, we got amongst 20-30 Grey Nurse Sharks, Turtles and a huge school of Cow Nose Rays above the Arch.
The warm drinks at the surface interval we very welcomed and after an hour on top we jumped back in at Shark Gutters, we had 10 more Grey Nurse Sharks, Kingfish, a Blue Angel Fish, Nudibranchs, Bullrays and a large Eagle Ray gliding in the current.
Photo taken today by Lindsay at Manta Arch
Visibility 15-20m
Temp 19-20C

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature: 19°C-20°C
  • Visibility: 15m-20m

Dive Report by Tara

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations