Find below an extensive list of the courses we offer at Jetty Dive Centre, Coffs Harbour. Click on the name of each of these courses and it will take you to the page for the specific course. Please note that there are prerequisites and conditions for all courses we offer.

Learn to Dive

Discover Scuba Experience – Give scuba a shot with our 1 day experience.

PADI Scuba Diver – 2 Day Course – A certificate PADI course! Dive anywhere in the world, but must be with supervision.

PADI Open Water Scuba Diver – 3/4 Day Course – A full certificate PADI course! Dive anywhere in the world, without Supervision!

Continued Education Dive Courses

Refresher Course – 1/2 day pool session, 1/2 day double dive – Refresh your scuba skills, and then come diving!

Advanced Open Water Course – 3 Day Course – Take the next step and learn some advanced diving skills.

Rescue Course – 2 Day Course – Become a safer diver. It might save your – or somebody else’s – life.

DiveMaster – Internship – Go Pro! Learn to lead divers. The first step in professional diving courses.

Open Water Instructor – 8 days + – Become a professional with this intensive and extensive Instructor Course

Pro Instructor Coxswain Course – Part Time study –  Develop your skills for  a career in SCUBA Diving!

PADI Specialty Courses

Master Scuba Diver Rating – The highest recreational Scuba Diving rating

Deep Diver Course – 2 Days – Takes you to a 40m depth rating.

Enriched Air Nitrox – Less than one day – One of our most popular specialty courses! Diving with Nitrox means more time underwater, and safely increase your no stop time.

Digital Underwater Photography -1 day – Learn to capture the underwater world… in your camera.

Shark Diver & Shark Awareness – 1-2 days – Learn the correct techniques of Shark Diving, as well as aspects about their behavior and habitat.

Peak Performance Buoyancy – 1 day –  Excellent buoyancy control is what defines skilled scuba divers, transform your diving performance.

Underwater Naturalist – Learn about the different major aquatic life groupings and how they interact – see the aquatic world differently!

Night Diver – 2 days – experience the thrill, adventure, and excitement of night diving.

Underwater Videographer – 2 days – The PADI Underwater Videographer Specialty course introduces you to underwater video equipment and videography fundamentals, such as positioning, shot types, moves, story line and shot sequencing.

Wreck Diver – Learn the skills you need to take up the challenge of exploring wrecks on one of our trips away.

Project AWARE Fish ID – To introduce divers you the most common families and species of fish found in temperate and tropical waters.

Equipment Specialist – Familiarize yourself with the operation and maintenance of your dive equipment.

Sidemount Diver –  Experience the adventure, thrill and excitement of twin tanks diving without the pain of heavy tanks on your back.

Self-Reliant Diver – Lets you identify and and develop self-reliance and independence while diving.

Occupational Courses

First Aid Course – 1/2 day – HLTAID003 –  PADI RTO Provide First Aid Course – Develop first aid skills that could save a life.

Oxygen Provider – Around 3 hours – Teaches you how to provide Oxygen in an Emergency Situation

Scientific Diver – 10 Days Minimum – W0rk in Marine Sciences? This is your occupational diver rating.

Snorkel Instructor – Work in Marine Education? This is your occupational Snorkel Instructor Rating.

FreeDiver Course

PADI Freediver Course –  If you’ve always wanted to enter the underwater world quietly, on your own terms, staying as long as your breath allows, then the PADI Freediver Course is for you.

Where to find us.


Jetty Dive Centre Dive Shop is at 398 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. This is where you begin your experiences with us! All Scuba Dives and Snorkelling must check-in before moving to departure point.


All our boats leave from the Public floating pontoon wharf opposite the “Attitude Burgers “ building.

Jetty dive google maps with markers for priority locations