Category: Local Dive Report
By: Tara Davey
2nd January 2025 – Clear Water and Grey Nurse Galore
The first dive of 2025 started with a cracker!!Dive one was at Buchanans Wall, this dive was beautiful as we could clearly see the Wall from the surface. We had a few large Turtles, Eastern Blue Groupers, Lionfish, Moray Eels and some amazing Nudibranchs.Dive two had half the boat do Manta Arch to The Ganrty and…
By: Teagan Anderson
31st January 2024- Last Dive of the year!
We had one last big day of the year and celebrated by sending out both SoWild and MegaWild to South Solitary Island for a double dive! With a mixed boat of both snorkelers and divers, it's safe to say everyone enjoyed their time in blue and warm water! Dive one saw divers jump in at Manta…
By: Teagan Anderson
30th December 2024- Macro Monday Madness
Calm seas and blue water made for a perfect day out at the Solitary Island Marine Prark! Mega Wild shot out to South West Solitary Island for a double dive, and So Wild got out to South Solitary for the first dive and headed over to South West Solitary for the second dive. Manta Arch was…
By: Debbie Davey
29th December 2024- Leopards, Eagle Rays, and Barney!
Mega wild packed up a boat full of divers and snorkelers for a morning at South Solitary Island and So Wild kitted up all of the experienced divers and ventured North for a double dive at South Solitary Island! South Solitary had a bit of surface chop on the Southern End of the island, so Cleaner…
By: Mike Davey
28th December 2024- Leopard Sharks at North Solitary
Happy Saturday from the team at Jetty Dive. We had a busy day today, running both of our boats. So Wild ventured up to North Solitary Island today whilst Mega Wild kept it a bit more local and shot out to the Lighthouse at South Solitary Island. North Solitary Island showed two great dives at Anenome…
By: Teagan Anderson
27th December 2024- Split and South Solitary Dive
Despite the strong northerly wind and a bit of swell rolling in, both So Wild and Mega Wild pushed for a double dive and we ended up having a great time! Mega Wild shot out to Split Solitary Island and got in for both dives at Turtle Cave. So Wild made its way out to South…
By: Teagan Anderson
26th December 2024- Boxing day Manta Ray
Merry (belated) Christmas to everyone from the staff at Jetty Dive! We are very thankful to have such an amazing community of divers and we wish to extend our gratitude to everyone for another wonderful year! With that being said, what better way to enjoy Boxing Day than to get out for a double dive at…
By: Teagan Anderson
22nd December 2024- 25+ VIz and 25 Degree Water
With fantastic conditions reported from yesterdays dive, we continued on with summer holiday diving and headed out to South Solitary. With a northerly wind blowing we jumped in on the Southern End of the The Light for better-ish protection. Dive one was at Buchanans Wall. We had about 25 metres of blue visiblity and no current.…
By: Lindsay Devery
21st December 2024 – Blue Water Rolls in to South Solitary Island
With conditions easing Megawild slipped out to South Solitary Island for today's diving. Once at the island we realised that the swell was still up to 2m but this did not dampen the excitement that the visibility was pushing to 20m!!Dive one was a drift from Shark Gutters down to South Boulder, we had schools Fusiliers,…