Welcome to the October 2022 Jetty Dive Debrief! This is our newest addition to the blog – the “debrief”. Here we are going to let you know how the water has been, what the season showed us, any interesting or noteworthy details, and what we’ve achieved as a shop!

October was not kind to us with weather. This has been a tough year of bad conditions and with only 6 days of diving for the whole month.

Instructor Lindsay headed off mid-month with his family to visit his home land in New Zealand, and will be back mid November! Hope you’re having a great trip Lindsay! Mike and Deb have been organizing themselves for their trip to the Maldives, and we said goodbye to Maryanne as she headed north – all the best, maryanne! As for myself, I’ve been working on the website as always! Christmas is coming up so we’ve got to get our gear packages all sorted… No rest for the wicked!

Seasonal Marine Life Activity:

The usual characters were present throughout october, plenty of Green Sea Turtles and Grey Nurse Sharks around! On the 11th of October we saw a adult Semicircle Angelfish which is a rarer find!

October marks the end of Whale Watching Season. This year we finished up mid-month – moreso due to bad weather than not many whales. See you next year, humpbacks!

This is the start of our Hammerhead Season! We haven’t seen any yet, but are keeping our eyes peeled and always looking up while diving to spot these beauties!


PADI Open Water Divers

Congratulations to our newly certified PADI Open Water Divers: Mariet, Annette, Rebecca, Kea, Kyra, and Elvie

– Good work, divers!

PADI Advanced Open Water Divers

Congratulations to our newly certified PADI Advanced Open Water Divers:

Jazmin and Jessica.

– Congratulations!



On both the 4th and 11th of october visibility was 5m-10m. This increased to 20m on the 16th, but dropped back to 5m-8m on the 28th, staying this way for the rest of the month.


The temperature was 18°C and 19°C at the start of the month, but from the 16th onwards it was 20°C! Warmer water is coming!

Sustainability and the environment

This section we are dedicating to showing what steps we are taking to reduce our environmental impact. It might include incentives we have implemented or tried through the month, or programs we have participated in. We intend to expand upon our conservation efforts page with everything we have implemented in store – as we are doing much more than this page shows!

Single-Use coffee cups collected in October from Jetty Dive Customers.
Single-Use coffee cups collected in October from Jetty Dive Customers.

Tara’s Coffee Cup Conundrum

In our local Coffs Harbour council area, disposible coffee cups cannot be recycled. There is a plastic layer on the inside of the cups to keep them watertight, and seperating this from the cardboard is a complex procedure that only specalised facilites can carry out. This means that all single-use coffee cups get thrown into waste and sent to landfill.

The obvious solution is that everybody uses re-usable cups, but unfortunately this isn’t something I can make everybody do! I can peer pressure our staff into making the choice that’s better for the environment, but that’s about it!

So this has plagued me for a while – I want a way to be able to send away the cups that are used by customers and team to be recycled, but finding the best way to do this has proved a challenge.

If you have any solutions or suggestions please email me at [email protected] and let me know!

And maybe take this as a gentle reminder that cafes are all accepting reusable cups again, so remember to take yours with you!

Photo of the Month

Grey Nurse Shark (S Andrews Nov 2022)
Grey Nurse Shark (S Andrews Nov 2022)

The Month Ahead!

November means Maldives for Mike and Deb and a lucky crew of divers! These lucky buggers are getting to stay upon a liveaboard with the chance to see some mantas! Keep your fingers crossed for amazing Manta interactions!

The rest of the crew back at the shop will be looking forward to warmer weather coming our way, and warmer water to follow shortly after! The weather for the start of November looks good (touch wood) so book in for a dive and lets get some more dives in!


We are starting a monthly newsletter with updates similar to this blog post. Some of our favorite customer pictures, new product releases or favorite products. If you want to hear from us (we wont spam you, I promise!) sign up here, and click “Newsletter”.

If you have anything you would like to hear about in this debrief, or in our newsletter, or even any suggestions for another name for this debrief, please contact us and let us know!

Thanks for reading the October 2022 Jetty Dive Debrief! We appreciate you 🙂

About the Author

Tara is Jetty Dive’s Office Manager and IT Lady, Social Media Queen, Crazy-Fish-Lady, and as she likes to say – “Self-Appointed CEO”. You’ll find her sitting at her desk surrounded in pink, but happiest either on or under the water.

Tara on Mega Wild, with a grin on her face

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations