Take a look at our whale swimming reports from 2018! We’ve detailed our encounters in the Solitary Islands Marine Park in Coffs Harbour in 2018.

Whale Swimming Reports August 2018 – Table of Contents:

Whale Swim 8.8.18
Humpback Whale Swim 8.8.18

8th August 2018-Amazing Whale Swim Encounter

After 4 hours out on a Whale Swim trip, we came across two whales that would not leave us! After their initial tentative contact with us, they swam back and forth around and under us for at least another 15 times. All the group were amazed at their graceful approaches. This Whale Swim was certainly an encounter that will be a highlight in their life.
Whale Swim Trips will crank up for the next two months being the peak opportunity to see them. Afternoon trips are planned on weekends and Morning trips are on weekdays. Weather (wind, not rain) and sea conditions play a big part in this adventure. Bookings are building up so if you are keen, plan your time and book in!

Whale Swimming Report by Mike

18th August 2018- Amazing Whale Swim trip

After lunch along with “Wildfin” doing all day whale watching, “2 Wild”  took swimmers straight to a pod of Whales that wanted to see them!
A very special moment for all the swimmers in the water as these majestic giants came over to see them. Pic by Swim Leader Kate

Whale Swimming Report by Mike

Humpback Whale Swim - Whales underwater (K Mercer Aug 2018)
Humpback Whale Swim – Whales underwater (K Mercer Aug 2018)

Whale Swim at Coffs Harbour
Whale Swim at Coffs Harbour

24th August- Whale Swim with Whalewatch action too.

A lovely morning out with “2 Wild” on our Whale Swim trip. Seas were calm and the whales were about. Not long after we left the harbour we had two whales turn and head straight to our boat. After pulling away from them our snorkelers entered the water and over they came!
With the visibility down a bit on the inshore area, we had some of our group missed the whales as they swam past us, hoping they would return but unfortunately not. After the last two trips where the Whales returned again and again, we were surprised when we didn’t see them again. After that we has some amazing breaches and tail slaps but no further in-water sightings. The Whales did surface only 20 mtrs from the divers, but did not venture closer. Everyone had an amazing time with what they saw!

Whale Swimming Report by Mike

25th August 2018 – Whales and more Whales

This afternoon had Whales galore with another swim with these giants! Visibility was poor with one swim, but they came real close and the swimmers saw them, however the second swim was better as the whales swam real close again in clearer water. Performance over when they left? no, not at all! They then breached for 15 minutes!  Whale swims will run till end September, book early!

Whale Swimming Report by Mike

Humpback Whale Swim at Coffs Harbour 25.08.18
Humpback Whale Swim at Coffs Harbour 25.08.18

Humpback Whale swim Whale underwater 26.09.18
Humpback Whale swim 26.09.18

26th September 2018-One of our best Whale Swims

We braved a bit of rain and a light sea breeze this afternoon to have one of our best encounters with Swimming with Humpback Whales this season. With a long trip out wide we noticed a number of different pods in the area we were in. After following a couple of pods and an unsuccessful attempt we came across a group of large adults cruising slowly, after they showed some interest, we dropped our swimmers in and they certainly came over to us, time and time again, for about an Hour!!
All of the swimmers were, to say the least, overwhelmed with the experience of having these huge adult Humpback Whales, almost within reach. Everyone could not wipe the smiles from their faces as they came onboard.
Here is a couple of stills from a Go Pro, and whilst a bit unclear, the real thing was amazing.

Conditions Report:
  • Temperature:
  • Visibility:

Dive Report by Mike

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations