17th December 2024- Manta Ray in The Gap

17th December 2024- Manta Ray in The Gap

Christmas came early today at South Solitary Island! We had a big boat full of keen divers who loaded up Mega Wild this morning and shot out to the island for some great time in the water. With a bit of current running downhill, we wanted to save the top end of the island for our…

15th November 2024- Freediving courses are back on

15th November 2024- Freediving courses are back on

With perfect conditions off the coast, MegaWild packed up both Scuba and Freediving equipment to shoot out to South Solitary for a splash around in the water! Between a Search and Recovery Course, an Open Water Diving Course, a Freediving Course, along with certified dive leads- we had a bit on! And everyone had a great…

16th December 2024-Turtle Time

16th December 2024-Turtle Time

We had a mix of dirty and not so dirty visbility today, however, that didn't stop the divers seeing a massive amount of fish-life. Dive 1 was in a bit of current at Shark Gutters with Grey Nurse sharks cruising around the shallow gutters. We were in search of the tail roped shark to help SeaWorld…

14th December 2024- Turtles Sharks and rays

14th December 2024- Turtles Sharks and rays

MegaWild shot out to South Solitary this morning for a double dive, taking full advantage of the low forecasted swell and wind. We steamed out with a boat full of keen divers with nearly glass out conditions and had plenty of options to chose for a dive site! First up, divers descended at Manta Arch for…

9th December-Manta arch in the gloom

9th December-Manta arch in the gloom

We would love to have great visibility every day, but sadly, we have days when the vis is down. Today was one of those! Manta Arch was our choice on the first Dive and a milky 3-5 metres was the best vis we could get in the Area. While our PADI Advanced students went deep for…

8th December 2024- Fun in the Sun(day)

8th December 2024- Fun in the Sun(day)

Finishing the weekend off strong, Mega Wild steamed out for another double dive at South Solitary Island this morning. With a slight wind coming from the North, everyone opted to jump in the water at the Southern End of the island to have optimal conditions! The surface was flat with minimal current, however the visibility has…

6th December 2024-Friday Dive at Manta Arch

6th December 2024-Friday Dive at Manta Arch

Conditions on the surface were nice enough today to get to Manta Arch for our first Dive at South Solitary Island. Underwater was not a lot better than yesterday with visibility down to a low 5-10 mtrs. As the divers went deeper, the clarity did improve to close to 10 metres but sill a bit green.…

5th December 2024- Mid week break !

5th December 2024- Mid week break !

Mega Wild loaded up with a boat full of keen divers and shot out to South Solitary Island. After a big Northerly blow this past week, everyone was very keen to get in the water with the lull in the weather! Dive one saw all certified divers jump in at Shark Gutters for a kick down…

29th November 2024- Sharkvember!!!

29th November 2024- Sharkvember!!!

MegaWild loaded up this morning with a lull in the Northerly Wind and shot out to South Solitary Island for a double dive Dive one saw everyone drop in at Mata Arch as the conditons permitted. Upon dropping in, The Arch was filled with 15+ Grey Nurse Sharks. There was also a nice number of overflow…

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations